Feb 112013

February 11th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Letter from the Principal:

Hello Benson Community:

The enrollment window opened on Friday, February 1st and closes on February 22nd.  If you or someone you know is intending to apply for the lottery to attend Benson, please pay attention to the enrollment window dates.   We are having an information night this Thursday, February 14th at 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.


Please plan on attending the 93rd Annual Tech Show on February 21 and 22 from 6-9 p.m. at Benson High School.  Students will be showcasing their work as well as giving tours of the shop areas.  The freshmen PE/Health students will host a carnival in the gym with games and prizes.  Alumni will have exhibits and information in the small gym.  There will be food and drinks available for purchase.  Admission to the Tech Show is free and I hope to see you there.



New Library Policy

There are students who have open periods in their schedule.  We tried to have these occur at the beginning or end of the day so students who preferred could arrive to school for their first class at 9:45 or leave school at 1:45.  This scheduling allows students who have jobs to get there earlier and for those who are traveling an hour or more in the morning to not have to get up so early.  There are students who have open periods who are at school during those periods.  We encourage them to sign up for a TA or tutorial.  We have allowed the library to be open for any students with an open period to provide access to computers and a quiet place to study.  Many students are going to the library and not using the space appropriately which is problematic for students who are there to study.  Some students are coming and going from the library which is also disruptive.   We want the library to be available for all students with the expectation that students will use the space for study and research.  Beginning this Monday, we will put in place the following policy:

Students who have an open period and wish to be in the library, must arrive within the first 10 minutes of the period.  This will discourage students from roaming around the building unsupervised.

If  a student enters the library and leaves during the period, they will not be allowed back in during that period. 

We ask that you share this information with your students and encourage him or her to use the library for a quiet place to study and/or do research.  

Deferred Action –New Immigration Opportunity


Benson High School will host an information session for Latino families on the new immigration guidelines called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).  The workshop, hosted by Immigrant Law Group, will provide information on eligibility and the process.  Those who are eligible and complete the process could receive work authorization, a social security number and access to an Oregon driver’s license. 

This program applies to people:

  • who arrived in the U.S. before they turned 16
  • who were born after June 15, 1981
  • who have lived in the U.S. continuously for the last five years.


The session will be held in the Benson cafeteria on Monday, February 11th  from 6-7:30 p.m.  Food and drink will be served.


Teaching and Learning

Here is a link to an article in the Friday Tribune about the radio station at Benson. Thanks to Steve Naganuma and Kevin Flink for their hard work and thank to alumni and KBPS fans for their support.



This month staff will continue to examine racial equity by looking at data on student achievement, in particular grading practices.

Last year during the ACT testing, we provided a workshop/presentation for students and staff on the effects of bullying.  We are planning a similar opportunity in April for this year’s ACT testing day.   If you know your child is being bullied, please let a teacher, counselor or administrator know.  I am including a link to a recent article about a teen suicide in La Grande, Oregon that has been linked to bullying.  It is very important that we address and stop all bullying and harassment in our schools.


Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.  http://www.pacificeducationalgroup.com/

PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.


Get ready for Benson winter sports season! Go to http://bensonptsa.org/ to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is February 19th at 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom. 


All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.

Counseling/Career Center News

Career Days

  • National Engineer Week Event for Sophomores and Juniors is Wednesday, February 20th.  Applications are in the Career Center.


  • Western Oregon University Criminal Justice Career Day is March 6th.  Applications are in the Career Center


  • OHSU Annual Multicultural Health Science & Engineering Career Center on February 22nd.  Register at www.ohsu.edu/diversity by February 8th.


  • Abby’s Closet, in conjunction with TJ Maxx, is again sponsoring a $1,000.00 scholarship for one well-deserving, college bound girl, graduating in 2013.  All applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5; intend to attend a trade school, community college, university, etc. and plan to attend the Abby’s Closet Prom Dress Giveaway to get a free gown to wear to their prom or senior formal event. 

Complete details about the scholarship are available at www.abbyscloset.org, which includes a link to the actual application as well.  The application deadline is February 18, 2013. 


  • Portland Parks and Recreation is looking to hire people for summer employment.  See Ms. Ryan in the Career Center for more information.


  • The Eagle Program is a paid Internship program.  Only sophomores are eligible to apply for this two year program.  Find applications in the career center.


  • OHSU Cure is an 8-10 week paid internship.  Applications are due April 5, 2013.  www.ohsu.edu/diversty



See the Career Coordinator for more information on scholarships.

Scholarships due in  February:

· Al Forthan Memorial Recovery Scholarship for 4,000.  Due-2/11

· Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship for 24,000.  Due-2/15

· Confederation of Oregon School Administrators for 1,000. Due- 2/21

· Links Incorporated Academic Scholarship.  Due- 2/22

· Links Incorporated Arts Scholarship.  Due- 2/22

Scholarships due in  March:

· Schweiger Memorial Scholarship Due-3/1

· Young Women in Public Affairs for 1,000.  Due- 3/5

· Albert Lee Wright, Jr.  Memorial Migrant Scholarship for 3,000. Due-3/15

· Jiffy Lube –Teen Driver Scholarship for 2,500.  Due- 3/25

· Future Connect Scholarship  Due- 3/31


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