Parents you can also see and read about some of the good things happening here at Benson via my Benson Twitter Page. You can follow me via the @BensonTechPride link via Twitter.
March 30th 2015
A Message From Principal Wilson:
Parents I would like to welcome your students back from what was hopefully a restful and enjoyable Spring Break. As we head into the home stretch of the school year please continue to support your students in positive endeavors regarding academics and attendance.
- This coming Thursday April 2nd Benson we will be on its regular Thursday Tutorial Schedule with tutorial happening at the end of the day.
- The 2014-15 Bell Schedule. Parents I’ve attached the district wide high school bell schedule for this school year. Please open the attachment and review the bell schedule carefully with your Benson High student(s).
- Parents please note that I’ve attached the Benson Counseling Team Newsletter to this email as there are some very important items that the Benson Counselors would like for you and your students to know as we wind down the last three (3) months of school.
Thursday’s Tutorial Schedule
Period 1 8:15-9:37
Period 3 9:42-11:04
Lunch 11:04-11:34
Period 5 11:39-1:01
Period 7 1:06-2:28
Tutorial 2:33-3:15
A Message from Benson’s Digital Media Teacher Cathy Skach
Seniors in Digital Media -Video Production submitted entries to the 2015 O[yes] “Speak up. Work Safe.” high school video contest. Three entries from Benson have been selected as finalists! The students’ videos will now enter a second phase of judging where they will select the first, second, and third place prize winners. The eleven finalist videos are posted at
Benson finalists are:
“Shop Safety of Horror” – by Senior Hunter Cripps
“Think Safely – It Couldn’t Hurt” – by Seniors Joey Oshea-Bianco and Simon Nguyen
“This is You”- by Allison Plager and Andy Lai with guest Vicary Biggs
The top three entries will take home cash prizes ranging from $300 to $500 and will earn a matching amount for their school. O[yes] hosts the contest, which is sponsored by Oregon OSHA, SAIF Corporation, local Oregon chapters of the American Society of Safety Engineers, the Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences at OHSU, Hoffman Construction, Central Oregon Safety & Health Association, the SHARP Alliance, the Construction Safety Summit, Northern Lights Theater, and SafeBuild Alliance.
The contest, open to all high school students in Oregon, also features the tagline “Work shouldn’t cost you your future.” Students were tasked with creating a 90-second video based on the concept of speaking up about hazards at work. The videos were judged on creativity, originality, youth appeal, production quality, and message.
Contest winners will be unveiled at a screening event at Northern Lights Theatre in Salem on May 2nd.
Good News from Elaine Ferrell-Burns (Benson’s Media Specialist)
Benson HS 2nd Annual Poetry Slam. Congratulation to the following students who will be representing our school at Verselandia on April 20th. Questions? Contact your Librarian, Mrs. Ferrell-Burns at [email protected].
1st Place – Havana Maceo
2nd Place – Wyatt Gilderson
3rd Place – Kyle Patubo
Way to go Team Epilogue! Our Benson Library Battle of the Books Team placed 3rd in their Regional Competition and will be representing Portland Public Schools at the Oregon State Battle of the Books on April 11th. We are proud of Elizabeth Wiegand, Dexter Kearney, Abigail Kindall, and Branwyn Donovan!
Elaine Ferrell-Burns
Library Media Specialist
Creston, K-8 (Mon, Tu, Wed pm)
Benson HS (Wed am, Th, Fri)
Currently reading…
All the Light We Cannot See, by Anthony Doerr
The Port Chicago 50, by Steve Sheinkin
Viva Frida, by Yuyi Morales
A Message from the Counselors regarding forecasting:
Beginning in April, the Benson Counseling team will begin forecasting for next year’s classes. The Counselors will be presenting information in classrooms and then follow up with individual meetings with students. This is a time for students to choose classes and review academic progress with their counselor. Students will be given forecasting materials to bring home and review with their guardian. The schedule is as follows:
April 13-17 – Junior Class
April 20-24 – Freshman Class
April 30 – Sophomore Major Fair
May 4-8 – Sophomore Class
A Message from Christin Chambless (Benson’s PTSA President)
Dear Benson High School senior parents and students,
Benson High School PTSA is planning on hosting its Graduation Party on June 8, 2015. The PTSA is sponsoring a “Safe and Sober Grad Night Party” for the 183 students in the Graduating Class of 2015. This traditional all night event provides a safe and sober environment where the students can celebrate on graduation night. The prevention of alcohol and drug related tragedies on this special night benefit the entire community as a whole.
