Parents/Guardians Newsletter
PSAT Testing
Parents please note that the PSAT testing was a huge success here at Benson this past Wednesday. I would like to personally “Thank” my staff and my administrative team and all the support staff that were involved in the success of this endeavor. To Benson’s testing coordinator Steve Curley, “Great Job!”
PPS must annually report contact information to military recruiters for all 11th and 12th graders unless either the parent or student informs us that they wish to “opt out”. Opt outs are submitted on the Student Registration Form or a Student Opt-out Form.
Military Recruitment Contact Lists
PPS will be producing the military recruitment contact lists as required by the No Child Left Behind Act on November 1st for all 11th and 12th grade students unless indicated in Synergy as “Yes” to the field “Exclude from Military Recruitment” on the Student screen.
Student Opt Out Forms
Students, as well as parents, are given the opportunity to opt-out. “The No Child Left Behind Act requires school districts to provide the name and address of all junior and senior students to military recruiters, unless the parent or student informs the school district that they do not want that information provided to the military recruiters. Students can make their own decision that they do not want their name and address provided to military recruiters. If you are a junior or senior and do not want your name and address released to the military, please inform the school office no later than Tuesday, October 29.”
A message from Tech-Geometry Class (Mr. Hryciw):
Tech-Geometry has received a $250 donation from DR Martins to help with building projects.
A message from Robotics (Mr. Pellico):
The Robotics team received a grant from the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) specifically earmarked for new and existing robotics teams. They applied for and received the maximum amount of $7,000 ($1,500 for each of the three existing teams, and $2,500 for starting our fourth team). They are planning to use the money for parts for the new team, a combination shear and metal brake, and a 3-D printer. Also the funds will pay for some extra parts that tend to wear out or break occasionally. All four of Benson’s robotics teams already have working and driving robots and the build season is just getting started. Mr. Pellico anticipates much success when the tournaments season starts in December. Mr. Pellico has hopes of getting the robotics team to the State championships or beyond.
A message from Mr. Mylet (Yearbook):
Parents can purchase yearbook space for senior baby pictures or advertising. The deadline is December 1st. Prices vary depending on the size of the ads. Parents can contact Mr. Mylet directly at [email protected] for further details.
A message from HealthCorps (Amy Barras):
HealthCorps Highlights:
What is HealthCorps?
HealthCorps is a national non-profit that was founded by Dr. Mehmet Oz and his wife Lisa Oz in 2003 in response to the childhood obesity epidemic. HealthCorps hosts “coordinators” in various high schools across the nation to rally students, staff, and communities in all things health and wellness.
To learn more:
The freshmen class watched Benson’s Documentary: The Heart of the Matter on October 16th. Students were encouraged to keep up with their goals and live healthy!
Health Teacher, Katie Meyer and Sophomore, Maya Brown were interviewed about Benson’s Fit2Live&Learn program and the documentary on Health Currents Radio Podcast. To listen:
Chef’s Club: Meets every Tuesday from 3:30-5:00pm in room K-2 (next to the cafeteria kitchen). All students are welcome to join!
Facebook! Like our page: HealthCorps at Benson High School for the latest updates from Ms. Amy, health tips, pictures, videos and more.
Benson Garden: Do you have a green thumb and are looking to help give back to our school? If so, our garden could really use your help! Please contact Ms. Amy if this sounds like a project you are excited to take on.
Snack Donations: We are always looking for healthy snacks to offer students throughout the school day. If you have a healthy snack in mind or a way to contribute, please contact Amy Barras.
Amy’s Fun Fact: Scientists have counted over 500 different liver functions. The lovely liver is one of the body’s hardest working, largest and busiest organs. Some of the functions your liver performs are: production of bile, decomposition of red blood cells, plasma protein synthesis, and detoxification.
All students can get breakfast free of charge. Breakfast will be served from 7:45-8:15. Please encourage your students to arrive to school on time in order to receive breakfast.
One of the main reasons students struggle in school is poor attendance. Please help ensure students attend every day and arrive to school on time. We have an automated phone system that calls parents when a student has missed a class. You may also receive a call from teachers and/or administrators when a student is not attending regularly.
National College Fair
Friday November 1st from 9am-12:00pm and Saturday November 2nd from 1:00pm-5:00pm at the Oregon Convention Center (777 NE MLK BLVD) Admission is FREE and Parking is $10.00
Principal Wilson
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