
Jan 072013

January 7th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter


Letter from the Principal:

Hello Benson Community:

I have received some e-mail inquiries regarding the dates for Tech Show.  The 93rd Tech Show will be on Thursday, February 21st and Friday, February 22nd.  We begin our middle school visits this week and continue throughout the month of January.  Please visit for other information and dates.  The applications for admission to Benson are due on February 22nd.

We are approaching the end of the first semester.  Please remind students to check with teachers regarding missing work and projects.


Benson Website

Benson has a website which is maintained by students in the communications major. Students, Jorge Salazar and Derek Wong have recently updated the website.  They have worked hard to add some features and ensure the information is current.  Please visit

Teaching and Learning

Most states across the nation will be transitioning from current state standards and testing to Common Core Standards and a testing program called Smarter Balance.  The standards, which Oregon adopted in 2010, are informed by national and international research including the study of standards adopted in countries such as Singapore, Denmark and Finland known for their high-performing schools. States are now implementing the standards so that students can move anywhere in Oregon or in the country and expect the same content, rigor and preparation.

Portland Public Schools began phasing in the new standards in 2011-12. The transition will continue through 2014-15. Families will increasingly notice significant changes in what students are taught and the expectations for mastery.

Tutoring Available

We have a tutor available Monday thru Thursday from 1:45-3:15 in the library classroom. 


The volunteer tutor is a biochemist and is able to help students with the following subjects:  chemistry, biology, anatomy, physics, geometry, algebra 1-2, algebra 3-4, pre-calculus and language arts.



Get ready for Benson winter sports season! Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is January 15th at 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom. 


All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.


Our last equity workshop on Wednesday, December 12th included a racial autobiography shared by a staff member and a discussion of how our own experiences influence the way we view race and culture in our daily lives.  Our next equity workshop will include another racial autobiography and an examination of grade data.  We use the latest grade reports and disaggregate the data by race.

Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.

PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.

Counseling/Career Center News

Scholarships due in January and February  

· GE-Regan Foundation Scholarship Program for 10,000 Due-1/10

· Sae Engineering Scholarship for up to 10,000, or full tuition . Due– 1/15

· Dell Scholarship Due-1/16

· Gates Millennium Scholars Due-1/16

· ESA Foundation Scholarship for 500-7,500 Due- 2/1

College Visits (located in the Career Center)

01/09   Harvard                       10:00 a.m.

Career Information (located in the career center)

Manufacturing Career Day is on Friday, January 11th.  Register now to get a spot. Forms are available in the Career Center.

Humane Society Career Day is January 11th.  Register: or pick up an application from the Career Center.  Registration deadline is January 7th.

See Miranda Ryan in the Career Center for more information.


Jan 022013

January 2nd, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Letter from the Principal:

Hello Benson Community:

I want to wish you all a very happy new year. 

January will be a busy month as we end the first semester.  Be sure to check in with your student and teachers regarding assignments and grades.  The semester grade is a permanent grade on the student’s transcript and credit is awarded for passing grades (D and above).  Any incomplete grades or failing grades usually have to be recovered in evening or summer school. We do have limited opportunities for credit recovery online and teachers offer credit recovery on a case by case basis. 

The Clackamas Town Center shooting and the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut have prompted us to continue to review our safety procedures.  During last year and this year PPS has provided training for all administrators and assisted us in evaluating our buildings to ensure we are being proactive in preventing violence and equipped to respond in case of emergency.  We have conducted drills and have educated staff and students on the ways to respond in various types of emergencies.  In addition to the education, drills and training we will be increasing the security of our school perimeter including keeping all doors locked except the front door.  This will require students and staff to walk a little farther to enter the building.  If students park in the back parking lot next to Buckman field, they will have to walk down the driveway next to the building and around to the front doors to enter. The administrative team will be meeting on January 2nd to review additional safety procedures and will keep you informed of any additions and/or changes.  I ask for your patience as we continue to look for ways to make our building as safe as possible.  

All visitors are required to stop at the main office and sign in where they will be given a visitors badge.  Any visitor without a badge will be escorted to the main office. 

Parents and students can help us keep school safe by reporting information.  Students communicate via social media such as facebook and texting.  If you hear of any messages that indicate a potential safety concern, please call the main office or the police.  You can also help by discussing with your child the importance of being serious about our emergency drills and encourage them to report information they might have about a threat of violence. 


Benson Website

Benson has a website which is maintained by students in the communications major. Students, Jorge Salazar and Derek Wong have recently updated the website.  They have worked hard to add some features and ensure the information is current.  Please visit

Tutoring Available

We have a tutor available Monday thru Thursday from 1:45-3:15 in the library classroom. 


The volunteer tutor is a biochemist and is able to help students with the following subjects:  chemistry, biology, anatomy, physics, geometry, algebra 1-2, algebra 3-4, pre-calculus and language arts.



Get ready for Benson winter sports season! Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is January 15th at 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom. 


All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.


Our last equity workshop on Wednesday, December 12th included a racial autobiography shared by a staff member and a discussion of how our own experiences influence the way we view race and culture in our daily lives.  Our next equity workshop will include another racial autobiography and an examination of grade data.  We use the latest grade reports and disaggregate the data by race.

Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.

PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.

