
Jun 172013

June 17th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Hi Everyone,

This will be the last newsletter until August.  There may be brief e-mails about important dates and events this summer.  

I want to thank all of you for your support this year.  Many of you have participated in and helped with events which would not be possible without your efforts.  I appreciate all you have done this past year.  I am also very proud of Benson students.  They always represent the school very well and every time I give someone a tour they comment on how impressed they are with the students.

Some students will be taking advantage of summer school and I hope that they will be successful in completing the coursework.  Regardless of whether or not students are enrolled in summer classes, one thing that can help any student is to read during the summer.  Please encourage your child to find something they like and read as much as possible.  Improving reading skills can make a difference in all subjects.

Enjoy the summer break. 


Class of 2017 Celebration

The PTSA is hosting a celebration for the incoming 9th graders on Tuesday, June 18th at 6:30 p.m.   This class will be the 100th graduating class from Benson High School.  This will be an opportunity to welcome students and families to Benson.  Light refreshments will be served.  Families will receive a Benson seat cushion and incoming 9th graders will receive a Tech Pride t-shirt.



Thanks to Dave Mylet, the Yearbook class and the Gay Straight Alliance for sponsoring the yearbook signing event after school on Friday.  Thanks also to the staff who stopped by to show their support. 


PPS participated in the Pride Parade on Sunday.  This is the first time that Portland Public Schools participated in this event.  It was very uplifting to hear the crowds cheer as we walked the parade route and a reminder of how important it is for our schools to be welcoming for all students and families.  School board members, the superintendent, administrators, teachers, family members, friends and allies made up the PPS group this year.  See picture below.



PPS Board of Directors:  Matt Morton, Bobbi Regan and Ruth Adkins

Superintendent:  Carole Smith

2013 grauate, Keighley Overbay was interviewed by Willamette Week regarding her high school experience at Benson.  You can read the interview by clicking on the following link:

Benson Alumni Association Picnic

Join us at the Benson Community Picnic on Saturday, August 17th from noon-4 p.m. at Blue Lake Park.  Free hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided.  Bring a side dish or dessert.  There is a $5 per car entry fee charged by the park.

Twitter @bphsaa


Jun 102013

June 10th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Hi Everyone,

This is the last week of school for students.  Please note the finals schedule below.

The class of 2013 will graduate on Monday night at 5:30 p.m. at the Coliseum.  You must have tickets to attend the graduation.  There is a mandatory graduation practice at the Coliseum at noon on Monday for seniors.

I am very proud of this group of seniors and look forward to the ceremony tomorrow evening. 


Senior Schedule

Graduation Practice (mandatory)      Monday, June 10th @ Noon    Memorial Coliseum

Graduation                                          Monday, June 10th @ 5:30      Memorial Coliseum

Exam Schedule

                                     June 12                      June 13                       June 14                                                                                                                                                               

8:15-9:45                       Per 1 – Finals            Per 2 – Finals               Per 7 – Finals

9:50-11:20                     Per 3 – Finals            Per 4 – Finals               Per 8 – Finals

12:10-1:40                     Per 5 – Finals            Per 6 – Finals              Make-up

1:45-3:15                       Make-up/Grade       Make-up/Grade           Grading. 

Class of 2017 Celebration

The PTSA is hosting a celebration for the incoming 9th graders on Tuesday, June 18th at 6:30 p.m.   This class will be the 100th graduating class from Benson High School.  This will be an opportunity to welcome students and families to Benson.  Light refreshments will be served.  Families will receive a Benson seat cushion and incoming 9th graders will receive a Tech Pride t-shirt.






Congratulations to Katie Meyer, Linda McLellan and Amy Barras.   The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation with the General Mills Foundation awarded $10,000 for the Fit to Live and Learn Program at Benson.  Over 1,200 organizations applied for one of these grants and 50 were selected for monetary awards.  The $10,000 grant for Benson was the largest grant.  


Congratulations to the following Benson staff members who are retiring at the end of this school year.

Dorothy Rowland             Paraeducator 2

Dorothy first started working for PPS in October, 1974, as a (part-time) dance accompanist at Jefferson High School.  She played music for dance classes at Jefferson from 1974-1976.  She returned to PPS to do dance accompaniment in the early ’80’s.  By that time the Jefferson dance program had expanded, and she played not only at Jefferson, but also at a couple of its “feeder” dance programs in the middle schools.  She continued with that work through June of 1990.

In September, 1998, she began working (full-time) for PPS as a Special Education Assistant (Paraeducator 2).  And that’s what she’s been doing ever since!

One of the great joys of her work as a paraeducator has been the opportunity to witness (up-close) classroom teachers in action.  She says that she is in awe of teachers and what they do. 



Dan Brown                          Special Education Teacher

Dan has worked as a classroom special education teacher for 33 years.  He started in 1979 at a rural high school in Michigan.  Taught there three years then moved to Portland, landing a Resource Center Room job at Grant High.  He was at Grant five years then was granted a sabbatical to enter a program at the U of O that focused on secondary transition issues for special education kids.   After that year study sabbatical he taught one year at Gregory Heights Middle School.  The next 10 years he taught at Jefferson High.  The highlight of those years and his career was developing  a high school work experience program he named the Job Sample Program, that was designed for moderately impaired teens.  The program’s duration was four years and it is the work of which he is most proud.  He was then “reconstituted” out of Jefferson, along with the entire staff.  At this point he left the district to become a Resource Center teacher at Newberg High School.  He was there two years.  He then went to Oregon City High School also as a Resource Teacher for one year.  After that year he returned to PPS and Grant High School as a Learning Center teacher.   He was at Grant until last year, when he transferred to half-time work at Benson.  Dan says it was an honor to work with so many interesting and dedicated staff.



