
Apr 082013

April 8th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Staff Newsletter

Hi Everyone,


The seniors have approximately 40 days of school left.  Hard to believe we are almost at the end of another school year. 


Administrators are finishing up observations and final evaluations this month.  Other than scheduled formal evaluations, we appreciate being invited to your class for learning activities, new things you are trying out and to observe students engaged in projects and/or presentations, etc. 


I will be attending the OACTE conference in Bend this week with several CTE teachers.  Congratulations to Tim Hryciw and Amy Slaughter, who will be presenting a workshop on integrating math and CTE.  They have been planning the activities and using them in Tim’s electric classes.   


Have a good week,




Benson High School Students Show Ocean Science Knowledge in the Salmon Bowl

Last month, students from high schools in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho went head-to-head in a battle of science knowledge—and some good fun—at regional National Ocean Sciences Bowl competitions.

In Oregon, NOAA staff helped the team from Portland’s Benson High School prepare for the Salmon Bowl competition. NOAA staff members Rob Clapp, Bob Embley, Lynne Krasnow, Anne Mullen, Scott Rumsey, and Chris Toole mentored students in topics such as deep sea biology, climate change, population dynamics, fisheries management, marine geology, marine vents, and marine biology. Students also took a field trip to NOAA Fisheries’ Point Adams Biological Research Station at Hammond, Oregon, where they got some first-hand experience with ocean research techniques.

The dedication shown by schools, coaches, and students, all of whom shine at these competitions year after year, is inspiring. By encouraging students to take ocean science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to new levels, programs such as the National Ocean Sciences Bowl work to ensure a future of informed marine policy.

Matt Pellico (current Benson science teacher) and Jean Eames (retired Benson science teacher) are the advisors for the Benson High School team.


Portland’s Benson High School Salmon Bowl team: Left to right: back row – Chris Toole (NOAA), Kien Tran, Theo Nguyen, Capt. Steve Ford (Guest Speaker), Matt Pellico (Teacher). Front row: Ben Bui, Keighley Overbay, Hoang Duong, Jean Eames (Teacher), Amy Le. NOAA photograph.


Benson’s Salmon Bowl team preparing to compete in Corvallis. NOAA photograph

Young, Black and Gifted

Three Benson students were selected to be recognized at the annual Young, Gifted and Black banquet. There were more than 135 student nominations from kindergarten through 12th grade.

Young, Gifted and Black is a program aimed at highlighting the success of Black students throughout PPS and this year we will be recognizing some of our most distinguished students and their families. Students will be photographed by a professional photographer, Marquis Stoudamire, and will be interviewed by Wade Nkruhmah. Their photographs and inspiring stories will be shared with students, family and community members throughout Portland.  By highlighting and promoting student success, we create another vehicle for inspiring other students.   Thank you for all that you do to encourage student success.

Congratulations to the following Benson students:

  1. Anthony Ross
  2. Dae’Onna Kang-Clark
  3. Jada McClendon, Freshman

Z Man Scholarship

Sophomore, Alexis Whitney, won the Benson talent competition and will compete with winners from other high schools on April 26th at the University of Portland, Chiles Center.  Tickets are $10 and can be purchased from the bookkeeper.



Be sure to communicate with parents of seniors who are falling behind and/or who are in danger of failing your class.


Professional Development


Monday, April 8th                   PLC A             3:30     Room 125

Monday, April 15th                 No meeting     Grades due

Tuesday, April 16th                 PLC B             3:30     Room 125

Monday, April 22nd                 Departments    3:30     TBD                Articulation with OIT

Tuesday, April 23rd                 Independent work on PD criteria sheet          2:15-3:15

(ACT testing day)

Wednesday, April 24th            Independent work on PD criteria sheet          8:15-10:00

Monday, April 29th                 PLC Pres.        3:30     Room 125      


Site Council

The next site council meeting will be April 9th at 4:00 p.m. in the library classroom.