Counseling/Career Center News

Scholarships due in December

· Better Business Bureau-Students of Integrity for 1000 Due-12/31

· Laws of Life Essay Contest for 5000 Due- 12/31

Scholarships due in January and February

· Profile for Courage Essay Contest Due-1/5

· GE-Regan Foundation Scholarship Program for 10,000 Due-1/10

· Sae Engineering Scholarship for up to 10,000, or full tuition . Due– 1/15

· Dell Scholarship Due-1/16

· Gates Millennium Scholars Due-1/16

· ESA Foundation Scholarship for 500-7,500 Due- 2/1

College Visits (located in the Career Center)

01/09   Harvard                       10:00 a.m.

Career Information (located in the career center)

Manufacturing Career Day is on Friday, January 11th.  Register now to get a spot. Forms are available in the Career Center.

Humane Society Career Day is January 11th.  Register: or pick up an application from the Career Center.  Registration deadline is January 7th.

See Miranda Ryan in the Career Center for more information.



Dec 172012

December 17th, 2012

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Letter from the Principal:

Hello Benson Community:

I have been thinking a lot about the tragedy that occurred in Connecticut on Friday and our own safety procedures at Benson.  I am sure many of you are wondering how we would respond in a similar situation.  I can tell you that as a parent, teacher and now a principal, I have worried about the vulnerability of our schools.  It is difficult to imagine a school that is guarded, locked down and inaccessible to community members, parents and other visitors.  Yet, loss of innocent lives, like that which occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School, makes us wonder whether we should create a fortress to protect students and staff.

I wanted to let you know about some of the safety processes we do have in place.  Last year and this year we have been involved in training across PPS to prepare for all types of emergencies. Our buildings have been assessed and recommendations have been made regarding which doors to keep unlocked, how visitors are screened and implementation of other safety measures.   We have participated in various drills including a lock down.  These drills include various scenarios, teacher and staff responsibility, administrative duties, first aid and parent/child reunification.   We have examined safety procedures specific to Benson, designed processes to address various emergencies and practiced with staff and students.  As we saw last week in Connecticut, even with security measures in place it is difficult to anticipate every possible emergency that might occur.  

There are some things that have helped us identify when a visitor in our building has not checked in at the office.  We have made a concerted effort last year and this year to have administrators and our campus monitor visible in hallways, classrooms and other areas throughout the day.  Our “no hat” policy has helped us identify people who are not Benson students or staff.  Students have lanyards and many keep their ID’s visible. 

Our plan is to convene a safety meeting when we return in January to revisit our plans and the security we have in and around our building.  I am sure we will discuss school safety at our upcoming PTSA and Site Council meetings.  If you would like to provide any input and/or suggestions, or have any questions about our safety procedures, please e-mail or call. 

You can help us by reporting information.  Students communicate via social media such as facebook and texting.  If you hear of any messages that indicate a potential safety concern, please call the main office or the police.  You can also help by discussing with your child the importance of being serious about our emergency drills and encourage them to report information they might have about a threat of violence. 

I hope you have an enjoyable break and are able to spend time with family and friends.  School resumes on January 2nd, 2013.


Benson Website

Benson has a website which is maintained by students in the communications major. Students, Jorge Salazar and Derek Wong have recently updated the website.  They have worked hard to add some features and ensure the information is current.  Please visit


Tutoring Available

We have a tutor available Monday thru Thursday from 1:45-3:15 in the library classroom. 


The volunteer tutor is a biochemist and is able to help students with the following subjects:  chemistry, biology, anatomy, physics, geometry, algebra 1-2, algebra 3-4, pre-calculus and language arts.



Get ready for Benson winter sports season! Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.


All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.


Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.

PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.

Counseling/Career Center News

Scholarships due in December

· Better Business Bureau-Students of Integrity for 1000 Due-12/31

· Laws of Life Essay Contest for 5000 Due- 12/31

Scholarships due in January and February

· Profile for Courage Essay Contest Due-1/5

· GE-Regan Foundation Scholarship Program for 10,000 Due-1/10

· Sae Engineering Scholarship for up to 10,000, or full tuition . Due– 1/15

· Dell Scholarship Due-1/16

· Gates Millennium Scholars Due-1/16

· ESA Foundation Scholarship for 500-7,500 Due- 2/1

College Visits (located in the Career Center)

01/09   Harvard                       10:00 a.m.

Career Information (located in the career center)

Manufacturing Career Day is on Friday, January 11th.  Register now to get a spot. Forms are available in the Career Center.

Humane Society Career Day is January 11th.  Register: or pick up an application from the Career Center.  Registration deadline is January 7th.

See Miranda Ryan in the Career Center for more information.



Dec 102012

December 10th, 2012

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Letter from the Principal:

Hello Benson Community:

This is the final week before the winter break.  Students who are behind should check with teachers on work they can finish during the break.  We also have two late starts this week:  Wednesday and Thursday.  Classes begin at 10:15. 

Progress reports will be mailed later this week.

I hope you have an enjoyable break.  School resumes on January 2nd, 2013.


Benson Website

Benson has a website which is maintained by students in the communications major. Students, Jorge Salazar and Derek Wong have recently updated the website.  They have worked hard to add some features and ensure the information is current.  Please visit

Student Recognition


After the first quarter grades were finalized students received certificates for having a minimum 3.2 GPA and for perfect attendance.  Teachers were also able to nominate students for recognition.  Students who received certificates were able to get a Tech Pride t-shirt.   


Teaching and Learning

Teachers are participating in collaborative groups called “Professional Learning Communities.”  These groups meet twice monthly during the after school Monday professional development.  Here is a summary of what those groups are working on:


Peer Observation-Some members of this group have completed some observations.  They are designing protocols for observing and sharing ideas for things they are interested in looking for during the observations.  They are setting up dates for observations in January and will be bringing in articles on peer observations.

