Mar 112013

March 11th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Letter from the Principal:

Hello Benson Community:

There are two weeks remaining before spring break.  Please check progress reports for third quarter and contact teachers if you have any questions.


This spring we will have our annual diversity assembly and we will also have an anti-bullying presentation in April.  Benson is a very diverse school and the annual diversity assembly is an opportunity to celebrate the many cultures that are represented in our school community.  The anti-bullying program is a follow-up to an assembly we had last year and reminds us of the many ways that students are impacted by bullying and harassment.  There will be more information to follow about these two events.


Hopefully the weather will continue to improve.




Upcoming Dates


March 15         Student Talent Assembly (regular assembly schedule)

March 19         Portland Career Expo at the Convention Center-field trip for all Benson students

March 20         Late Start-Classes start at 10:15 a.m.   (staff equity PD)

March 21         Late Start-Classes start at 10:15 a.m.  (staff teaching and learning PD)

March 23-31    Spring Break (no school)




Matt Pellico (physics/chemistry teacher) is working with two groups of students who are part of a challenge activity sponsored by the PSU School of Engineering.  The activity is a problem solving exercise entitled “Schools of 2025.”  The students who are participating include:


Orange team:  Bronson Kim, Devon Straub, Edgard Banuelos, Theo Nguyen, and Rose Adrian


Blue team:  Keighley Overbay, Kien Tran, Johnny Trieu, Quinn McCurdy, Indigo Way, Keala Cottrell, Zachary Bright


In an e-mail from one of the PSU professors, she stated that “Mr.  Pellico and the Benson students left a great impression on me.  My son is only in 1st grade this year, but perhaps one day he can attend Benson!”


Susan Pfohman (math teacher) has been accepted to participate in the Library of Congress 2013 Summer Teacher Institute.  There were an unprecedented number of applicants and only 1 in 4 was accepted.    The institute is 5 days and is in Washington, D.C.   It is training for teachers on how to access primary sources from the Library of Congress, how to analyze primary sources of different formats, to learn various teaching strategies for using primary sources in the classroom and an opportunity to interact with teachers from around the country to exchange ideas.


PYAP (Portland Youth Apprenticeship Program) held interviews Friday at Benson for apprenticeship positions in electric and manufacturing at various industry partners.  There were 26 Benson juniors and seniors who participated in the interviews.  Benson is the only high school in Portland offering these types of apprenticeship opportunities. 


At the end of the day,   When Tyson (one of the employers) was asked  how many of the 26 students that they interviewed he would hire, he thought for a moment & said ” 25″

The students were terrific!     Participating companies included PCC Structurals, Blount, Vigor and Tice Industries.    We will follow up with Chris King and Columbia Steel – both of which have expressed strong interest in the program.

Thanks to Tim Hryciw & Barth Clooten who did a great job preparing students.  Benson Career Coordinator, Miranda Ryan also helped organize and coordinate the event.   

Special recognition goes to Kevin Jeans-Gail and the staff at Portland Workforce Alliance.   PWA is a strong supporter and organizer of events and opportunities that help link career to school.  Without Kevin and his staff, these types of opportunities would not be available for our students.  Kevin has also been instrumental in helping to forge new partnerships for Benson that have resulted in an increased number of  apprenticeship positions.     

Site Council

The next site council meeting will be March 12th at 4:00 p.m. in the library classroom.

Teaching and Learning

Teachers meet twice a month in collaborative groups called professional learning communities.  These groups are working on topics they selected.  Following is a summary of the work these groups are engaged in:

CTE Integration

  • Geometry and electric project
  • English and technical writing in electric
  • Reading an article on CTE and academic integration (Pathways to Prosperity)

Proficiency Grading

  • Recently read three articles on proficiency
  • Planning presentation to staff on proficiency grading

Action Research (Fit to Live and Learn)

  • Working on interview process-seniors will interview freshmen on how the Nike fit bands are working
  • Data will be available by the middle of May, should have analysis complete by June 1st

Freshmen Academy Team

  • Assessment of first semester failing grades
  • Interventions with own homerooms
  • April testing activity (class meeting)


  • Literacy
  • Standardized testing
  • Credit recovery

Technology in the Classroom

  • Technology tools to share with staff
  • Creating a film

Peer Observation

  • Scheduling final observations
  • Preliminary ideas/agenda for presentation to staff

Math Alignment

  • When and where to insert SBAC (smarter-balanced) practice questions in algebra 1-2, geometry and algebra 3-4


Part of our equity training this month will include examining our discipline data through a racial lens.  We will look at types of referrals and frequency of referrals and incidents across racial groups. 

We will also begin to discuss culturally responsive teaching.

Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.

PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.


Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is March 19th at 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom. 


All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.

Counseling/Career Center News

Career Days

  • Western Oregon University Criminal Justice Career Day is March 6th.  Applications are in the Career Center .


  • Portland Parks and Recreation is looking to hire people for summer employment.  See Ms. Ryan in the Career Center for more information.


  • The Eagle Program is a paid Internship program.  Only sophomores are eligible to apply for this two year program.  Find applications in the career center.


  • OHSU Cure is an 8-10 week paid internship.  Applications are due April 5, 2013.



See the Career Coordinator for more information on scholarships.

Scholarships due in  March:

· Young Women in Public Affairs for 1,000.  Due- 3/5

· Albert Lee Wright, Jr.  Memorial Migrant Scholarship for 3,000. Due-3/15

· Jiffy Lube –Teen Driver Scholarship for 2,500.  Due- 3/25

· Future Connect Scholarship  Due- 3/31

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