This event has not occurred in the past couple years but we are determined to bring this tradition back to Benson High School. Our plan is to pick up the graduates and bus them to the event at 10pm on June 8th and return them to Benson around 6am June 9th. The students will be provided with food, drinks and entertainment all evening.
We are trying to limit the cost to families by fundraising. We have partnered with Local Farmer’s Direct, who has offered to donate $25 for every household that tries their delivery service of fresh local products. So far we have raised $550. The cost to put on this event would require us to charge the students $50-$60 per student. If we are successful in our fundraising attempts the cost to seniors will be reduced to $25-$30 per student. We are hoping to get 100 Benson families to support our fundraiser.
Thank you for helping us bring Grad Night 2015 back to Benson High school students!
The Informational Flyer is attached to this newsletter!!
Christin Chambless
Benson High School
PTSA President
This Week in Athletics
3:45 SB (V/JV) vs Grant @ Delta
4:00 SB vs Cleveland @ Woodstock
5:00 BB (V/JV) @ McKay
3:45 TR Varsity Relays @ Cleveland
4:00 SB vs Madison @ Rose City
A Message from Luke Hotchkiss (Benson’s Construction and TechGeo Teacher)
The Tech Geo class has completed an octagonal picnic table which will be placed in the inner courtyard at Benson and a mobile ‘chicken tractor’ which is for sale for $500. See attached photos. The picnic table project was led by freshman Simon Criswell. The chicken tractor has three nesting boxes, three roosting bars, an enclosed feeder and watering system that can be fill from the outside, and a ramp that raises and lowers. It allows someone to keep up to 8 chickens safe from predators while still allowing them access to the ground. The tractor has wheels and a handle so that it can be moved to different parts of the yard. If you are interested in purchasing the coop please contact Luke Hotchkiss at 503-680-5286. The funds will cover the cost of construction and go straight back into the program to cover future projects.
A Message from Steve Curley (Testing Coordinator) Regarding Smarter Balanced Testing
“Starting in May, Benson will be testing all 11th graders using the new Smarter Balanced Assessment. We will give 11th graders an opportunity to practice prior to testing in order to get used to the new interface. The Smarter Balanced is replacing the OAKS tests that we have all become accustomed to.
The following link has a lot of information about the tests including practice tests.
Look for more updates on testing in the coming weeks.”
Steve Curley
Learning Center Teacher/Special Education
Building Testing Coordinator
Ever wanted to know how the district spends its money?
Please read the attached flyer for specific information regarding budget sessions. The flyers are in English, Spanish and Vietnamese.
Town Halls with Carole Smith and the board will be happening in March and April. Every cluster has at least one event.
Erin Barnett
Attendance/Tardy Policy
One of the main reasons students struggle in school is poor attendance. Please help ensure students attend every day and arrive to school on time. We have an automated phone system that calls parents when a student is marked absent from a class. You may also receive a call from teachers and/or administrators when a student is not attending classes on a regular basis or has an inordinate amount of tardies.
Benson has implemented a new tardy policy that started Monday September 8th in that if a student is late to class then he/she will need to go to the main office to get an admittance slip in order to get into class. Our goal is to get students focused on arriving to school and to class in a timely fashion so that classroom instruction can be maximize to its fullest potential and this can only happen if students are arriving to school on a daily basis and are also arriving to their classes on time.