Action Research-Senior HOC students are involved in the Fit to Learn project in PE/Health.  Students are using their professional skills and collecting information from freshmen as they work toward their goals.  Data will be collected on this program throughout the year.  Dave Mylet will also be starting an action research project utilizing the online writing program called “MyAccess.”  He will pilot this program in one of his junior Language Arts classes.  The district provided half of the funding necessary to purchase the licenses.

Integration-This group discusses areas where integration seems like a good fit.  Possibilities include:  communications aligned with language arts and social studies and industrial education paired with math and science.  They began to list skills that are common across disciplines.  There is a subcommittee in this group that is specifically talking about language arts and CTE integration.  They discussed using projects that include aspects of the CTE course and language arts so students can work on one project in both classes.

Proficiency Grading-This group planned meetings for the rest of the year.  Each member will bring in examples of how they are using proficiencies to share with the group members.  They will generate a list of questions to address on grading, long term studies, learning curve for understanding proficiency and how to get buy in from students.

Equity-The equity team worked on planning our late start this week.  They are also working on a student survey, student video and our February PD session.

Freshmen Academy-This group is working on a new plan to monitor students in each academy. 

CARE Team-They reviewed the call sheets from last month and reviewed list of students with attendance issues.  They discussed the “Deer Park Plan” and how it might be used by the CARE team.  They discussed have CARE team meetings with phone, eSIS and EdBox availability.  They will also add a focus on tardiness.


Tutoring Available

We have a tutor available Monday thru Thursday from 1:45-3:15 in the library classroom. 


The volunteer tutor is a biochemist and is able to help students with the following subjects:  chemistry, biology, anatomy, physics, geometry, algebra 1-2, algebra 3-4, pre-calculus and language arts.



Get ready for Benson winter sports season! Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Late Start

The late starts are this week:  Wednesday, December 12th and Thursday, December 13th.  School starts at 10:15 for students.  On Thursday, we have advisory from 9:00-10:00:   Teachers are available in their classrooms to help students.   

Senior Yearbook Pictures

Senior pictures are due December 10th.  Communication students are willing to take senior portraits for a fraction of the cost of professional photographers.  You can e-mail them at [email protected] to work out the details.  Please send your finished photos to [email protected] or put in Mr.  Mylet’s mailbox in the main office.


All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.


Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.

PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.

Benson teachers are strategizing on ways to build a sense of community and ways to get to know more about students’ cultures and traditions.   At our next equity meeting, teachers will share their strategies.

Counseling/Career Center News

Financial Aid Nights

Did you miss Benson’s financial aid nights?  Here is a list of other schools that are offering financial aid nights.  Please check the high school websites to confirm dates/times:

December 11th:  Roosevelt High School @ 6:00 p.m.

December 12th:  Lincoln High School @ 6:30 p.m.

December 12th:  Franklin High School @ 6:00 p.m. (Spanish translation available)

December 12th:  Grant High School @ 7:00 p.m.

Grant High School will host two different informational meeting on December 12th.  Parents of senior students should plan on attending Mike Johnson’s presentation in the library.  He will review how to successfully complete the FAFSA form.  Tim Tank, a certified financial planner, will provide a presentation that helps families understand the differences between need based aid, merit aid, grants, loans, etc. in the choir room (232).  He also gives a general comparison of the cost of attendance at a private university versus a public university.  This is an excellent session for parents of 9th, 10th and 11th graders.

January 8th:  Franklin High School:  Hands on FAFSA:  Representatives available to help fill out the form (Spanish Translation available).

Scholarships due in December

· Better Business Bureau-Students of Integrity for 1000 Due-12/31

· Laws of Life Essay Contest for 5000 Due- 12/31

Scholarships due in January and February

· Profile for Courage Essay Contest Due-1/5

· GE-Regan Foundation Scholarship Program for 10,000 Due-1/10

· Sae Engineering Scholarship for up to 10,000, or full tuition . Due– 1/15

· Dell Scholarship Due-1/16

· Gates Millennium Scholars Due-1/16

· ESA Foundation Scholarship for 500-7,500 Due- 2/1

College Visits (located in the Career Center)

12/10   Beaver Express           9:00 a.m.

12/12   Air force Academy     12:05 p.m.

01/09   Harvard                       10:00 a.m.

Career Information (located in the career center)

Manufacturing Career Day is on Friday, January 11th.  Register now to get a spot. Forms are available in the Career Center.

Mercy Corp Career Day is on December 12th.  Sign up in the Career Center Now!

Humane Society Career Day is January 11th.  Register: or pick up an application from the Career Center.  Registration deadline is January 7th.

See Miranda Ryan in the Career Center for more information.

Spanish STAMP Test

The Spanish STAMP Test has been rescheduled for Wednesday, December 12th in the Universe Lab at Benson.  If you have questions or want to sign up for the STAMP/SLIP tests, please see your counselor.



Below you will find some of the holiday food and toy programs that are offered throughout the city, for more information about services provided, or eligibility, please contact the Ben-son counseling department, or the service provider directly via the contact information listed.


