June 17th, 2013
Benson Polytechnic High School
Parent Newsletter
Hi Everyone,
This will be the last newsletter until August. There may be brief e-mails about important dates and events this summer.
I want to thank all of you for your support this year. Many of you have participated in and helped with events which would not be possible without your efforts. I appreciate all you have done this past year. I am also very proud of Benson students. They always represent the school very well and every time I give someone a tour they comment on how impressed they are with the students.
Some students will be taking advantage of summer school and I hope that they will be successful in completing the coursework. Regardless of whether or not students are enrolled in summer classes, one thing that can help any student is to read during the summer. Please encourage your child to find something they like and read as much as possible. Improving reading skills can make a difference in all subjects.
Enjoy the summer break.
Class of 2017 Celebration
The PTSA is hosting a celebration for the incoming 9th graders on Tuesday, June 18th at 6:30 p.m. This class will be the 100th graduating class from Benson High School. This will be an opportunity to welcome students and families to Benson. Light refreshments will be served. Families will receive a Benson seat cushion and incoming 9th graders will receive a Tech Pride t-shirt.
Thanks to Dave Mylet, the Yearbook class and the Gay Straight Alliance for sponsoring the yearbook signing event after school on Friday. Thanks also to the staff who stopped by to show their support.
PPS participated in the Pride Parade on Sunday. This is the first time that Portland Public Schools participated in this event. It was very uplifting to hear the crowds cheer as we walked the parade route and a reminder of how important it is for our schools to be welcoming for all students and families. School board members, the superintendent, administrators, teachers, family members, friends and allies made up the PPS group this year. See picture below.
PPS Board of Directors: Matt Morton, Bobbi Regan and Ruth Adkins
Superintendent: Carole Smith
2013 grauate, Keighley Overbay was interviewed by Willamette Week regarding her high school experience at Benson. You can read the interview by clicking on the following link:
Benson Alumni Association Picnic
Join us at the Benson Community Picnic on Saturday, August 17th from noon-4 p.m. at Blue Lake Park. Free hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided. Bring a side dish or dessert. There is a $5 per car entry fee charged by the park.
Twitter @bphsaa
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