January 14th, 2013
Benson Polytechnic High School
Parent Newsletter
Letter from the Principal:
Hello Benson Community:
I would like to remind you that we have a PTSA meeting this week: Tuesday @ 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom. Parents, staff, community members and students are invited to attend. If you are interested in organizing a booster club I encourage you to come to the PTSA meeting as we are discussing the possibility of having a booster club as a subcommittee of the PTSA.
Our monthly late starts are this week: Wednesday, January 16 and Thursday, January 17. Classes start at 10:15 both days. Students can meet with teachers during our advisory time on Thursday 9:15-10:00 a.m. This is a good time for students to get individual help and/or check on work that needs to be completed before the end of the semester.
Monday, January 21st is a holiday and schools are closed in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King.
Bilingual Community Agent Hired
We have hired a community agent who is a native Spanish speaker. Her name is Norma Hendershott and she will be located in the main office at Benson. She is here from approximately 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday. She is also available at other times by arrangement if families need translation for meetings. Ms. Hendershott will be able to assist our Spanish speaking students and families as well as help with translation of documents. We welcome her to the Benson community. Her number is 503-916-5100 ext. 77103.
Benson Website
Benson has a website which is maintained by students in the communications major. Students, Jorge Salazar and Derek Wong have recently updated the website. They have worked hard to add some features and ensure the information is current. Please visit http://www.bensonhs.net.
Teaching and Learning
Most states across the nation will be transitioning from current state standards and testing to Common Core Standards and a testing program called Smarter Balance. The standards, which Oregon adopted in 2010, are informed by national and international research including the study of standards adopted in countries such as Singapore, Denmark and Finland known for their high-performing schools. States are now implementing the standards so that students can move anywhere in Oregon or in the country and expect the same content, rigor and preparation.
Portland Public Schools began phasing in the new standards in 2011-12. The transition will continue through 2014-15. Families will increasingly notice significant changes in what students are taught and the expectations for mastery.
Tutoring Available
We have a tutor available Monday thru Thursday from 1:45-3:15 in the library classroom.
The volunteer tutor is a biochemist and is able to help students with the following subjects: chemistry, biology, anatomy, physics, geometry, algebra 1-2, algebra 3-4, pre-calculus and language arts.
Get ready for Benson winter sports season! Go to http://bensonptsa.org/ to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!
You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.
Next PTSA meeting is January 15th at 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom.
All students can get breakfast free of charge. Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30. Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.
Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year. The forms are available in the main office.
Our next equity workshop will include another racial autobiography and an examination of grade data. We use the latest grade reports and disaggregate the data by race.
Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group. http://www.pacificeducationalgroup.com/
PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.
Counseling/Career Center News
Scholarships due in January and February
· Sae Engineering Scholarship for up to 10,000, or full tuition . Due– 1/15
· Dell Scholarship Due-1/16
· Gates Millennium Scholars Due-1/16
· ESA Foundation Scholarship for 500-7,500 Due- 2/1
College Visits (located in the Career Center)
Career Information (located in the career center)
See Miranda Ryan in the Career Center for more information.
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