5325 N Williams Avenue Portland, OR 97217 Main phone: (503) 493-3925


(behind Church) 17805 SE Stark Street Portland, OR 97233 Main phone: 211 [email protected]


5120 SE Milwaukie Blvd Portland, OR 97202 Christmas Hotline: (503) 595-2292 Thanksgiving Food Box: (503) 235-8431 [email protected]


687 N. Thompson Street Portland, OR 97227 Intake: (503) 823-2102 [email protected]


Contact For Info About Program:

Address: Toy N Joy Makers, Inc. 5916 NE Going St Portland, Oregon 97218 Office Phone: 503-823-0922 Office Fax: 503-823-0924 Client Request Line: 503-231-8697 e-mail: [email protected]


Dec 032012

December 3, 2012

Benson Polytechnic High School

Staff Newsletter

Hi Everyone,


Hard to believe it is already December.  There is only two weeks remaining before the winter break.  I hope you will be able to help students devise a plan to make up missing work, meet proficiencies and raise failing grades.  With the loss of “Upgrade” it is even more important for teachers, counselors, students and parents to work together in assisting students. 


We will have some first quarter grade data ready for department meetings and the equity  meeting this month.


Have a good week,




Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering

If you have 9-11th grade students who are interested in a career in science or engineering please have them come to the ASE Information Session next Thursday, December 6th at 7pm at Lincoln High School in the Cafeteria.  The session will talk about how they can apply for an internship through the ASE internship program.


Saturday Academy’s Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering (ASE) program matches high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors with scientists and engineers for 8-week summer internships in a professional scientific or engineering environment.  Most of the interns are awarded school credit for their work and an $1,000 stipend for the summer. 


For more information, visit


Men’s Basketball Fundraiser

Please support the Varsity Basketball team as they raise funds for their trip to the Punahou Basketball tournament in Hawaii, December 2012.  Parents, friends and family are encouraged to dine at the team’s Burgerville Night, December 6, 2012, from 5pm-8pm at 1135 NE MLK Blvd. (Convention Center).  The team thanks you for your support.



Some students report that the bulletin is not being read during the 3rd and 4th period.  Please be sure to review the bulletin with students as there are important deadlines and reminders about events.  For example, this week we will host a financial aid night in Spanish on Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. in room 125. 

Food Drive


Seniors Thien-Kim Duong and Jessica Nguyen are planning a food drive for their senior project as members of National Honor Society.  They will be hanging posters and will place collection boxes into the main office, VP office and counseling center.  The food drive will run from November 26th-30th with the last day to donate food being December 3rd.  On December 4th they will deliver the food to the Oregon Food Bank for distribution to families in need of food during the holidays.


Late Start


The late starts in December are the 12th and 13th.


Monday PD

Our next Monday PD session will be on December 3rd.    PLC B will meet- in room 125 at 3:30 p.m.

November 27th 8th Grade Information Night

Thank you for coming to 8th grade information night.  I received many positive comments from parents about the enthusiasm expressed by teachers and students.  If you had students helping in your area, please send the names to Roi San.  We will host a pizza lunch for those students who helped out.

Upcoming Events

Financial Aid Night(Spanish) Tuesday, December 4                        6:00 p.m. in room 125

Teaching and Learning

Please be sure to turn in unit plans.  You can send them electronically or give copies to Roi San.


Here is the district website link to information about Pacific Educational Group and resources.

Reminder:  At our equity next equity meeting we will share strategies that Benson teachers have used to build community and strategies to get to know students.

Our next equity session is the Wednesday late start on December 12th.



Nov 262012

November 26, 2012

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Letter from the Principal:

Hello Benson Community:

Thanks to those of you who attended conferences.   Teachers had many positive comments on how valuable it was to meet families and find out more about students.  If you were unable to attend and wish to connect with teachers, please send them an e-mail or phone request. 


Benson is hosting an information night this week for 8th graders and their families to learn more about Benson academic and technical programs.  Please pass this information on to any relatives and/or friends interested in Benson.  The session will be Tuesday, November 27th from 6:30-8:00 p.m. and will include a brief overview followed by tours and an opportunity to meet teachers.


Please note some important dates below:  Financial Aid night, December late starts and scholarship application deadlines.



Food Drive


Seniors Thien-Kim Duong and Jessica Nguyen are planning a food drive for their senior project as members of National Honor Society.  They will be hanging posters and will place collection boxes into the main office, VP office and counseling center.  The food drive will run from November 26th-30th with the last day to donate food being December 3rd.  On December 4th they will deliver the food to the Oregon Food Bank for distribution to families in need of food during the holidays.



Get ready for Benson winter sports season! Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Special Education Informational Meeting                                                                                                                                                                                                    An Evening with Mary Pearson,Director of Special Education

Learn about the future of Special Ed

in the Portland Public School District

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

6:30 p.m. — 8:00 p.m.

Beverly Cleary K-8, Fernwood in the Cafeteria

1915 NE 33rd Ave, Portland

Free admission

Open to all parents, teachers, and community members

Refreshments provided

Sponsored by SEPTAP

For questions or more information: [email protected]


Late Start

The late starts in December are the 12th and 13th

Upcoming Events

8th grade Info Night                Tuesday, November 27           6:30-8:00 p.m. in the auditorium

Financial Aid Night                Wednesday, November 28     6:00 p.m. in room 125

Senior Yearbook Pictures

Senior pictures are due December 10th.  Communication students are willing to take senior portraits for a fraction of the cost of professional photographers.  You can e-mail them at [email protected] to work out the details.  Please send your finished photos to [email protected] or put in Mr.  Mylet’s mailbox in the main office.

Talented and Gifted Identification Process

Portland Public Schools is dedicated to identifying and providing for the unique academic and social emotional needs of Talented and Gifted (TAG) students across the district. Our goal is to provide educational opportunities to students of all racial, ethnic, and socio-economic groups, to provide informational training to educators, and to provide consistent challenge for all students.

