November 2nd 2015
A Message From Principal Wilson:
An Important Message from PPS
Dear Families,
We have been notified of a voluntary nationwide recall of Auvi-Q (epinephrine injection, USP), which is commonly known as “Epi-pen.” As many of you know the “Epi-pen” is used in emergency life threatening allergic reactions with students. It is a prescription medication and if your child uses the brand Auvi-Q, contact your doctor or pharmacist immediately for an alternate epinephrine auto-injector.
Multnomah Educational Service District (MESD) nurses will work with school staff to ensure families with students who use the prescription medication are notified of the recall. In the event that a student has an incident requiring the administration of epinephrine school staff will follow their training protocols which includes calling 911. If your child uses Auvi-Q brand of an “Epi-pen,” the school will need an immediate replacement.
If your child uses the prescription medication Auvi-Q, please take immediate action and contact your doctor or pharmacist. They can also answer any questions you have about the recall and replacements.
Additional information is also available on the FDA website at
A Message from Roselia Ekhause, LÁMP: ARA Program Coordinator
Day of the Dead Celebration / Celebración del día de los muertos
On Monday, November 02, 2015 from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM in room 125
LÁMP: ARA will be hosting the Day of the Dead Celebration. Come and explore the beauty of Mexican culture and history while immersing yourself in the traditions of Latino Benson community at LÁMP: ARA Día de los Muertos.
Guests of all ages are invited to experience art and to enjoy traditional hot chocolate and Pan de muerto (bread of the dead).
Roselia Ekhause
Benson Polytechnic H.S.
LÁMP:ARA Coordinator | Oregon College Access Corps/Phone:(503) 916-5100 extension 77266
A Message to our Parents from Roselia Ekhause (Benson’s LAMP;ARA Coordinator/Oregon College Access Corp.
My name is Roselia Ekhause. I work for AmeriCorps as a College Access Corps Coordinator for the LÁMP:ARA program here at Benson. This program aims to improve the academic performance, retention, and graduation rates of active Benson student program participants (Tutoring, mentoring, school skills training, Career & College information). I am reaching out to you because I am still recruiting students to participate in and benefit from the program. If you think that your students can benefit from the program please send them my way, and send me an email of their name so that I can reach out to them. I am in room 122 8am-4:00pm.
Thank You
Flex Schedule For This Week
Thursday November 5th will be an A Flex Day where we will have school wide Tutorial from 2:11pm-3:15pm
Friday November 6th will be an B Open Flex Day from 2:11pm-3:15pm where Clubs, Committees and optional Tutorial sessions can happen on this day.
This Week In Athletics
Tuesday November 3rd
Last Football Game of the Season Here At Benson
Football vs Roosevelt
3:30pm here at Buckman Field
Please come out and show your support for the last football game of the season for the Benson Techmen.
A Message from Julie Morris (Benson’s Library Media Specialist)—Parents we need your support!!
We have already collected over 300 Children’s Books. Parents please keep the books coming in as this donation procedure will continue for the next two weeks.
The Children’s Book Harvest, organized by The Children’s Book Bank: October 19-November 13, 2015
Do you have children’s books in your home that are no longer being read?
The Benson Library and some student leadership volunteers are hoping to collect 500 books by November 13th, which will be given to children in need. The books will be cleaned and mended if necessary before being distributed. So, even if a book has been well-loved, please donate it anyway for another child to enjoy. Drop off your donations of new and used children’s books in the donation boxes around campus or in the Benson Library.
The Children’s Book Bank, (, provides children of all ages with quality books to build home libraries, so that children can learn and grow. The Children’s Book Bank is proud to support PPS Head Start and Carole Smith’s PPS Read Together initiative.
Thank you,
Julie Morris, M.L.S.
Media Specialist/ Librarian
Benson Polytechnic High School
(503)916-5100 ext. 77124, 77125
A Message from Lorene Espineli (Benson’s Math Instructor)
Asian Club Meeting
Friday November 6 during lunch – Room 125
Asian Club is starting back up again at Benson! Asian Club is open to any student who is from Asia or of Asian ancestry and students of any heritage who have an appreciation for Asian culture. Since this club is in the early stages of development, students have an opportunity to have leadership roles in this club. Please see Lorene Espineli in room 212 or e-mail [email protected] if you have any questions.
