Benson’s High School Rating: Level 4 (Above Average)
The Oregon Department of Education released its 2013 School Ratings Report Card earlier this month and Benson Polytechnic High School did favorably well. The rating is based on a five-tiered rating system that is largely based on how much progress students make from year to year on math and reading state tests. High schools are also graded on graduation rates. The system puts more weight towards progress for historically underserved subgroups, such as low income students and certain ethnic minority groups. Level 5 represents the top 10 percent of Oregon, while a Level 1 represents the bottom five percent of schools in Oregon.
High schools are also measured on academic achievement, academic growth, growth in student subgroups (such as by race or English language proficiency) and graduation rates. Elementary and middle schools are measured on the first three indicators. Schools receive an overall rating of Level 1 through 5 based on how well they are doing in each of these areas. Schools also receive a rating that compares them to “like” schools – other schools with similar student demographics including percent poverty, mobility, students of color, and English learners. Schools are rated as below average, about average, or above average as compared to similar schools. As stated Benson received a rating of a Level 4 and the “Above Average” tag in comparison to “like” schools. This rating is based on the hard work that the teachers, administrators and staff at Benson put forth in preparing our students for the real world experience after high school.
Benson High School Site Council Minutes
September 24, 2013
In Attendance:
Administrators Curtis Wilson
Jeandre Carbone
Barry Phillips
Teachers Brett Anderson
Matt Pellico
Community Member Dale Bajema
Parents Chrissy Schutzer
Puanani Lalakea
Lisa Wilcke
Elections were held. Dale Bajema will return as Chair and Puanani Lalakea will serve as co-chair. Lisa Wilcke will serve as recorder.
As none of us is in possession of a copy of the by-laws by the next meeting if none are located, we will adapt those issued by the state and adopt them as our own. Jeandre will contact Carol Campbell to see if she has a copy of the by-laws. Once found/adapted they will be posted on the school website.
Best method for dissemination of the information gathered by Chrissy from the volunteer forms was discussed and shared. The form will be moved online, possibly as part of the PTA website, so it is easier to access.
Community Development
Alumni are giving industry leaders tours of Benson which is increasing interest in the school and its programs and may be resulting in increased pressure on the PPS School Board to lift the enrollment cap.
5-Year Plan
Dale reviewed the development of the 5-year plan. The plan was mentioned to the school board on 4/1/13 by Carol Campbell. It was noted that while the board seemed surprised by its development, they also seem receptive.
Copies of the draft copy will be handed out in the following manner:
Brett & Matt will pass them out to staff at next Monday’s Staff Meeting and elicit comments and responses.
Dale will present the draft at the next Alumni Board meeting for comments and responses.
Dale sent the draft to Tripp Goodall in July and he mentioned it to Curtis after his selection as principal.
The draft will be given to Rachel Draper to share with the student council for comments and responses.
Lisa Wilcke passed copies out at the PTA board meeting inviting comments and responses.
We will review and incorporate the comments and responses to the document at the next meeting. If we are overwhelmed by comments, Dale and a small group may meet before the next Site Council meeting to pre-screen.
School Improvement Plan
This document is due this year and the direction will be dictated by the plan for the first year in the 5-year plan.
Site Council Membership
We need additional members, recruiting will be done by the following people:
Matt & Brett will talk to teachers
Barry will try to get Tiffany, the SB Pres. to join. Perhaps this should be a required duty of the position.
Jeandre will talk to Brian Stauffer for the classified staff position
Dale will reach out to the Kerns Neighborhood Association
PIL Reconfiguration
Curtis will send an e-mail, forwarded from Chrissy, to all parents tonight and classroom teachers for inclusion in the morning announcements reminding them of the meeting tomorrow night at Grant to discuss the reconfiguration of athletics in the PIL.
Booster Club
A discussion was held about the development of a booster club. Curtis will send an email out asking for anyone who is interested and then will assess how best to move forward.
New Business
A request was made by Lisa to designate the two schedule days as odd/even instead of a/b or orange/blue to make it easier for the teenage brain to know which class they have each day.
Chrissy brought up forecasting as a time to engage parents, by letting them know what they can do to increase what their child gets out of the major to which they are assigned, build community and raise money.
The meeting ended at 5:30
The next meeting is October 15th at 4:00.
Benson High School Site Council Minutes
October 15, 2013
In Attendance:
Administrators Curtis Wilson
Jeandre Carbone
Barry Phillips
Teachers Brett Anderson
Matt Pellico
Community Member Dale Bajema
Parents Neeley Wells
Puanani Lalakea
Lisa Wilcke
Bill Herzberg
The minutes from the 9/24/2013 meeting have been sent to Curtis for posting on the website.
Barry sent out the by-law guidelines issued by the state, but several members didn’t receive them, so they will be resent and discussed next.
There is some confusion around the cap and if it limits the number of freshmen each year at 250, or is there a total cap as well of 850. From there the discussion moved to current enrollment, Jeandre shared the numbers as of 10/15/2013 showing current population of 831, with only 240 of the 250 slots filled in the freshman class. It doesn’t look as though anymore will be added. We need to be much more careful in the next years to capture all 250 allotted students, if we are to lobby for more slots. Should the number we ask for be a set number or a percentage of the total number of PPS eight graders? What percentage was the 250 form this year’s freshman class. Curtis will find out the total number of freshman for this year.
