September 14th 2014
A Message From Principal Wilson:
If you get a chance to visit the school please stop by the courtyard to see all the good work that Mr. Ryan (Social Studies Teacher) and his student helpers from last school year have done in order to beautify the grounds of the courtyard. With the work and effort done from last school year the courtyard is now a great place where students and staff can come and socialize with one another throughout the school year.
No Tutorial This Week
Parents/Guardians please note that there will be no Tutorial this coming Thursday September 18th. Instead, Period 3 will be extended by 42 minutes to accommodate grade level orientation assemblies. Students will be attending these grade level assemblies with their teachers on Thursday.
Attendance/Tardy Policy
One of the main reasons students struggle in school is poor attendance. Please help ensure students attend every day and arrive to school on time. We have an automated phone system that calls parents when a student are marked absent from a class. You may also receive a call from teachers and/or administrators when a student is not attending regularly. Benson has implemented a new tardy policy that started Monday September 8th in that if a student is late to class then he/she will need to go to the main office to get an admittance slip in order to get into class. Our goal is to get students focused on arriving to school and to class in a timely fashion so that classroom instruction can be maximize to its fullest potential and this can only happen if students are arriving to school on a daily basis and are also arriving to their classes on time.
Dress Code Reminder
Parents please me mindful and remind your students that as the late summer/early fall weather is still warm outside that clothing with inappropriate symbols or signs relating to gangs, drugs, tobacco, alcohol or anything else is not acceptable. No sunglasses, du-rags, hats, bandanas, sagging pants, halter tops, exposed midriffs, low necklines, spaghetti straps, or holes and tears in clothing. No bare feet, spike jewelry, hanging belts and chains. Dresses and skirts, with arms at your side; need to be at the end of your fingertips in length. Skorts and shorts need to have a 4 inch inseam.
All students can get breakfast free of charge. Breakfast will be served from 7:45-8:15. Please encourage your students to arrive to school on time in order to receive breakfast.
Also students who were receiving free or reduced–price meal benefits at the end of last year must fill out a NEW meal application for the 2014-15 school year.
Students who have NOT submitted a NEW application will be required to pay full price for school meals starting October 13th.
Latinos Adelante Mentor Program: Apoyo y Recursos Académicos
This year, Benson Polytechnic High School is excited to announce the development of a new Latin@ mentor program. Pairing Latin@ College Coaches with Freshman and Sophomore Benson Latin@ high school students, LÁMP:ARA (Latinos Adelante Mentor Program: Apoyo y Recursos Académicos) provides students academic, professional, and personal support. Through personalized mentorship, academic support, professional guidance, college preparation, and leadership trainings, the program aims to support participants in achieving their college/career goals and full potential as students at Benson High School.
Benson has Latin@ parents to thank for this new academic and professional resource.
Last year, Latin@ parents attended group meetings with Benson Staff to express how they felt Benson could best support their students. Latin@ parents felt that their children needed the following: a mentor program, more academic supports—tutoring, support classes during the day—and parent community meetings. In response to this expressed need, LÁMP:ARA was developed.
LÁMP:ARA aims to improve the academic and professional success, retention rates, and graduation rates of active program participants while fostering in students core civic and leadership proficiencies that will serve them personally and professionally.
While LÁMP:ARA focuses on offering services to a limited group of Latin@s, others are always welcome to visit room 122 to ask about college and career resources or to sign up for particular Days of Service.
Teaghan Phillips | AmeriCorps Member
LAMP:ARA | Latin@s Adelante Mentor Program: Apoyo y Recursos Académicos
Benson High School
Tel: 503.916.5100 (ext. 77266)
FIT2LIVE&LEARN is off and running… literally. Freshmen are already noticing that their new PE/Health class is different than the PE/Health classes they took in middle school. It has been a GREAT start of the school year. Please expect to see your students PE clothes on the weekends for laundering. If you want to see if your child has homework in any class, please ask to see his/her required PE/Health planner. It is listed daily. All teacher contact information; school rules/guidelines and other important information will be listed in the students planner.