Free Math Tutoring
Available in the Career Center during Thursday’s Tutorial (2:33-3:15)
A Message from Miranda Ryan (Benson’s Career Coordinator)
• Office Assistant $ 9.25 must be 16 or older
• Apprentice Painting Positions open in May for student 18 years and older
• Youth Conservation Crew-Work outdoors from June-August making $9.25/hr.
• EXXon Mobil Bernard Harris Math and Science Scholarship 5,000 due April 8th
• Oregon State Elks Association Vocational Grant for any student pursuing a vocational/technical program. Application is due April 1st.
- The Eagle Program is a unique internship for Sophomore students working on the golf course. You do not need to know anything about golf to apply. Students who successfully complete the program are eligible to compete for the Evans Foundation Scholarship their Senior year. Applications are due April 10th.
Pre-College Programs:
Reed College: The Young Scholars Program allows selected high school senior to enroll in one Reed undergraduate class for the academic year. Juniors should apply by April 1st.
Are you interested in MT. Hood Community College?
We are offering placement test prep workshops.
See the College and Career Center to sign up.
Miranda Ryan
Career Coordinator
Benson Polytechnic High School
503-916-5100 x: 77201
Latinos Adelante Mentor Program: Apoyo y Recursos Académicos
This year, Benson Polytechnic High School is excited to announce the development of a new Latin@ mentor program. Pairing Latin@ College Coaches with Freshman and Sophomore Benson Latin@ high school students, LÁMP:ARA (Latinos Adelante Mentor Program: Apoyo y Recursos Académicos) provides students academic, professional, and personal support. Through personalized mentorship, academic support, professional guidance, college preparation, and leadership trainings, the program aims to support participants in achieving their college/career goals and full potential as students at Benson High School.
Benson has Latin@ parents to thank for this new academic and professional resource.
Last year, Latin@ parents attended group meetings with Benson Staff to express how they felt Benson could best support their students. Latin@ parents felt that their children needed the following: a mentor program, more academic supports—tutoring, support classes during the day—and parent community meetings. In response to this expressed need, LÁMP:ARA was developed.
LÁMP:ARA aims to improve the academic and professional success, retention rates, and graduation rates of active program participants while fostering in students core civic and leadership proficiencies that will serve them personally and professionally.
While LÁMP:ARA focuses on offering services to a limited group of Latin@s, others are always welcome to visit room 122 to ask about college and career resources or to sign up for particular Days of Service.
Benson’s LÁMP:ARA (Latinos Adelante Mentor Program) will be hosting a series of Art and Identity Workshops with students. The workshops started last Tuesday and will run through April in the cafeteria. Arte e identidad Art and Identity Workshops In the Benson Cafeteria Starting Tuesday, January 20th 4:00pm – 6:00pm Free and open to all! Included will be 2 dance workshops led by the Aztec Dancers (Mexica Tiahui), 2 printmaking workshops with Diana Angeles, 2 graffiti workshops facilitated by Griseldo Nuñez, 2 graphic design workshops by Edgar Ortega, and 5 mural painting sessions with Rodolfo Serna. Have your students SIGN UP NOW in LÁMP:ARA (ROOM 122) with Teaghan to reserve a spot!
Teaghan Phillips | AmeriCorps Member
LAMP:ARA | Latin@s Adelante Mentor Program: Apoyo y Recursos Académicos
Benson High School
Tel: 503.916.5100 (ext. 77266)
A Message from Teaghan Phillips LÁMP:ARA Coordinator:
Check out the Benson Tech Lámp:are Facebook page and “like” it to get more information about upcoming events!
LÁMP:ARA is hosting a series of weekly Art and Identity Workshops every Tuesday from 4pm to 6pm between now and March 5th. All are welcome!
