Nov 172013

A message from Principal Wilson:

8th Grade Info Night

Benson Polytechnic High School is hosting an 8th Grade Parent Information Night on Wednesday, November 20th from 6:00 – 8:00pm in Room 125.  During this time you will learn what Benson has to offer by meeting with the academic teachers and visiting the various CTE shop classes to see what they look like and answer any questions you might have about their program.  We will have a Spanish & Vietnamese interpreter to assist as needed.  I am looking forward to meeting you on November 20th at 6:00pm in Room 125 at Benson High School.


Benson’s Parent Teacher Conferences:  Scheduled for Monday Nov. 25th & Tuesday Nov. 26th

No School Scheduled for Nov. 27th-29th

 Monday November 25th classes will be in session from 8:15am-11:10am (A-Day; Periods 1-3-5-7)

Lunch will go from 11:15am-12:00pm

Teacher Planning 12:00pm-12:45pm

Parent Teacher Conferences will follow and go from 1pm-3pm (afternoon session) & 5pm-8pm (evening session)


Tuesday November 26th classes will be in session from 8:15am-11:10am (B-Day; Periods 2-4-6-8)

Lunch will go from 11:15am-12:00pm

Teacher Planning will go from 12:00pm-12:45pm

Parent Teacher Conferences will follow and go from 1pm-3pm (afternoon session) & 5pm-8pm (evening session)

Conferences will be happening in the New Gym Area.


A message from Chrissy Schutzer (Volunteer Coordinator for the Benson PTSA):

Hello Benson  Community,  PTSA is looking for volunteers to help provide a much deserved meal to the Benson Staff during their long days of Parent Teacher Conferences. If any of you could bring in a dish to share with them on Monday November 25th that would be great. Please let me know by email  [email protected] or phone 503-997-3539 if you can help and what you would like to bring.

Many Thanks, Chrissy Schutzer (Benson Volunteer Coordinator)


Benson’s Site Council Meeting:

Scheduled for Tuesday Nov. 19th from 4pm-5:30pm

Please plan on joining us in the Benson Library Classroom if you would like to be a part of Site Council


Benson’s PTSA Meeting:

Scheduled for Tuesday Nov. 19th from 7pm-9pm

Please plan on joining us in the Benson Library Classroom if you would like to be a part of the PTSA meeting.


A message from Amy Barras:

Chef’s Club meets every Tuesday from 3:30-5:00pm in room K-2 (next to the cafeteria kitchen). ALL students are welcome to join! *Chef’s Club will not meet Tuesday, November 26th.

Our annual health fair is scheduled for December 19th. Please email Amy at [email protected] if you would like to bring your class to the fair.

Teen Chef’s: Are you interested in being on the hit- T.V. show, Chopped? If so, email Ms. Amy at [email protected] or come to Chef’s Club for more information.

BHS Staff- Get ready, a wellness challenge to gear you up before the holiday begins on Monday!

Like us on Facebook! HealthCorps at Benson High School for the latest updates from Ms. Amy.

Amy’s Fun Fact: A person will usually swallow around 250 times during dinner.


A message from Miranda Ryan (College & Career Coordinator)

Coming to Benson:

Duck Express 11/26 @ 9:00  (Must sign up through Naviance)

Benson’s Financial Aid Night 12/3/13 @ 6:30 PM

Upcoming Career Days:

Microsoft Career Day 11/22

Mercy Corps Career Day 12/12


FIRE Scholarship Due 11/25

Cricket Wireless Scholarship Due 11/3

SAT Prep Sessions:

SAT Prep Sessions for Juniors and Seniors are at 3:30pm on 11/22 & 12/6.  (Please sign up through Naviance)


All visits will be held in the Counseling Center.  You must sign up in the Counseling Center for these visits.   

11/19 Lewis & Clark  9:30am

11/26  Duck Express  (Sign up through Naviance) 9:00am

12/04 Western Oregon 9:00am

12/9 Oregon State  9:00am

12/16 Western Oregon (Sign up through Naviance) 9:00am

Instant Admit Days:

11/26 Univ of Oregon (Sign Up through Naviance) 9:00-11:00

12/5 Portland State  9:00am


A message from Vice Principal Jeandre Carbone

Talented and Gifted Identification Process

Portland Public Schools is dedicated to identifying and providing for the unique academic and social emotional needs of Talented and Gifted (TAG) students across the district. Our goal is to provide educational opportunities to students of all racial, ethnic, and socio-economic groups, to provide informational training to educators, and to provide consistent challenge for all students.