Kathy Lloyd                         Health Occupations

Kathy starter her career at Benson High School in 1987.  She was hired to develop and teach Medical Assisting to juniors and seniors.   In 1989 she started a Health Sciences Program at Madison High School.  She was at Madison from 1989 until 2007.

In 2007, Kathy was the first in the State of Oregon to write and have approved a Program of Study for Madison’s Health Sciences Program.  She developed a strong partnership with Providence Portland Medical Center for student clinical experiences along with countless medical clinics.

In 2007, she returned to Benson High School to teach Medical Professions and Medical Profession Survey to juniors and seniors.

Kathy looks forward to staying active and spending time with her grandchildren, parents and children.  She plans on subbing and volunteering in PPS. 




Benson Alumni Association Picnic

Join us at the Benson Community Picnic on Saturday, August 17th from noon-4 p.m. at Blue Lake Park.  Free hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided.  Bring a side dish or dessert.  There is a $5 per car entry fee charged by the park.

Twitter @bphsaa


Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is June 18th.  More information to come.

Jun 032013

June 3rd, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter


Hi Everyone,

The end of the school is fast approaching.  Seniors will finish this week with two exam days and their BBQ on Wednesday.  In order to get graduation tickets, seniors need to pay all past due fees and turn in textbooks.  Wednesday is the checkout day.

Graduation is Monday, June 10th at 5:30 at Memorial Coliseum.  

I want to congratulate the class of 2013.  They have been excellent leaders this year.  Last week over two million dollars in scholarship money was awarded to seniors.  We have many seniors continuing their education at two or four year universities, many continuing with apprenticeships and training programs, some will be serving in the military and some will transition directly into the work force.  I am very proud of their accomplishments and have enjoyed getting to know them these past two years.

Have a good week,


Senior Schedule

Senior Exams                          June 3 and 4

Last Day                                 June 4

Senior BBQ                            June 5

Graduation Practice (mandatory)       Monday, June 10th @ Noon    Memorial Coliseum

Graduation                                          Monday, June 10th @ 5:30      Memorial Coliseum

Exam Schedule

                                     June 12                      June 13                       June 14                                                                                                                                                               

8:15-9:45                       Per 1 – Finals            Per 2 – Finals               Per 7 – Finals

9:50-11:20                     Per 3 – Finals            Per 4 – Finals               Per 8 – Finals

12:10-1:40                     Per 5 – Finals            Per 6 – Finals              Make-up

1:45-3:15                       Make-up/Grade       Make-up/Grade           Grading




Congratulations to the class of 2013.  Over two million dollars in scholarship money was awarded last week at the senior awards assembly.  Each department also recognized students for their academic performance.


Congratulations to the freshmen class (class of 2016), Katie Meyer, Linda McLellan and Amy Barras.  The class has lost 1233 pounds since school started, reduced their average body fat by 1.5% and reduced the average mile run time by nearly two minutes.  They accomplished this by participating in the Fit to Live and Learn program designed by Katie, Linda and Amy.  On Friday, May 24th, Benson was awarded the Oregon Wellness Award and the program received a check for $2500. 


Congratulations to Dave Mylet and members of the yearbook class for completing the yearbook.  Usually yearbooks are not available until the fall, but thanks to the hard work and effort of Mr.  Mylet and his students, the yearbooks are being delivered now. 


Congratulations to Tony Franciscone and construction students Jason Thomas (Senior) and Daniel Edgren (Junior).  These students participated in building a scale model of the Sellwood Bridge Landslide Mitigation Project.  They worked with a Geotech Engineer and an architect to design and build the model.  They visited the site several times, observed the movement of the span to the temporary supports and were exposed to the engineering and design that went into this complex bridge project.   On May 8th, they spoke to the management team of the project explaining what they learned and how they designed and built the scale model. 



Tony Franciscone, Jason Thomas and Daniel Edgren at bridge site.

Congratulations to Leon McKenzie, the track coaching staff and the track athletes.  Over Memorial  weekend, several Benson athletes competed in the state track meet at the University of Oregon in Eugene.

****Congratulations to state champion Chaquinn Cook (sophomore) who won the triple jump with a jump of 36’9”.

2013 Benson State Track and Field Results     

Boys                10 points

110 Meter Hurdles

4th        Cameron Retherford(11)                    15.23

300 Meter Hurdles

5th        Cameron Retherford(11)                    40.16

Long Jump

8th       Cameron Retherford(11)                    21’01”

Girls                20 points

4 X 100 Meter Relay

8th       Jasmin McKenzie(11), Kinnah Rhodes(10), Katherine Darke(10), Chaquinn Cook(10)


100 Meter Hurdles

7th        Chaquinn Cook(10)                            17.00

Long Jump

3rd        Jasmin McKenzie(11)                         16’11”

Triple Jump

1st        Chaquinn Cook                                 36’9”   STATE CHAMPION

400 Meter

8th        Katherine Darke   


    CAMERON RETHERFORD                         


Thank you, Norse Lodge!


Thank you to David Champion and the Norse Lodge for their support.  David is a member of the Benson PTSA and attends monthly meetings.  He has been instrumental in helping create a partnership with the Kerns and Buckman Neighborhood Associations which has allowed us to participate in the clean-up day sponsored by those groups.  


The Norse Hall has also made the following donations to Benson this year:  $200 to Robotics Club, Skills USA and cheerleaders in April.  This month they donated $250.00 each to the Robotics Club, Skills USA, cheerleaders and Chef’s Club. 