Each year, Benson conducts a process in order to identify and assess students for the TAG program.  The first step in the TAG identification process is for parents or teachers to complete an Identification Process Form (IDPF) and submit the form to Vice Principal Jeandré Carbone.  Forms are available in the Vice Principal’s office, or can be sent electronically by e-mailing Jeandré Carbone at [email protected]. .  The deadline for submitting the IDPF is Monday, November 26th, 2012. 

If you have any questions about the TAG identification form or process you may email Ms. Carbone or discuss the TAG program at parent conferences on November 19th and 20th.  IDPF forms will be available at parent conferences.


All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.


Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.

PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.

Benson teachers are strategizing on ways to build a sense of community and ways to get to know more about students’ cultures and traditions.   At our next equity meeting, teachers will share their strategies.

*November is National Native American Heritage Month

The indigenous population of Portland is the 23rd largest in the United States and nearly 16,000 people, descended from more than 380 tribes/bands from across the nation.

Counseling/Career Center News

Scholarships due in November:

· Foundation for Individual rights in Education for 10,000– Due 11/25

· Cricket Wireless Good Sport Award for 1000-Due11/30 (Need Teacher recommendation)

Scholarships due in December

· Violet Richardson Award for 1,000 Due-12/1

· Elks Most Valuable Student Competition Due-12/7

· Better Business Bureau-Students of Integrity for 1000 Due-12/31

· Laws of Life Essay Contest for 5000 Due- 12/31

Scholarships due in January and February

· Profile for Courage Essay Contest Due-1/5

· GE-Regan Foundation Scholarship Program for 10,000 Due-1/10

· Sae Engineering Scholarship for up to 10,000, or full tuition . Due– 1/15

· Dell Scholarship Due-1/16

· Gates Millennium Scholars Due-1/16

· ESA Foundation Scholarship for 500-7,500 Due- 2/1


Microsoft Career Day November 29 ,2012 from

9:00-12pm. 1414 NW Northrup St. Suite 900. Register

online at Seats will fill up fast, so

don’t delay! 


Wednesday, November 28th at 6:30pm,

Room 125

Loans-Work Study– Grants


Where do I start?

How will I pay for college?

What’s the difference between scholarships, loans, and grants?

What if I was born in a different country?

I don’t have a social security number, what are my options for financial aid?

What are FAFSA and OSAC?


Below you will find some of the holiday food and toy programs that are offered throughout the city, for more information about services provided, or eligibility, please contact the Ben-son counseling department, or the service provider directly via the contact information listed.


5325 N Williams Avenue Portland, OR 97217 Main phone: (503) 493-3925


(behind Church) 17805 SE Stark Street Portland, OR 97233 Main phone: 211 [email protected]


5120 SE Milwaukie Blvd Portland, OR 97202 Christmas Hotline: (503) 595-2292 Thanksgiving Food Box: (503) 235-8431 [email protected]


687 N. Thompson Street Portland, OR 97227 Intake: (503) 823-2102 [email protected]


Contact For Info About Program:

Address: Toy N Joy Makers, Inc. 5916 NE Going St Portland, Oregon 97218 Office Phone: 503-823-0922 Office Fax: 503-823-0924 Client Request Line: 503-231-8697 e-mail: [email protected]


Nov 192012

November 19th, 2012

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Letter from the Principal:

Hello Benson Community:

I hope you will be able to attend parent/teacher conferences this Monday and Tuesday (see schedule below).  This is an opportunity to check-in with teachers regarding academic progress and to share information with the teachers that will help them provide appropriate instruction and supports to ensure success.   The conferences are arena style in the big gym.  Please be mindful of the time you spend talking with teachers, especially if there is a line.  If you need additional time, you can schedule an appointment with the teacher.  Counselors will also be available in the gym.


Have an enjoyable Thanksgiving break,



Article in Sunday Paper


Susan Nielsen (Oregonian writer) visited Benson a couple of weeks ago and met with several seniors.  Here is a link to the article she wrote, “Oregon Schools and Jobs:  Students Say Every Skill Opens Another Door.”




Seniors Tereza Luwo, Haja Koroma and Michael Ely have made it to the second round of the ACT Six Scholarship selection process.


This scholarship has a very lengthy and demanding application followed by rigorous interviews.  Congratulations to these students for completing the application process and best wishes I in the selection process.


Food Drive


Seniors Thien-Kim Duong and Jessica Nguyen are planning a food drive for their senior project as members of National Honor Society.  They will be hanging posters and will place collection boxes into the main office, VP office and counseling center.  The food drive will run from November 26th-30th with the last day to donate food being December 3rd.  On December 4th they will deliver the food to the Oregon Food Bank for distribution to families in need of food during the holidays.



Get ready for Benson winter sports season! Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

PTSA is asking for donations of food and snacks for the Teacher Conferences on Nov 19 and 20th. Please bring your items to the staff room – or contact Christin @ [email protected] to join in and make this a special event for our staff.

Special Education Informational Meeting

November Meeting

An Evening with Mary Pearson,Director of Special Education

Learn about the future of Special Ed

in the Portland Public School District

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

6:30 p.m. — 8:00 p.m.

Beverly Cleary K-8, Fernwood in the Cafeteria

1915 NE 33rd Ave, Portland

Free admission

Open to all parents, teachers, and community members

Refreshments provided

Sponsored by SEPTAP

For questions or more information: [email protected]


Late Start

There is no late start in the month of November.  The late starts in December are the 12th and 13th.