According to Oregon Law 581-022-1310, an intellectually gifted or academically talented student is one who performs, or has the potential to perform, at or above the 97th percentile on nationally standardized tests of mental ability or academic achievement.  In addition, multiple criteria are used including social and behavioral data, academic history, classroom achievement, etc.  No single test is to be used as the sole determiner of TAG identification.

Each year, Benson conducts a process in order to identify and assess students for the TAG program.  The first step in the TAG identification process is for parents or teachers to complete an Identification Process Form (IDPF) and submit the form to Vice Principal Jeandré Carbone.  IDPF forms are available in the Vice Principal’s office, or can be sent electronically by e-mailing Jeandré Carbone at [email protected] .  The deadline for submitting the IDPF is Monday, November 22nd, 2013


A message from the Special Education PTA of Portland:

Welcome Parents, Educators & Community Members!

November 2013 General Meeting

Special Guest: Mary Pearson, Director of Special Education

●             Mary Pearson will share current updates regarding special education and listen to our input and respond to questions

●             PTA business from 6-6:15 and special guest from 6:15-7:30

●             Connect with new and old friends and colleagues

●             *Find out how you can get involved and make a difference for kids receiving special education services in Portland Public Schools

●             Dinner and Refreshments provided!

*If you’re interested in learning more about opportunities to get involved please contact [email protected]

Monday, November 18th


Pioneer Program at Holladay Center K-6 site (cafeteria)

2600 SE 71st street

(1 block south of Division before Clinton)

Tri-Met Bus serving 71st and Division #4

Find us on Facebook at Special Education PTA of Portland (SEPTAP)

[email protected]

To receive text messages about our meetings and upcoming events:

Text: @cbc17    To: (720) 325-1628


A message from the Benson Counselors: (Amy Henry & Steve Wren)

Counselors Amy Henry and Steve Wren will be in the senior tech classes this week meeting with your seniors one on one.  We will review transcripts and look at their transition plan. Ask your senior what day they will see us.  They will bring home a copy of their transcript and transition plan from the meeting.  Look at these together.  Very interesting reading! Seniors need all of our help making the major life change coming up in seven months.

A message from Paul Marquez (Benson’s Wrestling Coach):

Wrestling season begins Monday November 18. We have had 20 kids in pre-season work-out that has begun already but it is not too late to join. We are lacking lower weight classes for the team to be complete. We need wrestlers that weigh 106lbs, 115lbs, 120lbs, 126lbs, 130lbs,136,lbs badly. I have heard many kids say “I’m too small to wrestle!” that is the biggest misconception I have ever heard. You wrestle in your own weight division! Have some school pride, earn your letter and make Benson wrestling a force this year.  Go tech!


A message from TechGeo teachers Tim Hryciw & Amy Slaughter:

Tech-geo is one of five state finalist for Samsung’s solve for tomorrow STEM contest. There were 2300 applicants from Oregon. Each state has five finalist. If we can advance through the next two rounds, as state winners then top three in the nation.

We can win up to $145,000 in Samsung technology for Benson. We are just very happy that we make it this far.

One of the requirements of the contest is doing something for your community. We are using the living quarters for Dignity Village.


Rose Festival Alert:

ROSE FESTIVAL ALERT: Junior & Senior Ladies come to the library classroom on Tuesday November 19th, during lunch, for a presentation about the Rose Court.  Representatives will be here to answer all your questions and pass out information.



Here is a message from the School Nurse Cindy Schlatter:

Free Dental Care (first come, first served)

Monday & Tuesday November 25-26 2013 (6am-6pm with doors opening at 4:00am)

Hosted by the Oregon Dental Association

At the Oregon Convention Center (777 NE Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd.

Who can be seen for this service? Anyone (adults and children)

For more information click on ‘Oregon MOM’ at


Another message from Nurse Cindy:     

APPLY NOW to get Health Insurance starting January 1!

Cover Oregon knows many Oregonians have been waiting months, even years, for health insurance. We are encouraging all Oregonians to APPLY NOW if they want coverage to start January 1, 2014.

You can apply now in one of the following ways:

1.            On your own. Visit to use the online application form. Submit it electronically, or print it out and mail or fax it to Cover Oregon. You can also call 1-855-CoverOR to request an application.

2.           At an Application Fair near you. Register online today to attend a Cover Oregon Application Fair in Medford, Eugene, Bend, Portland or Salem from

November 20 – 25.

3.         Through a certified insurance agent or community partner, at no cost to you. Find a searchable list of partners in your area at

If you have questions about how to apply, call 1-855-CoverOR (1-855-268-3767) or email [email protected].


Curtis Wilson Jr., Principal

Benson Polytechnic High School

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