The Norse Hall sponsors a parade each year to celebrate Norway’s Constitution Day.  This year Skills USA, Robotics Club and the Benson Alumni Band participated in the parade and celebration.  The parade included two live bands, two Viking ships, six schools, a police escort, banners, fjord horses and 350-400 people.  Next year the parade will be on Saturday, May 17, 2014, which will be the bicentennial celebration of Norway’s constitution.    The Benson community is invited to participate.


Benson Alumni Association Picnic

Join us at the Benson Community Picnic on Saturday, August 17th from noon-4 p.m. at Blue Lake Park.  Free hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided.  Bring a side dish or dessert.  There is a $5 per car entry fee charged by the park.

Twitter @bphsaa


Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is June 18th.  More information to come.


May 282013

May 27th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Hi Everyone,

Note the corrected dates for Benson graduation:  Monday, June 10th

The end of the school year is fast approaching with seniors graduating on June 10th and the last day of school for everyone else is June 14th.  June 12-14 are exam days (see exam schedule below).  It is important that students finish up any missing work in the next two weeks and communicate with teachers regarding assignments and tests.  

Have a good week,


Senior Schedule

Senior Exams                          June 3 and 4

Last Day                                 June 4

Senior BBQ                            June 5

Graduation Practice (mandatory)       Monday, June 10th @ Noon    Memorial Coliseum

Graduation                                          Monday, June 10th @ 5:30      Memorial Coliseum

Exam Schedule

                                     June 12                      June 13                       June 14                                                                                                                                                               

8:15-9:45                       Per 1 – Finals            Per 2 – Finals               Per 7 – Finals

9:50-11:20                     Per 3 – Finals            Per 4 – Finals               Per 8 – Finals

12:10-1:40                     Per 5 – Finals            Per 6 – Finals              Make-up

1:45-3:15                       Make-up/Grade       Make-up/Grade           Grading

Exchange Students

Youth for Understanding (YFU) international students are coming to Portland! They are seeking local families to host high school exchange students for the 2013-2014 school year. Families of all shapes and sizes are welcome to host. Please visit: for more information or call (303) 270-0068 X 7244.  They are looking to place several students at Portland Public High Schools including Benson.  

Writing the College Essay

There will be a workshop at Benson this summer to help seniors write their college essays.  The workshop is sponsored by the Oregon Writing Project at Lewis and Clark College.  There are two scholarships available for Benson students and applications are available in the main office and from English teachers.

Here are the details:

Writing the College Essay

June 24-28, 2013

9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (noon)

@Benson High School         546 NE 12th Avenue



Spring sports are coming to a close.  Congratulations to all athletes and coaches for their hard work and for representing Benson.   The baseball and softball teams competed very well this season and have a good outlook for next year.  Thanks to both teams who volunteered for the Benson Clean-up Day.  

Congratulations to men’s tennis players and their coach, Fred Wong.  The following athletes qualified for state men’s doubles:

Kahleil Johnson and Peter Hoang

Congratulations to women’s tennis players and their coach, Deane Larsell.  The following athletes qualified for state women’s doubles:

Tina Do & Jessica Nguyen   

Amy Le & Haley Cottrell


Congratulations to the track and field coaches (head coach-Leon McKenzie) and the following athletes who qualified for events at the state track meet:


Jazmine McKenzie                 

Chaquinn Cook          

Katie Darke           

Kinnah Rhodes       

Tiara Moxley            


Jaquan Warren        

Cameron Retherford 

Darian Romero         

Ethan Whitlow            

Devon Sweeting       

Benson Alumni Association Picnic

Join us at the Benson Community Picnic on Saturday, August 17th from noon-4 p.m. at Blue Lake Park.  Free hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided.  Bring a side dish or dessert.  There is a $5 per car entry fee charged by the park.

Twitter @bphsaa


Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is June 18th.  More information to come.

May 202013

May 20th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Hi Everyone,

On Thursday and Friday, students in grades 9-11 were given a list of elective courses to choose from to ensure they have a full schedule for next year.  Some of the courses to be offered include robotics, electronics, music, dance, art and computer science.  We will still have a structured study hall available for those who want it (called tutorial) and the option of late arrival and/or early release for juniors and seniors.  Students might not get their first choice nor will they get all of their choices.  We will do our best to schedule students into courses they desire.

Incoming 9th graders will receive a list of electives in the mail with a self-addressed stamped envelope.  Students should choose five elective courses and number them 1-5 with number 1 being their first choice.  Mail the sheet back in the self-addressed envelope as soon as possible.

The prom was a huge success on Saturday night.  Thanks to the senior class advisor, Sally Niedermeyer, who worked with the seniors to plan this event.

Have a good week,


Writing the College Essay

There will be a workshop at Benson this summer to help seniors write their college essays.  The workshop is sponsored by the Oregon Writing Project at Lewis and Clark College.  There are two scholarships available for Benson students and applications are available in the main office and from English teachers.

Here are the details:

Writing the College Essay

June 24-28, 2013

9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (noon)

@Benson High School         546 NE 12th Avenue


Students going off campus

In the past two weeks we have had two incidents of students arranging to participate in fighting off campus.  In both cases, the students who were fighting invited friends to come and watch.  We were able to obtain a video of one of the fights and identified approximately 30 students who were watching and cheering on the two who were fighting.  In the other incident, police were called by a neighbor and two teachers who were walking during lunch were able to help us identify those in attendance.

The consequence for fighting is suspension and could lead to expulsion.  We met with those who attended the fights and stressed the importance of reporting things that are unsafe (which would include fighting).  We plan to be more explicit in the student handbook next year and will impose consequences to students who go to pre-arranged fights and/or who attend fights and do not report. 

