Parents you can also see and read about some of the good things happening here at Benson via my Benson Twitter Page. You can follow me via the @BensonTechPride link via Twitter.
January 12th 2015
A Message From Principal Wilson:
Please note that the end of the first semester is quickly approaching and will end on Thursday January 29th. It’s important that students are focused on finishing out the last few weeks of this first semester in a positive fashion. The first semester grades will become a permanent fixture on a student’s official transcript so it’s imperative that students are focused on ending the first semester with as much positive momentum as possible. Parents/Guardians please do not hesitate to contact your student’s teachers either via email or by phone if you have questions or concerns regarding your students grades or performances as we get set to close out the first half of the school year and also note that you can always check on Synergy to see how your child is progressing here at Benson Tech as we approach the end of the first semester.
Monday January 19th there will be no school in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
District Principal Screening Interview Committee for Portland Public Schools
Portland Public schools is seeking interested and available volunteers to serve on the district-wide Principal screening interview committee. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the interview processes for Principals and influence the interview screening practices as well. The purpose of the committee is to provide an opportunity for community representatives to participate in the 2015-16 Principal hiring process. If parents/guardians/staff are interested in being a part of this committee please read the attached information concerning the Principal interview committee as the deadline to apply with the district is January 12th 2015.
Opportunities to Explore Benson Tech:
Parents/Guardians if you know of any future Techsters interested in attending Benson in 2015-16 please be sure to pass along these important dates.
8th Grade Enrollment Night: This event will take place at Benson Tech on Wednesday February 4th from 6pm-7:30pm. Parents/Guardians interested in filling out the Benson and PPS Application can get help from Benson Staff and Administration on this night. We will be meeting in the Auditorium starting at 6pm.
The District Transfer Application Process: This process will begin on Wednesday February 4th and end on Wednesday February 18th. If interested in attending Benson this is the time to apply to Benson Tech via the Benson application process and the Districts application process. Please help spread the word concerning these dates. More information to follow as the application process draws near.
Benson Tech Show
Come and see all that Benson Tech has to offer at the annual Benson Tech Show. Tech Show dates will run Thursday and Friday February 12th -13th from 6pm-9pm here at Benson Tech.
8th Grade Shadow Dates: This is the time that 8th Grade students from across the district will have an opportunity to visit Benson Tech for a few hours (8am-11am) on Tuesday February 3rd and Friday February 6th to explore Benson’s CTE classes. Middle schools should check with their Counselors/Administrators to see if they’ve signed up to participate in this event.
Benson Administration
A Message from Amy Henry (Benson’s Counselor Students A-G)
Second Semester Night School Pre-Registration starts on Monday, Jan. 12th. This is an opportunity for students to retrieve credit for a failed class. The first step is meeting with your counselor for pre-registration. Students will then need to come to one of the in-person registrations to complete the process and be fully registered. The dates are: February 3rd, 5th, and 10th from 4:30pm – 7:00pm. There are no daytime registration hours.
A Message from Linda McLellan (Benson’s Fit2Live&Learn Instructor)
Congratulations to the following Freshmen leaders chosen by their classmates to represent
them as CEO’s for the Tech Show PE Fun Fair 2015.
Thao Mi Anthony; Chyna Matthews; Essau Klopfenstien; Kai Nontravanit; Ahmbra Fetter; Alex Lyons;
Trueli Jackson; Paul Chu; Mong Tus, Anthony Nguyen, Mercer Hardy; Marlise Kent; Julian Scherer; Chantall Lewis; Rebecca Zich; Judah Kelly
A Message from Marena Lear (Benson’s Bilingual/English Spanish Sceretary)
Invitamos a todos los padres latinos a una junta en Benson el día 3 de febrero, de 5:30pm a 7:30pm en la sala 122. Vamos a platicar sobre como leer e interpretar un resumen de notas de su estudiante, y también como entender el sistema de créditos, para poder ayudar a su estudiante escoger los cursos adecuados.
También queremos recordarles que deberían llamar al siguiente número para cualquier consulta en español y hablar con Marena Lear, la secretaria bilingüe: (503) 916.5100, extensión 77103.
¡Gracias y felices fiestas!
We would like to invite all our Latino parents to a meeting at Benson on February 3rd, from 5:30 to 7:30 in room 122. We will discuss how to read and interpret your student’s transcript, and we will also discuss the forecasting process.