November Parent/Teacher Conference Schedule

We have a shortened schedule on Monday and Tuesday, November 19 and 20.  Students are expected to attend school on both days until 11:15 followed by lunch until noon.


Conferences are from 1-3 p.m. and 5-8 p.m. on both days.  Conferences will be “arena style” in the big gym. 


MONDAY NOVEMBER 19, 2012             TUESDAY NOVEMBER 20, 2012


Period 1              8:15-8:55                     Period 2           8:15-8:55


Period 3              9:00-9:40                     Period 4           9:00-9:40


Period 5              9:45-10:25                   Period 6           9:45-10:25


Period 7              10:30-11:10                 Period 8           10:30-11:10


Lunch                 11:15-12:00                 Lunch              11:15-12:00


Planning             12:00-12:45                 Planning          12:00-12:45


Conferences       1:00-3:00                     Conferences    1:00-3:00


Conferences       5:00-8:00                     Conferences    5:00-8:00

Upcoming Events

Conferences                            Monday, November 19           1-3 and 5-8 p.m. in the gym

                                                Tuesday, November 20           1-3 and 5-8 p.m. in the gym

8th grade Info Night                Tuesday, November 27           6:30-8:00 p.m.

PTSA                                      Tuesday, November 13           7:00     Library Classroom

Thanksgiving Holiday             November 21-25                     No School

Senior Yearbook Pictures

Senior pictures are due December 10th.  Communication students are willing to take senior portraits for a fraction of the cost of professional photographers.  You can e-mail them at [email protected] to work out the details.  Please send your finished photos to [email protected] or put in Mr.  Mylet’s mailbox in the main office.

Talented and Gifted Identification Process

Portland Public Schools is dedicated to identifying and providing for the unique academic and social emotional needs of Talented and Gifted (TAG) students across the district. Our goal is to provide educational opportunities to students of all racial, ethnic, and socio-economic groups, to provide informational training to educators, and to provide consistent challenge for all students.

Each year, Benson conducts a process in order to identify and assess students for the TAG program.  The first step in the TAG identification process is for parents or teachers to complete an Identification Process Form (IDPF) and submit the form to Vice Principal Jeandré Carbone.  Forms are available in the Vice Principal’s office, or can be sent electronically by e-mailing Jeandré Carbone at [email protected]. .  The deadline for submitting the IDPF is Monday, November 25th, 2012. 

If you have any questions about the TAG identification form or process you may email Ms. Carbone or discuss the TAG program at parent conferences on November 19th and 20th.  IDPF forms will be available at parent conferences.


All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.


Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.

PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.

Benson teachers are strategizing on ways to build a sense of community and ways to get to know more about students’ cultures and traditions.   At our next equity meeting, teachers will share their strategies.

*November is National Native American Heritage Month

The indigenous population of Portland is the 23rd largest in the United States and nearly 16,000 people, descended from more than 380 tribes/bands from across the nation.

Counseling/Career Center News

Scholarships due in November:

· Foundation for Individual rights in Education for 10,000– Due 11/25

· Cricket Wireless Good Sport Award for 1000-Due11/30 (Need Teacher recommendation)

Scholarships due in December

· Violet Richardson Award for 1,000 Due-12/1

· Elks Most Valuable Student Competition Due-12/7

· Better Business Bureau-Students of Integrity for 1000 Due-12/31

· Laws of Life Essay Contest for 5000 Due- 12/31

Scholarships due in January and February

· Profile for Courage Essay Contest Due-1/5

· GE-Regan Foundation Scholarship Program for 10,000 Due-1/10

· Sae Engineering Scholarship for up to 10,000, or full tuition . Due– 1/15

· Dell Scholarship Due-1/16

· Gates Millennium Scholars Due-1/16

· ESA Foundation Scholarship for 500-7,500 Due- 2/1


Microsoft Career Day November 29 ,2012 from

9:00-12pm. 1414 NW Northrup St. Suite 900. Register

online at Seats will fill up fast, so

don’t delay! 


Wednesday, November 28th at 6:30pm,

Room 125

Loans-Work Study– Grants


Where do I start?

How will I pay for college?

What’s the difference between scholarships, loans, and grants?

What if I was born in a different country?

I don’t have a social security number, what are my options for financial aid?

What are FAFSA and OSAC?


Below you will find some of the holiday food and toy programs that are offered throughout the city, for more information about services provided, or eligibility, please contact the Ben-son counseling department, or the service provider directly via the contact information listed.


5325 N Williams Avenue Portland, OR 97217 Main phone: (503) 493-3925


(behind Church) 17805 SE Stark Street Portland, OR 97233 Main phone: 211 [email protected]


5120 SE Milwaukie Blvd Portland, OR 97202 Christmas Hotline: (503) 595-2292 Thanksgiving Food Box: (503) 235-8431 [email protected]


687 N. Thompson Street Portland, OR 97227 Intake: (503) 823-2102 [email protected]


Contact For Info About Program:

Address: Toy N Joy Makers, Inc. 5916 NE Going St Portland, Oregon 97218 Office Phone: 503-823-0922 Office Fax: 503-823-0924 Client Request Line: 503-231-8697 e-mail: [email protected]


Nov 132012

November 12, 2012

Benson Polytechnic High School

Staff Newsletter

Hi Everyone,


On this Veteran’s Day I would like to recognize any members of the Benson community who have served or are currently serving in a branch of the military.  