We are always concerned for Benson students and their safety.  Please help us by talking to your child about the danger of engaging in violence and/or promoting violence by attending fights.  Also, we encourage students to stay on campus where there are lots of adults and it is less likely that fighting and other types of behavior will occur.  It is impossible for us to monitor students who choose to leave campus, but, with your help, hopefully fewer students will make that choice.



Auto Skills Competition

Two auto students participated in the Ford Auto Skills Competition on Friday.  In order to qualify, students had to participate in a school level competition.  The top 10 scores from across the state qualified for the state competition held at Mt.  Hood Community College.  The picture below is from the banquet on Thursday evening.  The two students competing from Benson include Jacob Thornes and Lance Vigil.  Teachers Ed Railey and Brett Anderson are also pictured. 

Update:  Jacob and Lance placed 2nd in the competition on Friday.  Only three teams were able to start their cars at the end of the time limit.  Jacob and Lance received prizes and opportunities for scholarships.



Teaching and Learning/Equity

The “Fit to Live and Learn” research team is collecting data on the freshmen.  They will then work together to compile and synthesize the data.

PLC groups are preparing to make presentations to the staff about the work they did this year.

Benson Alumni Association Picnic

Join us at the Benson Community Picnic on Saturday, August 17th from noon-4 p.m. at Blue Lake Park.  Free hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided.  Bring a side dish or dessert.  There is a $5 per car entry fee charged by the park.

Twitter @bphsaa


Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is May 21st at 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom. 

Dress Code


A reminder about school dress code: 


No undergarments may be visible (including sagging pants)

No strapless tops

Shorts must have at least a 6 inch inseam

No half or cropped shirts (midriff cannot be showing)

Skirts and/or dresses can be no shorter than fingertips when arms are extended.


Please review the student handbook for more detail about the dress code.


Students who come to school with improper clothing may be given a t-shirt to wear, may serve detention and/or parent/guardian may be called to bring other clothing.



All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.

Counseling/Career Center News

Career Days

  • Portland Parks and Recreation is looking to hire people for summer employment.  See Ms. Ryan in the Career Center for more information.


  • The Eagle Program is a paid Internship program.  Only sophomores are eligible to apply for this two year program.  Find applications in the career center.



See the Career Coordinator for more information on scholarships.



May 132013

May 13th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Hi Everyone,

Thank you to those of you who brought food and sent notes to teachers during teacher appreciation week last week.

As you may have heard in the news, PPS high schools will be offering full schedules to students in grades 9-12 next year.  We have been given additional teachers to allow us to create more classes.  During the next two weeks students will be given the opportunity to select electives that will fill their schedules.  Juniors and seniors who prefer to have late arrival and/or early release will still be allowed to do so.  

Please remind students that they should avoid Holliday Park and Lloyd Center.  Holliday Park is a known area of gang activity and it is not a safe place for students to hang out.  It is very difficult for students to go to Lloyd Center during lunch and make it back in time.  There are many students who eat in our cafeteria, in hallways and outside on the Benson campus.  We do not supervise Holliday Park or Lloyd Center and recommend students to not go to those two areas.  With our ability to add new classes for next year, there will be fewer students with open periods and less temptation for students to leave campus.

Have a good week,




Auto Skills Competition

Two auto students participated in the Ford Auto Skills Competition on Friday.  In order to qualify, students had to participate in a school level competition.  The top 10 scores from across the state qualified for the state competition held at Mt.  Hood Community College.  The picture below is from the banquet on Thursday evening.  The two students competing from Benson include Jacob Thornes and Lance Vigil.  Teachers Ed Railey and Brett Anderson are also pictured. 



Diversity Assembly

On Friday we had the annual diversity assembly.  Benson is a very diverse school and we have many different cultures to celebrate.  Thanks to John Slaughter and Amy Slaughter for planning and organizing the performances.   Below are two pictures from the assembly. 







Site Council

The next site council meeting will be May 14th at 4:00 p.m. in the library classroom.

Teaching and Learning/Equity

The “Fit to Live and Learn” research team is collecting data on the freshmen.  They will then work together to compile and synthesize the data.

PLC groups are preparing to make presentations to the staff about the work they did this year.

Benson Alumni Association Picnic

Join us at the Benson Community Picnic on Saturday, August 17th from noon-4 p.m. at Blue Lake Park.  Free hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided.  Bring a side dish or dessert.  There is a $5 per car entry fee charged by the park.

Twitter @bphsaa


Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is May 21st at 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom. 

Dress Code


A reminder about school dress code: 


No undergarments may be visible (including sagging pants)

No strapless tops

Shorts must have at least a 6 inch inseam

No half or cropped shirts (midriff cannot be showing)

Skirts and/or dresses can be no shorter than fingertips when arms are extended.


Please review the student handbook for more detail about the dress code.


Students who come to school with improper clothing may be given a t-shirt to wear, may serve detention and/or parent/guardian may be called to bring other clothing.



All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.

Counseling/Career Center News

Career Days

  • Portland Parks and Recreation is looking to hire people for summer employment.  See Ms. Ryan in the Career Center for more information.


  • The Eagle Program is a paid Internship program.  Only sophomores are eligible to apply for this two year program.  Find applications in the career center.



See the Career Coordinator for more information on scholarships.

May 062013

May 6th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Hi Everyone,

This week is teacher appreciation week.  If you have time, please let teachers know you appreciate their hard work by sending them a note, e-mail or phone message.  Teachers appreciate hearing from parents and students.