Funded by RACC (Regional Arts & Culture Council), The Art and Identity Workshops are a collaboration between Benson High School’s LÁMP:ARA and local Latino artists. LÁMP:ARA will work closely with Rodolfo Serna, the primary artist, to implement the workshops. Included will be 2 dance workshops led by the Aztec Dancers (Mexica Tiahui), 2 printmaking workshops with Diana Angeles, 2 graffiti workshops facilitated by Griseldo Nuñez, 2 graphic design workshops by Edgar Ortega, and 5 mural painting sessions with Rodolfo Serna. The public component of workshops will include a student showcase at the Benson Tech Show on March 5th, a Portland State University (PSU) Multicultural Center campus visit on March 12th, a final student exhibition at Benson on April 16th, and an online display of student art on the Benson LÁMP:ARA website following the final exhibit.
Workshop Schedule:
April 7th Mural Unveiling
Teaghan Phillips
LÁMP:ARA Coordinator | AmeriCorps Member
Benson High School
503-916-5100 (ext. 77266)
Information from Miranda Ryan (Benson’s Career Coordinator)
Upcoming Career Days:
Sign up for Enterprise Academy:
Enterprise Academy offers students a chance to explore the challenges and opportunities of the business world. This weekend retreat allows each student to interact with successful business people, learn key business principles and bring their own ideas to life in a fast-paced team competition. See your Career Coordinator for more information.
Miranda Ryan
Career Coordinator
Benson Polytechnic High School
503-916-5100 x: 77201
A Word From Your Library Media Specialist, Mrs. Ferrell-Burns: Oregon Battle of the Books
As your Benson HS Librarian I am excited to be able to share with you that we have been awarded a grant from the Oregon Association of School Libraries towards funding of the Benson Library Battle of the Books Club. This will be the first year that Benson Tech has participated in this reading program and the opportunity to compete with other high schools throughout the state. Students who have a passion for reading meet others and share their love of literature. We form teams of 4-5 players, read from a list of 12 books and then participate in a fun competition with other teams of students. Our club meets on Thursdays during Lunch or Tutorial. Students are invited to join the club with a registration form from the Library.
For more information, contact Mrs. Ferrell-Burns at [email protected].
Oregon Battle of the Books List 2014-15
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Cinder by Marissa Meyer
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein
Deadline by Chris Crutcher
Delirium by Lauren Oliver
Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan
The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson
Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
Whistling Past the Graveyard by Susan Crandall
Benson Library Battle of the Books Club Meetings – Every Thursday at Lunch in the Library Conference Room. Bring your lunch and get ready to battle!
Elaine Ferrell-Burns
Library Media Specialist
Creston, K-8 (Mon, Tu, Wed pm)
Benson HS (Wed am, Th, Fri)
A Message from Dave Mylet (Benson’s Yearbook Advisor)
Senior Baby Ads
Isn’t it amazing how far the class of 2015 has come? Show your appreciation for your future grad’s accomplishments through a baby ad in the 2015 Benson Yearbook. Reasonable rates for anywhere from a full page to 1/8th of a page. E-mail Dave Mylet at [email protected] with inquiries and orders.
Size Cost
Full page $100
1/2 page $50
1/4 page $35
1/8 page $20
Dress Code Reminder
Parents please me mindful and remind your students that as the late summer/early fall weather is still warm outside that clothing with inappropriate symbols or signs relating to gangs, drugs, tobacco, alcohol or anything else is not acceptable. No sunglasses, du-rags, hats, bandanas, sagging pants, halter tops, exposed midriffs, low necklines, spaghetti straps, or holes and tears in clothing. No bare feet, spike jewelry, hanging belts and chains. Dresses and skirts, with arms at your side; need to be at the end of your fingertips in length. Skorts and shorts need to have a 4 inch inseam.
Benson Robotics Club
Parents, is your child interested in building robots? Benson has been home to a robotics club for almost 9 years! Please have your kids come to room E-127 after school on Fridays and build robots with the robotics club!
Parents please encourage your Seniors to apply for these scholarships if interested.
Please see Ms. Ryan or one of the three Counselors (Mr. Wren, Ms. Schoettle or Ms. Henry) in the College and Career Center for further details.