I hope you were able to use Friday to plan for the second quarter and found some time on Monday to rest.


Grades are due by the end of the day on Tuesday, November 13th.


Have a good week,




Site Council Meeting Minutes

Meeting:  November 6, 2012

Members Present:

Teachers:  Jeanette Pelster, Matt Pellico, Sally Niedermeyer

Parents:  Lisa Wilcke, Bill Herzberg



Administrators:  Carol Campbell, Jeandré Carbone, Barry Phillips

Classified:  Miranda Ryan (Career Coordinator)

Reviewed minutes from October meeting

Add Matt Pellico to list of teachers who were present

Minutes approved

Discussion of Mission Statement

Benson Polytechnic High School’s Mission

Our mission is to integrate career technical education and core academics today for the innovations of tomorrow.

Share the above mission statement with PTSA, staff and leadership class.  Get feedback.

Five-Year Plan

Connection to community.  Partnerships with colleges and universities. 

Goals for Five Year Plan

  • Tech resources (computers-teachers and students)
  • Recovering programs-cutting edge, relevant
  • Support programs that are connected to job markets
  • Increase enrollment to support program development and sustainability
  • Get a meeting with someone who will listen and share our message with district office and BESC staff (Carole Smith)
  • Core academic classes articulated with OIT, PCC, etc.
  • Strong partnerships with industry and businesses
  • Restore drafting/architecture program
  • Restore computer engineering program
  • Implement common core standards
  • Implement instructional strategies that ensure each student is successful
  • Ongoing professional development for teachers-literacy, high academic standards, support.
  • Increase community involvement
  • Increase parent engagement


  • Instruction/core academics-Jeandre, Bill, Matt
  • CTE-Jeanette
  • Community/partnerships-Miranda
  • Growth, structure, facilities-Lisa, Jeandre, Bill
  • Student achievement-Sally
  • Equity-Carol, Barry


NEXT MEETING:  Tuesday,  December 11th,  2012 in the Library Classroom.  Time:  4:00 p.m.


PTSA Meeting

Please join us for our November PTSA meeting next Tuesday 11/13 @ 7pm in the Benson library.

Late Start


There is no late start in the month of November.  The late starts in December are the 12th and 13th.


November Parent/Teacher Conference Schedule

We have a shortened schedule on Monday and Tuesday, November 19 and 20.  Students are expected to attend school on both days until 11:15 followed by lunch until noon.


Conferences are from 1-3 p.m. and 5-8 p.m. on both days.  Conferences will be “arena style” in the big gym. 


MONDAY NOVEMBER 19, 2012             TUESDAY NOVEMBER 20, 2012


Period 1     8:15-9:00                Period 2   8:15-9:00


Period 3     9:05-9:50                Period 4   9:05-9:50


Period 5     9:55-10:40              Period 6   9:55-10:40


Period 7     10:45-11:15            Period 8   10:45-11:15


Lunch        11:20-12:00            Lunch              11:20-12:00


Planning    12:00-12:45            Planning  12:00-12:45


Conferences      1:00-3:00        Conferences    1:00-3:00


Conferences       5:00-8:00                                 Conferences    5:00-8:00

Monday PD

Our next Monday PD session will be on December 3rd.    PLC B will meet at that time in room 125 at 3:30 p.m.

Upcoming Events

Grades Due                             Tuesday, November 13

PTSA                                      Tuesday, November 13           7:00     Library Classroom

Conferences                            Monday, November 19           1-3 and 5-8 p.m. in the gym

                                                Tuesday, November 20           1-3 and 5-8 p.m. in the gym

8th grade Info Night                Tuesday, November 27           6:30-8:00 p.m.

Teaching and Learning

Please be sure to turn in unit plans.  You can send them electronically or give copies to Roi San.

Here is a website that has lessons and activities related to Native American History.  November is National Native American Heritage month.


Here is the district website link to information about Pacific Educational Group and resources.

Reminder:  At our equity next equity meeting we will share strategies that Benson teachers have used to build community and strategies to get to know students.

Our next equity session is the Wednesday late start on December 12th.

*November is National Native American Heritage Month

The indigenous population of Portland is the 23rd largest in the United States and nearly 16,000 people, descended from more than 380 tribes/bands from across the nation.


Nov 052012

November 5th, 2012

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Letter from the Principal:

Hello Benson Community:

This Thursday the first quarter ends and marks the midway point of the first semester.  Report cards will be mailed next week. 

Some of you may have received a phone call from a teacher last week.  Staff dedicated the Monday afternoon staff meeting to making connections with parents/guardians.  The conference schedule is listed below and I hope you will take the opportunity to meet with teachers.

This Friday is a teacher planning day and there is no school for students.  Monday, November 12th is Veteran’s Day and schools are closed.  


Upcoming Events

Site Council                            Tuesday, November 6th           4:30pm            Library Classroom

End of First Quarter               Thursday, November 8th                    

Teacher Planning Day             Friday, November 9th              No School for Students

Veteran’s Day                         Monday, November 12th         No School

PTSA                                      Tuesday, November 13th         7:00pm            Library Classroom

Senior Yearbook Pictures

Senior pictures are due December 10th.  Dave Mylet is the yearbook advisor.

Late Start


There are no late start in the month of November.  The late starts in December are the 12th and 13th.


New Safety Improvement


Within the next 30 days there will be a “Rapid Flash Beacon” installed at the corner of NE Glisan and 12th Avenue.  This beacon will alert drivers to pedestrians crossing the intersection.