The superintendent is looking for ways to fund high schools so that students can be offered 7 classes.  There will be a report at the board meeting on Monday night from the superintendent.  I will keep you posted on any changes that might occur with our schedule and/or ability to offer more classes to students. 

Have a good week,




PSU Innovation Challenge 2013


On Saturday, April 27th two Benson teams participated in the first PSU Innovation Challenge.  There were six teams overall who have been working for several weeks on the topic of “Schools in 2025.”  The Benson Blue team members included:  Keighley Overbay, Keala Cottrell, Kien Tran, Zachary Bright, Quinn McCurdy and Johnny Trieu.

Benson Orange team members included:  Bronson Kim, Devon Straub, Edgard Banuelos, Theo Nguyen and Rose Adrian.


The presentations were very well done.  One group focused on curriculum that was project based and related to student interest.  The other group focused on career related learning and the importance of making school relevant. 


Congratulations to Matt Pellico (advisor) and students for their hard work.

Links to photos of teams below.

Daimler Field Trip

Close to 200 high school students from the greater metro area descended on the Daimler plant to learn about design development, manufacturing and testing of freight trucks.   Approximately 50 Benson students participated in the field trip. Each participating school will receive $5000 from Daimler.


Benson High School junior, Jason Shaw, 17, center, crouches down for a better look at the underside of a freight truck at the Daimler plant on Swan Island.


Benson students listen to a presentation in the prototype test area at Daimler. 

Benson Skidmore House

The Skidmore house construction is going well.  The good weather has allowed students in the construction program and teacher, Rich Weber, to spend more time at the site.  They would like to get the roof in place before summer. See pictures below.


Construction students and teacher, Rich Weber, working on second story outside walls.


Skidmore House


Nursing Assistant

  • Gold Medal:       Meagan Schnell
  • Silver Medal:      Divine Abit
  • Bronze Medal: Sabrina Mohammed


Medical Assistant

  • Gold Medal:       Thien-Kim Duong
  • Silver Medal:      Silver Medal


Dental Spelling

  • Gold Medal:       Amy Le
  • Silver Medal:      Jessica Nguyen


Creative Problem Solving Team Event  Gold Medals:

  • Heng Chen
  • Michael Liao
  • Kien Tran


Medical Math

  • Gold Medal:        Heng Chen
  • Silver Medal:       Michael Liao


Healthcare Issues Exam

  • Gold Medal:       Kevin Truong
  • Silver Medal:      Zach Klein-Sampsell
  • Bronze Medal:  Thao Nguyen


CPR/First Aid

  • Gold Medal:       Tina Do &  Divine Abit
  • Silver Medal:      Heng Chen &  Zach Klein-Sampsell


Dental Science

Gold Medal: Jessica Nguyen

Dental Terminology

  • Gold Medal: Ben Bui
  • Silver Medal: Amy Le
  • Bronze Medal: Thein-Kim Duong


Human Growth & Development

Bronze Medal:                  Jessica Nguyen

Medical Law & Ethics

Gold Medal:                       Angel Le


Gold Medal:                       Thien- Kim Duong

Extemporaneous Health Poster

Gold Medal:                       Amy Le

Researched Persuasive Speaking

Gold Medal:                       Ben Bui


Gold Medal:

      • Angel le
      • Phuong uyen Nguyen
      • Kien Tran
      • Amy Le


Bronze Metal

  • Heng Chen
  • Zach Klein-Sampsell
  • Michael Liao
  • Kevin Truong


Site Council

The next site council meeting will be May 7th at 4:00 p.m. in the library classroom.

Teaching and Learning/Equity

The “Fit to Live and Learn” research team is collecting data on the freshmen.  They will then work together to compile and synthesize the data.

PLC groups are preparing to make presentations to the staff about the work they did this year.

Benson Alumni Association Picnic

Join us at the Benson Community Picnic on Saturday, August 17th from noon-4 p.m. at Blue Lake Park.  Free hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided.  Bring a side dish or dessert.  There is a $5 per car entry fee charged by the park.

Twitter @bphsaa


We will continue to discuss culturally responsive teaching.

Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.


Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is May 14th at 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom. 

Dress Code


A reminder about school dress code: 


No undergarments may be visible (including sagging pants)

No strapless tops

Shorts must have at least a 6 inch inseam

No half or cropped shirts (midriff cannot be showing)

Skirts and/or dresses can be no shorter than fingertips when arms are extended.


Please review the student handbook for more detail about the dress code.


Students who come to school with improper clothing may be given a t-shirt to wear, may serve detention and/or parent/guardian may be called to bring other clothing.



All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.

Counseling/Career Center News

Career Days

  • Portland Parks and Recreation is looking to hire people for summer employment.  See Ms. Ryan in the Career Center for more information.


  • The Eagle Program is a paid Internship program.  Only sophomores are eligible to apply for this two year program.  Find applications in the career center.



See the Career Coordinator for more information on scholarships.



Apr 292013

April 29th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Hi Everyone,

We are nearing the end of the school year.  Seniors have less than 30 days of school left.  Please be sure to communicate with teachers regarding questions about grades, assignments and projects.

I will be presenting to the school board on Monday night at 7:25.  The presentation will focus on successes and challenges with some time for questions from school board members.  The whole presentation is scheduled to last for 20 minutes.  There are very many good things to report about Benson and I feel very fortunate to be associated with Benson.  Many times I have been told by visitors to the school that there is something very “unique and amazing” about the atmosphere in the building.  Many of our challenges are the same as other high schools but I will focus on those things that greatly impact our ability to offer a full schedule for students and to sustain a minimum number of career technical programs.

