Feb 192013

                                                         February 19th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Staff Newsletter

Hi Everyone,


This is a busy week and an opportunity to highlight Benson.  I appreciate all the work staff have done to prepare for the Tech Show and am looking forward to another great event this Thursday and Friday. 


We also have two professional development sessions this week with PLC-B on Tuesday after school and Equity during the Wednesday morning late start.  On Tuesday, PLC’s will meet for the first 45 minutes, followed by Tech Show last minute planning and details.


Hope you enjoyed the three-day weekend and found time to rest.




Staff Meeting


Tuesday, February 19             PLC B                                     3:30                 Rm.  125


Wednesday, February 20        Late Start-Equity                    8:15                 Rm.  125


Thursday, February 21            Half Day – AM for students                          Tech Show  6-9 p.m.

                                                Drew Carney at Benson 5-7 a.m.

                                                Teachers work in rooms PM


Friday, February 22                No School                                                       Tech Show  6-9 p.m.


Benson  featured on Drew Carney Morning Show

This Thursday morning, Drew Carney will be at Benson to feature the 93rd Tech Show on his “Out and About” morning show.  The show begins to air on KGW-Channel 8 at approximately 5:15 a.m.  Drew will talk about the Tech Show and demonstrate some of the things to see at Tech Show such as the electric chair, ejector seat, Model T and  Cobra and the working foundry.  We would like to have as many students there as possible.  Students who come will be treated to a pancake breakfast served by Benson staff.    I have included links to examples of Drew’s morning show.  As you are reading the bulletin, it would be great if you could show one of these clips to students and encourage them to come Thursday morning at 5:00 a.m. 




Teaching and Learning

Please be sure to check in with students who have incomplete grades for first semester.  I included an explanation of incompletes in the parent newsletter this week.   When the students complete the required work or proficiency, submit a grade change form to Shana.


This month we will continue to examine racial equity by looking at data on student achievement, in particular grading practices.

Last year during the ACT testing, we provided a workshop/presentation for students and staff on the effects of bullying.  We are planning a similar opportunity in April for this year’s ACT testing day.   If you know a student is being bullied, please let a counselor or administrator know.  I am including a link to a recent article about a teen suicide in La Grande, Oregon that has been linked to bullying.  It is very important that we address and stop all bullying and harassment in our schools.


Our next equity workshop will be Wednesday, February 20th

Here is the district website link to information about Pacific Educational Group and resources. 




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