Lorene Espineli
Benson HS Math Teacher
A Message from Adam Kennybrew (Benson’s AVID/College Counselor)
Seniors, College application week is here!! Last year Benson reached new heights in the number of students that participated in college application week. I believe that this year’s senior class can do even better. Come prepared with your essays completed, application fees, and enthusiasm for being the class with the highest participation percentage to win a classroom pizza party. Students who have previously applied or have been admitted to a college already, bring proof and it will count towards your classroom total count. The completion is within your major’s class. #makecollegehappen
Adam Kennybrew
A Message from Jon Isaacs (PPS Chief Information Officer)
Parents/Guardians if you have any questions or concerns regarding the upcoming enrollment balancing scenarios for PPS please be sure to clink on the link below to receive all current and relevant updated information.
A Message from Linda McLellan (Benson’s Fit2Live&Learn Instructor)
Congratulations to the ‘Sweet 16’ Freshmen Student of the Quarter in Fit2Live&Learn. These students earned the highest percentage of the quarter through hard work, perseverance and excellent study habits.
Jing Zhen Andrew Ketah Peter Chu Cleda Hodes Angelica Gasca Townsend Broad Sophia Pham Jamie Nguyen Josephine Dawson Janette Soler Makenzy Porter
Austin Whitesky James Kuss Danny Tran Arlette Torres
Outreach Opportunities for Black and African American Students
BLACKReach Opportunities
The University of Oregon in collaboration with Portland Public Schools, Self Enhancement Inc. and the Black United Fund of Oregon invite ALL black and African American students and their families to the BLACKReach Opportunities program on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 from 5:30 to 8:00 pm at Self Enhancement Inc. This is a great opportunity for students to get answers to their questions about the transition process into higher education after high school, learn about financial aid and scholarships opportunities to pay for college, important deadlines and all college related questions. Parents also have the unique opportunity to learn how to support their students to pursue higher education. Younger students will have an opportunity to learn what it takes to prepare for college and interact with college students from similar backgrounds. Free dinner and childcare are provided so the entire family can attend. We look forward to seeing you on November 18 and please contact the University of Oregon Opportunities team at 541-346-1067, [email protected] with any questions.
Antonio Huerta
Outreach Manager
T 541-346-1067 F 541-346-6048
A Message from PPS:
PPS is shifting family, student and staff communication to a new tool that gives schools the ability to send texts about emergencies, closures, delays and other important news. To receive text notifications, you must opt in to the service. You opt in by texting YES to 68453. Parents and students should confirm their cell numbers are listed in the student information system. Staff should confirm their cell numbers are the “primary” number in the PeopleSoft system. For more info about texting, go to and click on the “Mobile First” button.
A Message from Ms. Carbone (Benson’s Curriculum Vice Principal)
Talented and Gifted Identification Process
Portland Public Schools is dedicated to identifying and providing for the unique academic and social emotional needs of Talented and Gifted (TAG) students across the district. Our goal is to provide educational opportunities to students of all racial, ethnic, and socio-economic groups, to provide informational training to educators, and to provide consistent challenge for all students.
According to Oregon Law 581-022-1310, an intellectually gifted or academically talented student is one who performs, or has the potential to perform, at or above the 97th percentile on nationally standardized tests of mental ability or academic achievement. In addition, multiple criteria are used including social and behavioral data, academic history, classroom achievement, etc. No single test is to be used as the sole determiner of TAG identification.
Each year, Benson conducts a process in order to identify and assess students for the TAG program. The first step in the TAG identification process is for parents or teachers to complete an Identification Process Form (IDPF) and submit the form to Vice Principal Jeandré Carbone. IDPF forms are available in the Vice Principal’s office, or can be sent electronically by e-mailing Jeandré Carbone at [email protected] . The deadline for submitting the IDPF is Wednesday, November 4th, 2015.