Have a good week,




Students attend play:  Clybourne Park


Ms.  Wong’s AP English classes went to Portland Center Stage last Thursday to watch Clybourne Park.  This unit of study included reading the novel, Raisin in the Sun and viewing the play.  Both activities provided students with information for discussion and for essay writing on historical and current perspectives regarding racism.


PSU Innovation Challenge 2013


On Saturday, two Benson teams participated in the first PSU Innovation Challenge.  There were six teams overall who have been working for several weeks on the topic of “Schools in 2025.”  The Benson Blue team members included:  Keighley Overbay, Keala Cottrell, Kien Tran, Zachary Bright, Quinn McCurdy and Johnny Trieu.

Benson Orange team members included:  Bronson Kim, Devon Straub, Edgard Banuelos, Theo Nguyen and Rose Adrian.


The presentations were very well done.  One group focused on curriculum that was project based and related to student interest.  The other group focused on career related learning and the importance of making school relevant. 


Congratulations to Matt Pellico (advisor) and students for their hard work.

ACE Mentor Program

$4000 Home Builders Foundation Scholarship Winner:

Kiara Drake

Gates Millennium Scholarship Awarded

Congratulations to Benson seniors, Kevin Truong and Sabrina Mohammed who recently won the Gates Millennium Scholarship.

There were five Gates Scholarships awarded to PPS students this year. 

The Gates Millennium Scholars (GMS) Program selects 1,000 talented students from across the nation each year to receive a good-through-graduation scholarship to use at any college or university of their choice. Recipients are provided with personal and professional development through leadership programs along with academic support throughout their college career.

Skills USA

The following students also participated in Skills competitions last week (their names were not included in the newsletter):


Greeley Guinn 2nd

Rachelle trump 3rd

Haley Paxton 4th

Marquise Green 5th

Z Man Scholarship Talent Competition

Last Friday evening at the University of Portland Chiles Center, Benson sophomore Alexis Whitney competed in a talent competition with other PPS students.  Alexis had an amazing performance.  Thanks to all who attended.  


Site Council

The next site council meeting will be May 7th at 4:00 p.m. in the library classroom.

Teaching and Learning/Equity

The “Fit to Live and Learn” research team is collecting data on the freshmen.  They will then work together to compile and synthesize the data.

PLC groups are preparing to make presentations to the staff about the work they did this year.

Benson Alumni Association Picnic

Join us at the Benson Community Picnic on Saturday, August 17th from noon-4 p.m. at Blue Lake Park.  Free hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided.  Bring a side dish or dessert.  There is a $5 per car entry fee charged by the park.

Twitter @bphsaa


We will continue to discuss culturally responsive teaching.

Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.


Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is May 14th at 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom. 

Dress Code


A reminder about school dress code: 


No undergarments may be visible (including sagging pants)

No strapless tops

Shorts must have at least a 6 inch inseam

No half or cropped shirts (midriff cannot be showing)

Skirts and/or dresses can be no shorter than fingertips when arms are extended.


Please review the student handbook for more detail about the dress code.


Students who come to school with improper clothing may be given a t-shirt to wear, may serve detention and/or parent/guardian may be called to bring other clothing.



All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.

Counseling/Career Center News

Career Days

  • Portland Parks and Recreation is looking to hire people for summer employment.  See Ms. Ryan in the Career Center for more information.


  • The Eagle Program is a paid Internship program.  Only sophomores are eligible to apply for this two year program.  Find applications in the career center.



See the Career Coordinator for more information on scholarships.

Scholarships in April

  • Zeta Phi sorority, incorporated, Oregon Dove scholarship for $500 awarded to an individual due- 4/29
  • Humanist of greater Portland offering $2,000 scholarship due-4/30
Apr 222013

April 22nd, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Hi Everyone,


Thanks to all who participated in the Benson Clean-up Day on Saturday.  We have partnered with the Kern and Buckman neighborhood Associations for the past two years and appreciate their help with getting rid of our trash and yard debris. 


Please note the schedule changes for Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.  There is information below about the activities for Tuesday.  We have worked very hard to provide activities for students while the juniors are taking the ACT test.  All sophomores will be visiting college campuses and must turn in a field trip permission form to participate.  Sophomores who do not turn in a permission form will participate in activities at Benson.  See more information below.


Have a good week,






This week we have some schedule changes.  Please note the following:

Tuesday, April 23rd:                ACT testing                Students dismissed at 12:50 (lunch will be served)

Wednesday, April 24th            Late Start                    Classes begin at 10:15 a.m.


ACT Testing Day-Tuesday, April 23rd


On the Act testing day all juniors will be taking the ACT test.  This test is free of charge and is used by colleges.  It also provides an opportunity for students to meet essential skill requirements for graduation. 

We are on a special schedule that day with dismissal and lunch at 12:50.


Freshmen will be viewing a film called “Bully” and reading articles about issues related to bullying.  They will use the information to practice a writing task.   An opt out form will be sent home this week if you would prefer your student did not see the film.  The film has received positive reviews and comes with resources for teachers.  Here is a link to information about the film.


Sophomores will be visiting college campuses for tours and information.  Permission slips will be sent home this week for the field trips.  Some groups will travel via Tri-met and some will travel via school buses.  Trips will be chaperoned by teachers.


Seniors will be viewing the film, “Bully” and participating in short de-brief about issues related to bullying.  They will spend part of the morning working in their majors.  Here is a link to information about the movie.