Keep up the great work! GO TECH!
Linda McLellan
Site Council Meeting
Benson’s Site Council will be having their first meeting on Wednesday September 17th from 4:00pm-5:30pm in the Benson Library. I encourage parents to get involved with Site Council and have a voice in the vision of Benson Polytechnic High School.
PTSA Meeting
Benson’s PTSA will be having their first meeting on Tuesday Sept. 16th from 7:00pm-8:30pm in the Benson Library. If any parents or students are interested in being a champion for Benson Tech then the PTSA is the group for you and we welcome you to join us for our monthly meetings.
This Week in Athletics
5:00 VB (JV/JV2) vs Franklin @ BHS
6:30 VB (V) vs Franklin @ BHS
4:00 MSOC (JV) @ Barlow
6:00 MSOC (V) @ Barlow
No Sports Today
4:00 XC @ Gabriel Park
4:00 WSOC @ Redmond
4:00 MSOC vs Hermiston @ Delta
5:00 VB (JV/JV2) @ Cleveland
6:30 VB (V) @ Cleveland
4:30 FTB (JV) @ Grant
7:00 FTB (V) vs Grant @ Marshall
8:00 VB (V) @ Century Tourney
TBA XC @ Northwest Classis Lane Com College
A Message from the Counselors
Need to make up credits? Wanting to graduate on time? Night school pre-registration has begun. Please be sure to see Mr. Wren on Ms. Henry for registration questions.
Last day to add/drop classes without penalty is Friday, September 19.
Free Math Tutoring starts September 25th in the Career Center on Thursdays during Tutorial (2:33-3:15).
Benson Robotics Club
Parents, is your child interested in building robots? Benson has been home to a robotics club for almost 9 years! Please have your kids come to room E-127 after school on Fridays and build robots with the robotics club!
Parents/Guardians: Here are some College announcements for your Seniors.
Washington University in St. Louis. Session information Sunday October 5th from 2-3pm at Portland Marriott City Center (520 SW Broadway)
Quest Bridge:
The National College Match: Connects outstanding seniors with admission and full four-year scholarships to 35 of the nation’s most selective colleges and universities.
Apply online at Due on September 26th.
National College Fair Location:
Oregon Convention Center
Exhibit Hall D
777 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
Portland, OR 97232
800/791-2250 or 503/235-7575
Fair Hours:
Sunday, November 2, 2014
1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Monday, November 3, 2014
9:00 a.m. –12:00 p.m.
Register Now at
Parents please encourage your Seniors to apply for these scholarships if interested.
Please see Ms. Ryan in the Career Center for further details.
AXA Achievement Scholarship in Association with US News and World Report. Begins September 8th.
Beat the Odds. Deadline: September 15th.
Hit the Books Scholarship $500 Deadline: September 30th.
Odenza Marketing Group Scholarship Deadline: September 30th
Shout It Out Scholarship begins September 30th.
Wendy’s High School Heisman begins October 2nd
Hotels Cheap Scholarship begins October 15th
Transportation YOU Scholarship begins October 23rd
Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest. Deadline: October 24th
Horatio Alger Scholarship. Deadline: October 25th
Carrington Dental Center Scholarship Application. Deadline: October 30th
Coca-Cola Scholars Program Deadline: October 31sth
AXA Achievement Community Scholarship begins October 2014
Scholarship America Dream Award begins October 2014
Buick Achievers : for more information, got to
Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Deadline: January 9, 2015
Gates Millennium Scholarship: Deadline: January 9, 2015
College Visits: Parents please encourage your Senior to attend this visitation in they are interested in attend one of these colleges.
All visits will be held in the Counseling Center. You must sign up in the Counseling Center for these visits.
9/23 Act Six 10:40
9/30 Warner Pacific 10:40
10/8 U of Oregon 9:00
10/22 U of Portland 10:00
10/28 Pacific University 10:40
11/4 Alfred State 9:00
11/5 Sweetbriar College 10:40
Have a Great Week!
Curtis Wilson Jr., Principal
Benson Polytechnic High School