This is also a reminder that for any inquiries in Spanish, please direct your calls to Marena Lear, the bilingual secretary, at (503) 916.5100, extension 77103.
Thank You
Marena Lear
Bilingual English/Spanish Secretary
Benson Polytechnic High School
(503) 916.5100 Ext. 77103
A Message from Linda McLellan: Benson’s Fit2Live&Learn Teacher
The Final four weeks of the semester is here. This semester grade will be a PERMANENT grade on their high school transcript. Please refer to Synergy for your student’s progress and grade updates. Together we can make a difference.
Freshmen Academy Team
This coming Thursday January 15th Benson will be on a Assembly Thursday Schedule with no Tutorial happening on this day
Period 1 8:15-9:37
Period 3 9:42-11:04
Assembly 11:09-11:51
Lunch 11:51-12:21
Period 5 12:26-1:48
Period 7 1:53-3:15
This Week In Athletics:
4:00 WBX (JV2) vs Franklin @ BHS
5:45 WBX (JV) vs Franklin @ BHS
7:30 WBX (V) vs Franklin @ BHS
4:00 MBX (FR) @ Franklin
5:45 MBX (JV) @ Franklin
7:30 MBX (V) @ Franklin
4:00 WR vs Grant, Jefferson & Wilson @ BHS
4:00 MBX (FR) vs Madison @ BHS
4:00 WBX (JV) vs Madison @ BHS
4:00 MBX (JV) @ Madison
5:45 WBX (JV2) @ Madison
5:45 WBX (V) vs Madison @ BHS
7:30 MBX (V) vs Madison @ BHS
4:00 MBX (FR) @ Cleveland
4:00 WBX (JV2) vs Cleveland @ BHS
5:00 MBX (JV) vs Cleveland @ BHS
3:45 WBX (JV) vs Cleveland @ BHS
6:30 WBX (V) vs Cleveland @ BHS
8:00 MBX (V) vs Cleveland @ BHS
TBA WR @ Forest Grove
Information from Miranda Ryan (Benson’s Career Coordinator)
Upcoming Career Days:
Portland Parks & Recreation Career Day February 5th
Students will get a tour of PP&R’s popular Matt Dishman Community Center and meet some of the people who keep Portland’s parks & rec system one of the nation’s most admired and widely used. They will learn about the wide diversity of careers within parks and the education and skills required for those jobs. They will hear about summer hiring and job opportunities, and discover how volunteering for as few as 4-8 hours/week can create a pathway to a summer job (or even a career). Register by January 30th.
Kaiser Permanente February 10th
Students will have the opportunity to hear from people who work in clinical care (doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, therapists, etc) AND those who work in support services (engineering, clinical technology, IT, etc). Register by February 6th
Oregon Humane Society February 19th
Students will visit the shelter for the morning and talk to a variety of professionals in the animal-welfare industry. They’ll have a behind-the-scenes tour of the shelter and get a chance to ask about the different skills, training and education required to work in this field. Slots are limited and go fast! Register by: January 15th
Miranda Ryan
Career Coordinator
Benson Polytechnic High School
503-916-5100 x: 77201
Important Information From Our Counselors
Attention Seniors: If you are applying to a Private College and need letters of recommendation, see your Counselor as soon as possible. Teachers and Counselors need to hear from you at least two weeks before your application deadline so we can complete a thorough recommendation.
Thank You!
Benson Counseling Team
The 2014-15 Bell Schedule
Parents I’ve attached the district wide high school bell schedule. Please open the attachment and review the bell schedule carefully with your Benson High student(s).
A Word From Your Library Media Specialist, Mrs. Ferrell-Burns: Oregon Battle of the Books
As your Benson HS Librarian I am excited to be able to share with you that we have been awarded a grant from the Oregon Association of School Libraries towards funding of the Benson Library Battle of the Books Club. This will be the first year that Benson Tech has participated in this reading program and the opportunity to compete with other high schools throughout the state. Students who have a passion for reading meet others and share their love of literature. We form teams of 4-5 players, read from a list of 12 books and then participate in a fun competition with other teams of students. Our club meets on Thursdays during Lunch or Tutorial. Students are invited to join the club with a registration form from the Library.
For more information, contact Mrs. Ferrell-Burns at [email protected].