Benson Clean-up

The Benson Clean-up, in partnership with the Kerns and Buckman neighborhood associations, was a huge success.  Because of the work that was done last year, we were able to focus on some new areas.  There were approximately 60 adult, student, staff, alumni and neighborhood volunteers.   Thanks to the PTSA, Alumni Assoc. and Barry Phillips for organizing the event.  Bob Brown, Chuck Heil, Susan Hargrave, Lisa Wilcke, Robin Wolfe, Christin Knight-Stanner, Don Chambless and other PTSA members organized and helped at the event.  Benson alumni Chuck Heil, Tammy Hite, Neil Galash, Donald Wear, Rob Johns and others secured donations of bark dust and were on hand to help on Saturday.   Also, thanks to the neighborhood associations for partnering with us and providing dumpsters for our trash and yard debris.  PPS district maintenance personnel were able to mow the front lawn on Friday which also helped.  Thanks to members of the alumni association for picking up the mowed grass and edging the entire front sidewalks and walkways.  Alumni and PTSA also provided trucks and trailers to haul the debris to the dumpster site.   A special thanks to all of the students who showed up to work on Saturday.  Most of the baseball and softball team members and their coaches worked the entire time.  Following the clean-up, the softball team had practice and the baseball team went to see the movie “42” which is a biographical story of Jackie Robinson.  We appreciate the time and effort contributed by those two sports teams and coaches.

Here are some pictures of the event.



Ms.  Carbone weeding and raking around the bushes in front of the school.


Students learned how to prune bushes.


Courtyard area.  Previously weeded and cleaned by Mr.  Ryan (social studies) and Mr.  Thompson (math).  We plan to turn this into a park like area for students and staff.


Our neighbors have complained about the PPS parking lot.  Barry Phillips supervised a clean-up crew to pick up trash, pull weeds and spread bark dust. 


The front lawn, freshly mowed and edged.


Some of the student volunteers. 


Mr.  Phillips was very busy organizing student work crews.


The result of hard work from parents, students, alumni and friends of Benson High School.



Gates Millennium Scholarship Awarded

Congratulations to Benson senior, Kevin Truong, who recently won the Gates Millennium Scholarship.

The Gates Millennium Scholars (GMS) Program selects 1,000 talented students from across the nation each year to receive a good-through-graduation scholarship to use at any college or university of their choice. Recipients are provided with personal and professional development through leadership programs along with academic support throughout their college career.

Skills USA Competition

27 Benson students and their advisor, Cathy Skach, went to SkillsUSA competitions on Saturday at Sabin Schellenberg Professional Technical Center.  16 students placed with a total of 4 GOLDS, 5 seconds, 5 thirds, 2 fourths, and a sixth. Here are the results!

Automotive:    2nd place-Kevin Craig

4th Place-Lance Vigil

Carpentry:       4th place-Matthew Mattson

Computer Maintenance technology:   2nd place-Noah Krebs

Digital Cinema Production:    2nd place-Arthur Jackson and Juan Mera-Bravo (team of 2)

Electric Construction Wiring: GOLD-Evan Wagstaff

                                                2nd place-Ricky Wade

Precision Machining:               3rd place-Joey Wallberg

                                                6th place-José Bastida

Sheet Metal:                            3rd place-Simon Chau

T-shirt Design:                        3rd place-Cardeana Burton

Television (Video) Production:           3rd Place-Nicole Findley and Cardeana Burton (team of 2)

Web Design:               GOLD-Jorge Salazar and Derek Wong (team of 2)

Pin Design:                  GOLD-Elaine Vu Pham

The pin design is a special honor because it will be the pin we all wear to national competitions and students trade with other kids for pins from other states. The really cool designs become so sought out that they become worth multiple pins in trade. Elaine’s design is first-rate and likely to become one of the pins that become “hot” property. Here is a pic of Elaine’s award-winning pin.


Students going to nationals include: 

Elaine Vu Pham, Derek Wong, Jorge Salazar, Evan Wagstaff, Isaiah Catabay, Schanelle Wallace, Thao Ly

Portland Public School Equity Grant Awards

We have just learned that Benson will receive a $45,000 equity grant for the 2013-14 school year.  Each year, the local organization All Hands Raised, awards grants to schools.  Grant funds are used to provide supports and opportunities in schools that serve high numbers of students from low income areas and students in underserved populations.  We have used these funds in the past to provide credit recovery opportunities, tutoring and family outreach. 

Z Man Scholarship Talent Competition

This Friday evening at the University of Portland Chiles Center, Benson sophomore Alexis Whitney will compete in a talent competition with other PPS students.  The winner will receive a scholarship.  Tickets for the event are $10 and can be purchased from the bookkeeper.

Site Council

The next site council meeting will be May 7th at 4:00 p.m. in the library classroom.

Teaching and Learning/Equity

The “Fit to Live and Learn” research team is collecting data on the freshmen.  They will then work together to compile and synthesize the data.

PLC groups are preparing to make presentations to the staff about the work they did this year.

Benson Alumni Association Picnic

Join us at the Benson Community Picnic on Saturday, August 17th from noon-4 p.m. at Blue Lake Park.  Free hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided.  Bring a side dish or dessert.  There is a $5 per car entry fee charged by the park.

Twitter @bphsaa


We will continue to discuss culturally responsive teaching.

Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.


Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is May 14th at 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom. 

Dress Code


A reminder about school dress code: 


No undergarments may be visible (including sagging pants)

No strapless tops

Shorts must have at least a 6 inch inseam

No half or cropped shirts (midriff cannot be showing)

Skirts and/or dresses can be no shorter than fingertips when arms are extended.


Please review the student handbook for more detail about the dress code.


Students who come to school with improper clothing may be given a t-shirt to wear, may serve detention and/or parent/guardian may be called to bring other clothing.



All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.

Counseling/Career Center News

Career Days

  • Portland Parks and Recreation is looking to hire people for summer employment.  See Ms. Ryan in the Career Center for more information.


