Nov 052012

November 5th, 2012

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Letter from the Principal:

Hello Benson Community:

This Thursday the first quarter ends and marks the midway point of the first semester.  Report cards will be mailed next week. 

Some of you may have received a phone call from a teacher last week.  Staff dedicated the Monday afternoon staff meeting to making connections with parents/guardians.  The conference schedule is listed below and I hope you will take the opportunity to meet with teachers.

This Friday is a teacher planning day and there is no school for students.  Monday, November 12th is Veteran’s Day and schools are closed.  


Upcoming Events

Site Council                            Tuesday, November 6th           4:30pm            Library Classroom

End of First Quarter               Thursday, November 8th                    

Teacher Planning Day             Friday, November 9th              No School for Students

Veteran’s Day                         Monday, November 12th         No School

PTSA                                      Tuesday, November 13th         7:00pm            Library Classroom

Senior Yearbook Pictures

Senior pictures are due December 10th.  Dave Mylet is the yearbook advisor.

Late Start


There are no late start in the month of November.  The late starts in December are the 12th and 13th.


New Safety Improvement


Within the next 30 days there will be a “Rapid Flash Beacon” installed at the corner of NE Glisan and 12th Avenue.  This beacon will alert drivers to pedestrians crossing the intersection.


You can find more information at:


November Parent/Teacher Conference Schedule

We have a shortened schedule on Monday and Tuesday, November 19 and 20.  Students are expected to attend school on both days until 11:15 followed by lunch until noon.


Conferences are from 1-3 p.m. and 5-8 p.m. on both days.  Conferences will be “arena style” in the big gym. 


MONDAY NOVEMBER 19, 2012                                     TUESDAY NOVEMBER 20, 2012


Period 1     8:15-9:00                        Period 2           8:15-9:00


Period 3     9:05-9:50                        Period 4           9:05-9:50


Period 5     9:55-10:40                      Period 6           9:55-10:40


Period 7     10:45-11:15                    Period 8           10:45-11:15


Lunch        11:20-12:00                    Lunch              11:20-12:00


Planning    12:00-12:45                    Planning          12:00-12:45


Conferences      1:00-3:00                Conferences    1:00-3:00


Conferences      5:00-8:00                Conferences    5:00-8:00


No School

Talented and Gifted Identification Process

Portland Public Schools is dedicated to identifying and providing for the unique academic and social emotional needs of Talented and Gifted (TAG) students across the district. Our goal is to provide educational opportunities to students of all racial, ethnic, and socio-economic groups, to provide informational training to educators, and to provide consistent challenge for all students.

Each year, Benson conducts a process in order to identify and assess students for the TAG program.  The first step in the TAG identification process is for parents or teachers to complete an Identification Process Form (IDPF) and submit the form to Vice Principal Jeandré Carbone.  Forms are available in the Vice Principal’s office, or can be sent electronically by e-mailing Jeandré Carbone at [email protected]. .  The deadline for submitting the IDPF is Monday, November 25th, 2012. 

If you have any questions about the TAG identification form or process you may email Ms. Carbone or discuss the TAG program at parent conferences on November 19th and 20th.  IDPF forms will be available at parent conferences.


All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.

Career Center News

Scholarships-information on all scholarships is available in the Career/Counseling Center.  For more information contact Miranda Ryan (Career Coordinator):  [email protected]. 503-916-5100  Ext.  77261

Foundation for Indiv. Rights in Ed.               Due:  November 25

College Visits:  All visits are held in the Career/Counseling Center

11/13               Oregon State Univ.                 9:50

11/15               Willamette University             10:00


Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.

PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.

Benson teachers are strategizing on ways to build a sense of community and ways to get to know more about students’ cultures and traditions.   At our next equity meeting, teachers will share their strategies.




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