Jan 202016

Site Council Meeting Minutes

Date: January 19th 2016

Time: 3:30pm-4:30pm

Where: BHS Library Classroom


In attendance/Introductions:

Dale Bajema (Site Council Chair), Paul Anthony (School Board Member), Brett Anderson (Benson Instructor), Cynthia Aguilar (BHS Student), Yessica Martinez Mulet (BHS Student), Simon Criswell (BHS Student), Candice Vickers (District Employee), Barry Phillips (Vice Principal), Curtis Wilson Jr. (Principal), Carol Criswell (Parent), Heather Taylor (Alumni) and Jeandre Carbone (Vice Principal)


School Climate Team:

Mr. Philips spent time talking about the School Climate team and how it will be used here at Benson Tech.  There will be a link to a school survey for family, staff and students that will need to be filled out.  Mr. Phillips asked for clarity from the Site Council team regarding the survey before it goes public to the students, staff and parents of the Benson community.  The Site Council team spent some time going over and revamping the survey.


2016-17 and 2017-18 Student Enrollment and Implications for Curriculum

Mr. Wilson spoke on this issue and talked about the number of students that will be coming to Benson during the 2016-17 and 2017-18 school year.  Mr. Wilson indicated that a proposal was presented to the school board by Mr. Wilson and district officials outlining the proposed student populations for the 2016-17 and 2017-18 school years.  Mr. Wilson discussed having 300 students in the freshman class for the upcoming 2016-17 school year and having that number increase to 365 freshman students for the 2017-18 school year.  Based on the capacity of the building and the funding available these were the numbers that the district and Mr. Wilson felt reasonable that could be maintained here at Benson over the next two years.


Benson Master Planning:

Mr. Wilson discussed the Master Planning process and the fact that the first initial Master Planning meeting with district officials and Benson staff will probably take place on Wednesday January 28th here at Benson Tech from 6pm-8pm in the band room.  Master Planning begins the process of looking at the vision of Benson Teach and how the district and Benson supporters view how this remodel of Benson will begin to look like in the near future.



Benson August Community Picnic

There was a discussion about choosing the date for the annual Benson Community Picnic.  Principal Wilson, Dale Bajema and Rob Johns will meet on a separate date later in the week in order to look at viable dates for the Community picnic.  Dale also discussed having an all class reunion separate from the August Community Picnic.  This all class picnic could happen sometime around the Grand Floral towards the end of the school year. This information will be brought back to the Site Council team at next month’s meeting.


Update on Centennial Planning

This information will come from Tammy Hite who was not in attendance at this meeting.


Action Plan

Dale would like for the Site Council Team to take a look at the Action Plan document for the month of February and March and see if there is anything that we may need to discuss at next month’s Site Council meeting.


What is the role of Site Council?

Mr. Wilson gave a definition of the role of Site Council and its purpose here at Benson Tech.  This is to give clarity to individuals who may be thinking about joining the Site Council team in the near future.

What is the role of the Benson Site Council Team?  The school site council plays an important role in decision-making at Benson Polytechnic.  The school site council is a group of teachers, parents, classified employees, alumni, and students that work with the principal and his/her administration to develop, review and evaluate school improvement programs, safety protocols, parent engagement opportunities and overall goals of the school for the current school year and beyond.  The school site council also looks at how to best serve the whole school and how to best move policy and guidelines along that affect the school holistically in collaboration with the school principal.

Benson’s Site Council team meets the third Tuesday of every month and will be meeting from 3:30pm-5:00pm

The Next Benson Site Council Meeting will be Tuesday February 16th from 3:30pm-5:00pm in the Benson Library Classroom.

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