  • The Eagle Program is a paid Internship program.  Only sophomores are eligible to apply for this two year program.  Find applications in the career center.



See the Career Coordinator for more information on scholarships.

Scholarships in April

  • Zeta Phi sorority, incorporated, Oregon Dove scholarship for $500 awarded to an individual due- 4/29
  • Humanist of greater Portland offering $2,000 scholarship due-4/30



Apr 152013

April 15th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Letter from the Principal:

Hello Benson Community:

Permission slips should be given out and collected this week for the April 23rd activities for freshmen and sophomores (film and college visits).  See information below.


Grades are due at the end of the day on the 15th (Monday).   You should receive the grade reports within a week.  Please contact teachers with questions and/or concerns.


Please note the special schedule for April 23rd and the late start for April 24th.  Details below.


Have a good week,




ACT Testing Day-Tuesday, April 23rd


On the Act testing day all juniors will be taking the ACT test.  This test is free of charge and is used by colleges.  It also provides an opportunity for students to meet essential skill requirements for graduation. 

We are on a special schedule that day with dismissal and lunch at 12:50.


Freshmen will be viewing a film called “Bully” and reading articles about issues related to bullying.  They will use the information to practice a writing task.   An opt out form will be sent home this week if you would prefer your student did not see the film.  The film has received positive reviews and comes with resources for teachers.  Here is a link to information about the film.


Sophomores will be visiting college campuses for tours and information.  Permission slips will be sent home this week for the field trips.  Some groups will travel via Tri-met and some will travel via school buses.  Trips will be chaperoned by teachers.


Seniors will be viewing the film, “Bully” and participating in short de-brief about issues related to bullying.  They will spend part of the morning working in their majors.  Here is a link to information about the movie.


Poetry Slam

Joel Machiela, librarian, organized this year’s Poetry Slam which was held on Friday, April 5th.  Thanks to the judges:  Ms.  Slaughter, Mr.  Mylet and Ms.  Johnson.  Also, thanks to Mr.  Slaughter for being the emcee for the event.

The winners were:

  1.  Cherilyn Brown
  2. Theo Nguyen
  3. Kahlea Casanova-Fish

Alternates Alzae Goldsby and Bo McDermid.

The winners will go on to represent Benson at Verselandia, the all-district poetry slam on April 30th at the Wonder Ballroom.  We have a limited number of tickets for the event (40) so please let Joel Machiela know right away if you would like to attend.  There is no cost for the tickets.  We’ll have a bus for staff and students who want to go together. 

OACTE Presentation

Amy Slaughter and Tim Hryciw presented a workshop on integrating math and CTE at the Oregon Association of Career and Technical Education conference in Sunriver last Thursday.  The workshop attendees included teachers and administrators from the state of Oregon.  The workshop was well received and there were lots of requests for more information and lesson ideas.  Great job Amy and Tim!  See photos below.





Benson Clean-up


We will be partnering with the Kerns Neighborhood Association again this year for a clean-up day at Benson.  The event is on Saturday, April 20th and is being organized by Benson PTSA.  Please consider donating time, materials, food, water, etc.  for the event.  Last year we had nearly 100 students and adults show up to work and we were able to really spruce up the front of the building.  More information will be available soon.


Benson Alumni Association Picnic

Join us at the Benson Community Picnic on Saturday, August 17th from noon-4 p.m. at Blue Lake Park.  Free hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided.  Bring a side dish or dessert.  There is a $5 per car entry fee charged by the park.

Twitter @bphsaa



Dress Code


A reminder about school dress code: 


No undergarments may be visible (including sagging pants)

No strapless tops

Shorts must have at least a 6 inch inseam

No half or cropped shirts (midriff cannot be showing)

Skirts and/or dresses can be no shorter than fingertips when arms are extended.


Please review the student handbook for more detail about the dress code.


Students who come to school with improper clothing may be given a t-shirt to wear, may serve detention and/or parent/guardian may be called to bring other clothing.


Upcoming Dates and Events


April 6             Beginning of 60-day Rule for seniors


April 6 marks the beginning of the 60-day rule for seniors.  If seniors violate any of the PPS discipline policies, they may not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony.  We will hold an assembly for seniors this week to discuss the rule and consequences. 


Tuesday, April 23rd                 ACT Testing day                    Dismissal and lunch at 12:50

Wednesday, April 24th            Late Start                                Classes begin at 10:15


Site Council

The next site council meeting will be May 7th at 4:00 p.m. in the library classroom.  The site council is composed of teachers, administrators, classified, students, parents, alumni and community members.  The council is currently working on a five-year plan for Benson.  If you are interested in joining in this work, please attend our next meeting.

Teaching and Learning

PLC groups are preparing presentations to share information with staff about their work this year.  Collaboration and sharing teaching strategies has been the focus of the PLC work. 


We will continue our work this month on culturally responsive teaching.

Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.

PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.


Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is April 16th at 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom. 


All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.

Counseling/Career Center News

Career Days

  • Portland Parks and Recreation is looking to hire people for summer employment.  See Ms. Ryan in the Career Center for more information.


  • The Eagle Program is a paid Internship program.  Only sophomores are eligible to apply for this two year program.  Find applications in the career center.



See the Career Coordinator for more information on scholarships.

Scholarships in April

  • Neil Kelly Memorial Scholarship, $1,000 award due- 4/19
  • 2013 Student-view  scholarship program  $10,500 worth of scholarships due- 4/21
  • Zeta Phi sorority, incorporated, Oregon Dove scholarship for $500 awarded to an individual due- 4/29
  • Humanist of greater Portland offering $2,000 scholarship due-4/30



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