Oregon Jaycee Foundation Scholarship Program:
This foundation will award at least two $ 500 scholarships to a graduating Oregon high school senior in the
Class of 2015. The amount of the scholarship is a one-time grant. The final selection of a recipient will
be based on the following criteria: leadership qualities, personal accomplishments and community service.
The scholarship application form is attached to this email.
The application deadline is April 30, 2015.
George Abele
Oregon Jaycee Foundation
More Scholarship Opportunities:
- Buick Achievers : for more information, got to
Reed College:
The Young Scholars Program allows selected high school seniors to enroll in one Reed undergraduate class for the academic year. Juniors should apply by April 1st.
PPS Bond Development Committee Recommends Benson High School for the 2016 Bond Measure
Benson Polytechnic High School is one of the three high schools recommended for the planned 2016 bond. The PPS Bond Development Committee (BDC) delivered its recommendations for the high schools to be included in the planned 2016 & 2020 school improvement bonds.
The committee, made up of 21 volunteers from across Portland, provided its recommendations to Superintendent Carole Smith in a memo after meeting five times during the past six months.
In its memo, dated Oct. 8, the BDC recommended:
Continue the plan of re-building/modernizing high schools first, and include three high schools in each of the next two bonds.
Complete master planning for three high schools prior to Fall 2016 in preparation for a potential November 2016 ballot measure. In order to complete this master planning with full community participation, dedicate $1.5 million in 2012 school building improvement bond funds for master planning of three high schools.
The three high schools identified for 2016 consideration are Benson Polytechnic, Lincoln, and Madison. The three high schools identified for 2020 consideration are Cleveland, Jefferson Middle College, and Wilson.
“We are at the beginning of a 30-year program to re-build all of Portland Public Schools facilities, most of which are 60 years or older. We have been able to begin this historic effort thanks to the overwhelming support of Portland voters in 2012,” said PPS Superintendent Carole Smith. “I want to thank the volunteer members of the PPS Bond Development Committee for their service and for their thoughtful recommendations for the potential 2016 and 2020 school improvement bonds.”
In making the recommendations, the committee noted that an August survey of Portland voters by DHM Research gave PPS high marks for its management of the current school improvement bond.
“The committee was pleased to learn from the DHM survey that awareness of the bond is relatively high and that of the approximately 50% who are aware of the bond, PPS receives very high ratings for its implementation and management of the bond thus far. We strongly believe in the PPS plan to modernize and replace its entire infrastructure of school buildings by 2042,” wrote the committee.
The BDC informed Supt. Smith that it used three criteria for selecting the three high schools to be recommended for the 2016 bond.
“The committee was dedicated to making a high school recommendation based on clear criteria. The committee spent two full meetings considering different criteria and looking at how they would impact our recommendation. The committee also considered the results of a survey conducted by DHM Research which asked Portland residents to consider and rate criteria for prioritizing high schools for the 2016 bond (survey results and analysis attached),” wrote the committee.
The committee decided to prioritize the following criteria for developing its recommendations:
Facility Condition
Improving facilities for the highest number of historically underserved students
High enrollment/overcrowding
The committee also concluded that each of the next two bonds should have two neighborhood high schools and one focus option high school.
The committee made special note of its decision to recommend Jefferson Middle College for the 2020 bond, despite rating high on two of the three criteria.
“The committee felt that it would be imprudent for Jefferson to go quickly into a master planning process when it is just now gaining momentum that could lead to much different & greater facility needs in the future,” wrote the committee. “It is the committee’s view that those needs…will allow for a much more successful master planning process at that time.”
The superintendent and the Office of School Modernization are expected to deliver their final official recommendations for PPS Board consideration and action in November, 2014. If approved, the high schools for the 2016 bond will be put on a timeline to complete master planning prior to voter consideration of the 2016 bond. Grant High School is scheduled to begin master planning as part of the voter approved 2012 bond in 2015.
Make It a Great Week!
Curtis Wilson Jr., Principal
Benson Polytechnic High School