Oregon Battle of the Books List 2014-15
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Cinder by Marissa Meyer
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein
Deadline by Chris Crutcher
Delirium by Lauren Oliver
Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan
The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson
Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
Whistling Past the Graveyard by Susan Crandall
Elaine Ferrell-Burns
Library Media Specialist
Creston, K-8 (Mon, Tu, Wed pm)
Benson HS (Wed am, Th, Fri)
A Message from Dave Mylet (Benson’s Yearbook Advisor)
Senior Baby Ads
Isn’t it amazing how far the class of 2015 has come? Show your appreciation for your future grad’s accomplishments through a baby ad in the 2015 Benson Yearbook. Reasonable rates for anywhere from a full page to 1/8th of a page. E-mail Dave Mylet at [email protected] with inquiries and orders.
Size Cost
Full page $100
1/2 page $50
1/4 page $35
1/8 page $20
Attendance/Tardy Policy
One of the main reasons students struggle in school is poor attendance. Please help ensure students attend every day and arrive to school on time. We have an automated phone system that calls parents when a student is marked absent from a class. You may also receive a call from teachers and/or administrators when a student is not attending classes on a regular basis or has an inordinate amount of tardies.
Benson has implemented a new tardy policy that started Monday September 8th in that if a student is late to class then he/she will need to go to the main office to get an admittance slip in order to get into class. Our goal is to get students focused on arriving to school and to class in a timely fashion so that classroom instruction can be maximize to its fullest potential and this can only happen if students are arriving to school on a daily basis and are also arriving to their classes on time.
Dress Code Reminder
Parents please me mindful and remind your students that as the late summer/early fall weather is still warm outside that clothing with inappropriate symbols or signs relating to gangs, drugs, tobacco, alcohol or anything else is not acceptable. No sunglasses, du-rags, hats, bandanas, sagging pants, halter tops, exposed midriffs, low necklines, spaghetti straps, or holes and tears in clothing. No bare feet, spike jewelry, hanging belts and chains. Dresses and skirts, with arms at your side; need to be at the end of your fingertips in length. Skorts and shorts need to have a 4 inch inseam.
Latinos Adelante Mentor Program: Apoyo y Recursos Académicos
This year, Benson Polytechnic High School is excited to announce the development of a new Latin@ mentor program. Pairing Latin@ College Coaches with Freshman and Sophomore Benson Latin@ high school students, LÁMP:ARA (Latinos Adelante Mentor Program: Apoyo y Recursos Académicos) provides students academic, professional, and personal support. Through personalized mentorship, academic support, professional guidance, college preparation, and leadership trainings, the program aims to support participants in achieving their college/career goals and full potential as students at Benson High School.
Benson has Latin@ parents to thank for this new academic and professional resource.
Last year, Latin@ parents attended group meetings with Benson Staff to express how they felt Benson could best support their students. Latin@ parents felt that their children needed the following: a mentor program, more academic supports—tutoring, support classes during the day—and parent community meetings. In response to this expressed need, LÁMP:ARA was developed.
LÁMP:ARA aims to improve the academic and professional success, retention rates, and graduation rates of active program participants while fostering in students core civic and leadership proficiencies that will serve them personally and professionally.
While LÁMP:ARA focuses on offering services to a limited group of Latin@s, others are always welcome to visit room 122 to ask about college and career resources or to sign up for particular Days of Service.
Teaghan Phillips | AmeriCorps Member
LAMP:ARA | Latin@s Adelante Mentor Program: Apoyo y Recursos Académicos
Benson High School
Tel: 503.916.5100 (ext. 77266)
Free Math Tutoring will be available in the Career Center during Thursday’s Tutorial (2:33-3:15)
Benson Robotics Club
Parents, is your child interested in building robots? Benson has been home to a robotics club for almost 9 years! Please have your kids come to room E-127 after school on Fridays and build robots with the robotics club!
If your students are interested in forming/joining a club here at Benson
Student Clubs:
New and existing clubs! You need to fill out a club form for all new and existing clubs so that we can make sure we have the correct information on file about your advisor, who the student leaders are, when & where you meet and the purpose of your club.
Please have your students see Mrs. Murchison (Spanish Teacher) if they have any questions regarding clubs here at Benson.
ZAP (Zoo Animal Presenters): A three year internship for teenagers 15-17. See the Career Center for more information.