Jeandre Carbone
Vice Principal
Benson Polytechnic High School
office: 503-916-5100 x77126
A Message for our Seniors
Seniors, Yearbook is now accepting senior portraits. Get your fabulous picture taken and then e-mail it as a high resolution file (.jpeg or .psd) to [email protected]. We are also accepting senior quotes, which can be sent to the same address. The deadline to turn in portraits is Winter Break, so get on it.
The Benson Yearbook Department
A Couple of Message’s from Joe Rozewski (Benson’s Art Instructor)
There will be a very important fundraiser for Benson’s Visual Arts Department on Saturday November 21st at Dots Cafe on 26th Ave. and SE Clinton street. Come in For Brunch, 10AM-2PM. Dots is giving us a percentage of all funds made that morning to go straight into our art department funding, for materials and tools for the students. Please come out and have a nice brunch with us and help out the students at the same time. Tickets can also be purchased through Mr. Rozewski, the book keeper or at the door.
On December 17th, 2015, from 4-7PM, the Art classes at Benson will be having our first art Gallery Show. Featuring work from the Visual arts Department in Benson’s KBPS’s radio station’s lobby. Most work is for sale at a great price. The Creative Arts Club will be there selling lots of Winter Break gifts at “recession proof” prices. Come out and see the great work made by our students and maybe pick up a gift for a friend for the holidays. All sales go to the Visual Arts Department account, checks and cash only please.
Hope to see you at the show!!!
Joe Rozewski
Benson Art Department
- The University of Oregon will be here on the 19th of November to host their annual Duck Express day at Benson. This day provides all seniors who have applied or interested in applying to the U of O an opportunity to have an 1 on 1 with their admissions counselor. This event will be held in the Benson’s counseling center from 1:30 – 3:30pm.
Adam Kennybrew
AVID Coordinator & College Counselor
Benson Polytechnic High School
546 NE 12th Ave.
Portland, OR 97232
503-916-5100 ext. 77261
Fax: (503) 916-2690
A Message from Tammy Hite/Benson Alumni Association
BENSON YEARBOOKS FOR SALE! Recently we had to clean out a few storage areas around the school and discovered A LOT of yearbooks. The majority of the books are from 1970 to 2014 with few books from the 50’s and 60’s. Most are brand new, but some of the older books have a bit of wear and some writing in them. If you are interested in purchasing one, please go to the Benson Alumni website to see what books are available and prices. Proceeds from the sale go towards the Benson Centennial Celebrations happening during the 2016-2017 school year. Please allow up to 4-weeks for delivery.
Tammy Hite
Architecture and Drafting TeacherMindfulness Flyer
Benson Polytechnic High School
546 NE 12th Avenue
Portland, OR 97232
503-916-5100 x77211
All visits will be held in the Counseling Center. You must sign up in the Counseling Center for these visits.
Text: @u2college to 81010 to get updates about college visits.
· 10/29 Florida Polytechnic 10:00am
Adam Kennybrew (Benson’s AVID/College Counselor)
A Message from Tony Peters (Benson’s Attendance Monitor)
When Your Student is Absent or Late
When a student is absent from a class period, an Auto-Dialer will call a designated phone number associated with the student to inform parents/guardians of the absence.
In previous years, after listening to the Auto-Dialer message, parent/guardians were able to push a button to leave a recorded message for the Attendance Monitor. This is no longer possible. However, voicemail messages MAY BE LEFT for the Attendance Monitor, at any time, by calling Benson High School at (503) 916-5100 and then pressing Option 3 for Attendance. This is what the new Auto-Dialer system directs parent/guardians to do, in order to excuse or comment on their student’s absence from class.
Dress Code Reminder
Dress Code Reminder: Please me mindful that clothing with inappropriate symbols or signs relating to gangs, drugs, tobacco, alcohol or anything else is not acceptable. No sunglasses, du-rags, bandanas, sagging pants, halter tops, exposed midriffs, low necklines, spaghetti straps, or holes and tears in clothing. No bare feet, spike jewelry, hanging belts and chains. Dresses and skirts, with arms at your side; need to be at the end of your fingertips in length. Skorts and shorts need to have a 4 inch inseam.
Make It a Great Week!
Curtis Wilson Jr., Principal
Benson Polytechnic High School