You can find more information at:


November Parent/Teacher Conference Schedule

We have a shortened schedule on Monday and Tuesday, November 19 and 20.  Students are expected to attend school on both days until 11:15 followed by lunch until noon.


Conferences are from 1-3 p.m. and 5-8 p.m. on both days.  Conferences will be “arena style” in the big gym. 


MONDAY NOVEMBER 19, 2012                                     TUESDAY NOVEMBER 20, 2012


Period 1     8:15-9:00                        Period 2           8:15-9:00


Period 3     9:05-9:50                        Period 4           9:05-9:50


Period 5     9:55-10:40                      Period 6           9:55-10:40


Period 7     10:45-11:15                    Period 8           10:45-11:15


Lunch        11:20-12:00                    Lunch              11:20-12:00


Planning    12:00-12:45                    Planning          12:00-12:45


Conferences      1:00-3:00                Conferences    1:00-3:00


Conferences      5:00-8:00                Conferences    5:00-8:00


No School

Talented and Gifted Identification Process

Portland Public Schools is dedicated to identifying and providing for the unique academic and social emotional needs of Talented and Gifted (TAG) students across the district. Our goal is to provide educational opportunities to students of all racial, ethnic, and socio-economic groups, to provide informational training to educators, and to provide consistent challenge for all students.

Each year, Benson conducts a process in order to identify and assess students for the TAG program.  The first step in the TAG identification process is for parents or teachers to complete an Identification Process Form (IDPF) and submit the form to Vice Principal Jeandré Carbone.  Forms are available in the Vice Principal’s office, or can be sent electronically by e-mailing Jeandré Carbone at [email protected]. .  The deadline for submitting the IDPF is Monday, November 25th, 2012. 

If you have any questions about the TAG identification form or process you may email Ms. Carbone or discuss the TAG program at parent conferences on November 19th and 20th.  IDPF forms will be available at parent conferences.


All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.

Career Center News

Scholarships-information on all scholarships is available in the Career/Counseling Center.  For more information contact Miranda Ryan (Career Coordinator):  [email protected]. 503-916-5100  Ext.  77261

Foundation for Indiv. Rights in Ed.               Due:  November 25

College Visits:  All visits are held in the Career/Counseling Center

11/13               Oregon State Univ.                 9:50

11/15               Willamette University             10:00


Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.

PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.

Benson teachers are strategizing on ways to build a sense of community and ways to get to know more about students’ cultures and traditions.   At our next equity meeting, teachers will share their strategies.




Oct 292012

October 29th, 2012

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Letter from the Principal:

Hello Benson Community:

The homecoming game and dance was a success.  The weather held out and we had a mostly clear night for the game.  Thanks to all those who helped including teachers, staff, alumni, parents, boosters and friends of Benson.  I hope we can continue the tradition and host more games on Buckman Field in the future.

A special thanks to Rachel Draper, Athletic Director for her hard work in the weeks preceding the game to secure equipment such as the scoreboard, flags and PA system. 

Thank you to Kevin Flink for announcing and Kevin and Steve Naganuma for broadcasting the game on KBPS with Benson graduates giving the Play-by-play.  Thanks to Cathy Skach, Communications teacher for videotaping the game.  We hope to continue to have video and broadcasts available for other athletic events.

There is a group of parents who are starting a booster club and they ran the concession stand and helped with clean-up. 

The PTA provided gate workers and alumni helped with sideline supervision.

SEI supported students by providing food and hot chocolate. 

Troy Berry, Men’s basketball coach secured the donation from Buffalo Wild Wings with proceeds going to the men’s basketball program. 

Also, thank you to Anthony Stoudamire, his coaching staff and football players for helping set up for the game and make sure the field was restored after the game.

As you can see, it takes a lot of people to host an event like this and we greatly appreciate all those who helped with planning, organizing and running the first varsity football game on Buckman Field.




Senior Yearbook Pictures

Senior pictures are due December 10th.  Dave Mylet is the yearbook advisor.

November Parent/Teacher Conference Schedule


NOVEMBER 19, 20, 2012


Period 1 or 2 8:15-9:00


Period 3 or 4 9:05-9:50


Period 5 or 6 9:55-10:40


Period 7 or 8 10:45-11:15


Lunch                11:20-12:00


Planning           12:00-12:45


Conferences   1:00-3:00 and 5:00-8:00


All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.

Upcoming Events 

Make-up senior orders from Jostens                           October 30th

Blood Drive                                                                October 30th

Career Center News

Scholarships-information on all scholarships is available in the Career/Counseling Center.  For more information contact Miranda Ryan (Career Coordinator):  [email protected]. 503-916-5100  Ext.  77261

Coca-Cola                                                                   Due: October 31st

Ron Brown ($10,000)                                                 Due:  November 1st

Voice of Democracy                                                   Due:  November 1st

Foundation for Indiv. Rights in Ed.                           Due:  November 5th


College Visits:  All visits are held in the Career/Counseling Center.

10/31            ITT Tech                                    Lunch

11/2               Linfield College                        8:15

11/13            Oregon State Univ.                    9:50

11/15            Willamette University                10:00


Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.

PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.

Benson teachers are strategizing on ways to build a sense of community and ways to get to know more about students’ cultures and traditions.   At our next equity meeting, teachers will share their strategies.

Carol Campbell


Benson Polytechnic High School

546 NE 12th Avenue

Portland, OR 97232


Fax 503-916-2690

[email protected]


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