Apr 152013

April 15th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Letter from the Principal:

Hello Benson Community:

Permission slips should be given out and collected this week for the April 23rd activities for freshmen and sophomores (film and college visits).  See information below.


Grades are due at the end of the day on the 15th (Monday).   You should receive the grade reports within a week.  Please contact teachers with questions and/or concerns.


Please note the special schedule for April 23rd and the late start for April 24th.  Details below.


Have a good week,




ACT Testing Day-Tuesday, April 23rd


On the Act testing day all juniors will be taking the ACT test.  This test is free of charge and is used by colleges.  It also provides an opportunity for students to meet essential skill requirements for graduation. 

We are on a special schedule that day with dismissal and lunch at 12:50.


Freshmen will be viewing a film called “Bully” and reading articles about issues related to bullying.  They will use the information to practice a writing task.   An opt out form will be sent home this week if you would prefer your student did not see the film.  The film has received positive reviews and comes with resources for teachers.  Here is a link to information about the film.



Sophomores will be visiting college campuses for tours and information.  Permission slips will be sent home this week for the field trips.  Some groups will travel via Tri-met and some will travel via school buses.  Trips will be chaperoned by teachers.


Seniors will be viewing the film, “Bully” and participating in short de-brief about issues related to bullying.  They will spend part of the morning working in their majors.  Here is a link to information about the movie.



Poetry Slam

Joel Machiela, librarian, organized this year’s Poetry Slam which was held on Friday, April 5th.  Thanks to the judges:  Ms.  Slaughter, Mr.  Mylet and Ms.  Johnson.  Also, thanks to Mr.  Slaughter for being the emcee for the event.

The winners were:

  1.  Cherilyn Brown
  2. Theo Nguyen
  3. Kahlea Casanova-Fish

Alternates Alzae Goldsby and Bo McDermid.

The winners will go on to represent Benson at Verselandia, the all-district poetry slam on April 30th at the Wonder Ballroom.  We have a limited number of tickets for the event (40) so please let Joel Machiela know right away if you would like to attend.  There is no cost for the tickets.  We’ll have a bus for staff and students who want to go together. 

OACTE Presentation

Amy Slaughter and Tim Hryciw presented a workshop on integrating math and CTE at the Oregon Association of Career and Technical Education conference in Sunriver last Thursday.  The workshop attendees included teachers and administrators from the state of Oregon.  The workshop was well received and there were lots of requests for more information and lesson ideas.  Great job Amy and Tim!  See photos below.





Benson Clean-up


We will be partnering with the Kerns Neighborhood Association again this year for a clean-up day at Benson.  The event is on Saturday, April 20th and is being organized by Benson PTSA.  Please consider donating time, materials, food, water, etc.  for the event.  Last year we had nearly 100 students and adults show up to work and we were able to really spruce up the front of the building.  More information will be available soon.


Benson Alumni Association Picnic

Join us at the Benson Community Picnic on Saturday, August 17th from noon-4 p.m. at Blue Lake Park.  Free hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided.  Bring a side dish or dessert.  There is a $5 per car entry fee charged by the park.


Twitter @bphsaa



Dress Code


A reminder about school dress code: 


No undergarments may be visible (including sagging pants)

No strapless tops

Shorts must have at least a 6 inch inseam

No half or cropped shirts (midriff cannot be showing)

Skirts and/or dresses can be no shorter than fingertips when arms are extended.


Please review the student handbook for more detail about the dress code.


Students who come to school with improper clothing may be given a t-shirt to wear, may serve detention and/or parent/guardian may be called to bring other clothing.


Upcoming Dates and Events


April 6             Beginning of 60-day Rule for seniors


April 6 marks the beginning of the 60-day rule for seniors.  If seniors violate any of the PPS discipline policies, they may not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony.  We will hold an assembly for seniors this week to discuss the rule and consequences. 


Tuesday, April 23rd                 ACT Testing day                    Dismissal and lunch at 12:50

Wednesday, April 24th            Late Start                                Classes begin at 10:15


Site Council

The next site council meeting will be May 7th at 4:00 p.m. in the library classroom.  The site council is composed of teachers, administrators, classified, students, parents, alumni and community members.  The council is currently working on a five-year plan for Benson.  If you are interested in joining in this work, please attend our next meeting.

Teaching and Learning

PLC groups are preparing presentations to share information with staff about their work this year.  Collaboration and sharing teaching strategies has been the focus of the PLC work. 


We will continue our work this month on culturally responsive teaching.

Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.  http://www.pacificeducationalgroup.com/

PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.


Go to http://bensonptsa.org/ to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is April 16th at 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom. 


All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.

Counseling/Career Center News

Career Days

  • Portland Parks and Recreation is looking to hire people for summer employment.  See Ms. Ryan in the Career Center for more information.


  • The Eagle Program is a paid Internship program.  Only sophomores are eligible to apply for this two year program.  Find applications in the career center.



See the Career Coordinator for more information on scholarships.

Scholarships in April

  • Neil Kelly Memorial Scholarship, $1,000 award due- 4/19
  • 2013 Student-view  scholarship program  $10,500 worth of scholarships due- 4/21
  • Zeta Phi sorority, incorporated, Oregon Dove scholarship for $500 awarded to an individual due- 4/29
  • Humanist of greater Portland offering $2,000 scholarship due-4/30


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