Applications are due by January 20th 2015
Parents please encourage your Seniors to apply for these scholarships if interested.
Please see Ms. Ryan or one of the two Counselors (Mr. Wren or Ms. Henry) in the College and Career Center for further details.
The Oregon Community Quarterback Scholarship: Application Is Attached To This Newsletter
Established by Joey Harrington, founder of the Harrington Family Foundation and former NFL quarterback, the four-year renewable scholarship will be awarded to Oregon high school students who demonstrate outstanding leadership skills, and will attend an Oregon university, college or trade school.
Attached is the 2015/16 school year application, also available for download on our website. Please note the application deadline is March 2, 2015.
Nancy Marshall, Executive Director
More Scholarship Opportunities:
- AXA Achievement Community Scholarship begins October 2014
- Scholarship America Dream Award begins October 2014
- Buick Achievers : for more information, got to
- Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Deadline: January 9, 2015
- Gates Millennium Scholarship: Deadline: January 9, 2015
PPS Bond Development Committee Recommends Benson High School for the 2016 Bond Measure
Benson Polytechnic High School is one of the three high schools recommended for the planned 2016 bond. The PPS Bond Development Committee (BDC) delivered its recommendations for the high schools to be included in the planned 2016 & 2020 school improvement bonds.
The committee, made up of 21 volunteers from across Portland, provided its recommendations to Superintendent Carole Smith in a memo after meeting five times during the past six months.
In its memo, dated Oct. 8, the BDC recommended:
Continue the plan of re-building/modernizing high schools first, and include three high schools in each of the next two bonds.
Complete master planning for three high schools prior to Fall 2016 in preparation for a potential November 2016 ballot measure. In order to complete this master planning with full community participation, dedicate $1.5 million in 2012 school building improvement bond funds for master planning of three high schools.
The three high schools identified for 2016 consideration are Benson Polytechnic, Lincoln, and Madison. The three high schools identified for 2020 consideration are Cleveland, Jefferson Middle College, and Wilson.
“We are at the beginning of a 30-year program to re-build all of Portland Public Schools facilities, most of which are 60 years or older. We have been able to begin this historic effort thanks to the overwhelming support of Portland voters in 2012,” said PPS Superintendent Carole Smith. “I want to thank the volunteer members of the PPS Bond Development Committee for their service and for their thoughtful recommendations for the potential 2016 and 2020 school improvement bonds.”
In making the recommendations, the committee noted that an August survey of Portland voters by DHM Research gave PPS high marks for its management of the current school improvement bond.
“The committee was pleased to learn from the DHM survey that awareness of the bond is relatively high and that of the approximately 50% who are aware of the bond, PPS receives very high ratings for its implementation and management of the bond thus far. We strongly believe in the PPS plan to modernize and replace its entire infrastructure of school buildings by 2042,” wrote the committee.
The BDC informed Supt. Smith that it used three criteria for selecting the three high schools to be recommended for the 2016 bond.
“The committee was dedicated to making a high school recommendation based on clear criteria. The committee spent two full meetings considering different criteria and looking at how they would impact our recommendation. The committee also considered the results of a survey conducted by DHM Research which asked Portland residents to consider and rate criteria for prioritizing high schools for the 2016 bond (survey results and analysis attached),” wrote the committee.
The committee decided to prioritize the following criteria for developing its recommendations:
Facility Condition
Improving facilities for the highest number of historically underserved students
High enrollment/overcrowding
The committee also concluded that each of the next two bonds should have two neighborhood high schools and one focus option high school.
The committee made special note of its decision to recommend Jefferson Middle College for the 2020 bond, despite rating high on two of the three criteria.
“The committee felt that it would be imprudent for Jefferson to go quickly into a master planning process when it is just now gaining momentum that could lead to much different & greater facility needs in the future,” wrote the committee. “It is the committee’s view that those needs…will allow for a much more successful master planning process at that time.”
The superintendent and the Office of School Modernization are expected to deliver their final official recommendations for PPS Board consideration and action in November, 2014. If approved, the high schools for the 2016 bond will be put on a timeline to complete master planning prior to voter consideration of the 2016 bond. Grant High School is scheduled to begin master planning as part of the voter approved 2012 bond in 2015.
Make It a Great Week!
Curtis Wilson Jr., Principal
Benson Polytechnic High School