It is time to start recruitment for next year. Freshman parent Neely Wells shared her experience with the November open house last year and spoke to how it influenced her daughter’s choice. The site council supports an open house in November during the time the other high schools have theirs for this year, in addition to the school choice information night in early winter where the students can have their questions answered, fill out the Transfer and Option form online and work on their paragraph. Shadow days were also discussed and it was shared how important it is that they occur after the counselors do their 8th visits, but before the Tech Show, so they can bring their parents to Tech Show. The Tech Show is scheduled for Feb 13th & 14th of 2014. The enrollment transfer window seems to be shorter this year squishing closer together the recruitment activities. The tentative deadline for the transfers is currently Feb 14th, Curtis will request that the time be bumped a week, to the 21st or at the least to midnight on the 17th. There is no school on the 17th so we suspect nothing will be done with the applications between when they are tentatively due and that time anyway. Do we need parent volunteers for any of these activities?
PIL Sports
Kevin Jeans Gail is spearheading a Benson Parent’s Athletics Group formulating an action plan regarding the current proposal to allow a sport only if a school can field all three levels. Curtis shared that PPS found some extra money and will be using part of it to pay for trainers and freshman level coaches.
Benson Sports
Rachel Draper the AD provided us with the list of sports played at Benson during 2012-13 and the number of levels offered was shared:
Fall Football 2 levels
Cross Country
Boys’ Soccer 2 levels
Girls’ Soccer 2 levels
Winter Boys’ Basketball 3 levels
Girls’ Basketball 2 levels
Wrestling 1 level plus a few JV
Spring Softball 1 level
Baseball 2 levels
Boy’s Tennis 2 levels
Girl’s Tennis 2 levels
Projected to be added this year are an additional level to Girls’ basketball and softball. The new basketball coaches currently run basketball programs presenting a potential for a basketball feeder program.
5-Year Plan
A subcommittee will meet next TUESDAY at 5:00 in the library classroom to review the 5YP suggestions and incorporated them into the document. The Draft including the suggestions will be sent electronically to the Site Council so that it can be officially adopted.
Jeandre shared that money was found to provide math tutors for juniors, not currently enrolled in math, who have not passed the math test needed for graduation. Additionally, TAG money may be used to provide tutoring for students struggling in AP classes. Other site council members expressed hope that other math tutoring, as well as English tutoring can become available.
The meeting ended at 5:30
The next meeting is November 19th at 4:00.
PPS must annually report contact information to military recruiters for all 11th and 12th graders unless either the parent or student informs us that they wish to “opt out”. Opt outs are submitted on the Student Registration Form or a Student Opt-out Form.
Military Recruitment Contact Lists
PPS will be producing the military recruitment contact lists as required by the No Child Left Behind Act on November 1st for all 11th and 12th grade students unless indicated in Synergy as “Yes” to the field “Exclude from Military Recruitment” on the Student screen.
Student Opt Out Forms
Students, as well as parents, are given the opportunity to opt-out. “The No Child Left Behind Act requires school districts to provide the name and address of all junior and senior students to military recruiters, unless the parent or student informs the school district that they do not want that information provided to the military recruiters. Students can make their own decision that they do not want their name and address provided to military recruiters. If you are a junior or senior and do not want your name and address released to the military, please inform the school office no later than Tuesday, October 29.”
All students can get breakfast free of charge. Breakfast will be served from 7:45-8:15. Please encourage your students to arrive to school on time in order to receive breakfast.
One of the main reasons students struggle in school is poor attendance. Please help ensure students attend every day and arrive to school on time. We have an automated phone system that calls parents when a student has missed a class. You may also receive a call from teachers and/or administrators when a student is not attending regularly.
National College Fair
Friday November 1st from 9am-12:00pm and Saturday November 2nd from 1:00pm-5:00pm at the Oregon Convention Center (777 NE MLK BLVD) Admission is FREE and Parking is $10.00
A message from Amy Barras (HealthCorps)
-The freshmen class is gearing up for our annual Health Fair. The fair is scheduled for December 19th. Mark your calendar
-Chef’s Club meets every Tuesday from 3:30-5:00pm in room K-2 (next to the cafeteria kitchen). All students are welcome to join!
-Listen to our very own Maya Brown, her mom, and Katie Meyer as they share their experiences about eating healthy, staying active, and feeling better on Health Currents Radio. Follow the link:
-Like us on Facebook! HealthCorps at Benson High School for the latest updates from Ms. Amy.
-Amy’s Fun Fact: As well as having unique fingerprints, humans also have unique tongue prints.
Principal for Almost A Day
I would like to personally thank Pam Knowles (PPS School Board) and Jim Piro (CEO of PGE) for spending the morning with me this past Thursday as my Principal for Almost A Day Shadows. Pam and Jim were able to visit some of the classes here at Benson and talk with some of our teachers in regards to what makes Benson such a special school here in Portland.
A message from Paul Marquez (Benson’s Wrestling Coach)
Pre-season wrestling work-outs begin Monday October 28th in the wrestling room at 3:30.
Principal Wilson
Benson Polytechnic Highh School
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