Teaching and Learning/Equity

At our last equity meeting, Kim Feicke introduced the concept of “high perfectionism, high support.”  Below is a link to information on the website “Teaching Tolerance” that addresses the importance of recognizing student’s assets and the importance of having high expectations.  Sonia Nieto, University of Massachusetts, has a short video clip on this site.  There are also some checklists for teachers to assess themselves.  If you do any of the self-assessments, let me know what you think about using them in a future PD session.


We will continue to discuss culturally responsive teaching.

Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.


Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is April 16th at 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom.

Mar 182013

March 18th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Letter from the Principal:

Hello Benson Community:

We had a very entertaining talent assembly on Friday.  The talent show was a preliminary contest to select an act to send to the Z-Man Scholarship event on April 26th at the University of Portland Chiles Center.  The event is sponsored by the Portland Police Department.  The performer who will represent Benson is Alexis Whitney.  Alexis is a sophomore who performs the national anthem at many of our athletic and school events. 


We have late starts this week on Wednesday and Thursday for staff to participate in equity training and professional development.  Classes begin for students at 10:15 both days.  Teachers are available to meet with students on Thursday at 9:15 a.m. for individual help. 


All students are eligible to participate in the Career Expo this Tuesday.  A field trip form is required and must be turned in on Monday.  Please check with your student about this form.  Teachers will escort students to the Convention Center.


As always, let us know if you have any questions or concerns.




Upcoming Dates


March 19         Portland Career Expo at the Convention Center-1/2 day field trip for all Benson


March 20         Late Start-Classes start at 10:15 a.m.   (staff equity PD)

March 21         Late Start-Classes start at 10:15 a.m.  (staff teaching and learning PD)

March 23-31    Spring Break (no school)




PYAP (Portland Youth Apprenticeship Program) held interviews Friday, March 8th at Benson for apprenticeship positions in electric and manufacturing at various industry partners.  There were 26 Benson juniors and seniors who participated in the interviews.  Benson is the only high school in Portland offering these types of apprenticeship opportunities. 


So far, three students have been selected for paid apprenticeship positions.  All three will be working at Blount International.

Ricky Wade                Senior              Electrician

Shawn Corrigan          Junior              Manufacturing/Millwright

Simon Chau                Junior              Manufacturing/Millwright

In the upcoming weeks, more students will be selected by additional industry partners.

Talent Assembly for Z-Man Scholarship Competition

1st Place           Alexis Whitney

2nd Place          Felix Lilly

3rd Place           Dancers:  Marshae Rufener, Chris Molinar, Jeremy Vargas, Benny Luong and

                        Dreyme Jackson

Alexis will automatically be eligible to participate in the competition on April 26th at the Chiles Center with the chance to win a $5000 scholarship.  The 2nd and 3rd place finishers will also have a chance to be wild card entries.

The talent was amazing and representative of the many ways that Benson students show their pride.  Other performers included:

Jovi Asa and Donna Salavedra                       Dancing

Olivia Collins and Breah Etherly                    Singing

Rheym Fernandez                                           Singing

Steven Washburn                                            Drums

Kahleil Johnson                                               Piano

Megan Schnell                                                Singing

Enterprise Academy

Mike Ryan, social studies teacher, encouraged students to participate in the Enterprise Academy.  This event is sponsored by Rotary and is held each year.  It is a weekend workshop in which students have the opportunity to work with Portland business leaders and entrepreneurs.  The event was held March 1-3 at Salvation Army Camp Kuratli in Boring, Oregon.  Over 80 students attended from high schools throughout the metro area.  Benson students who participated included:

Mike Ivezic, Kahleil Johnson, Han Nguyen, Katie Darke, John Lorenz, Susan Vang, Thao Nguyen, Tien Nguyen, Linh Tran.

Fit to Live and Learn Program

This week, a film crew will begin creating a documentary about the new PE/Health program at Benson.  The freshmen class has lost over 868 pounds, improved endurance and reduced body fat percentages.  The program has gained local, state and national attention.  The documentary is sponsored by Health Corps and will feature the program design and results.  Congratulations to teachers Linda McLellan and Katie Meyer and to Amy Barras, Benson’s Health Corps representative for their hard work in designing the curriculum and securing partners to help support the program.  If you or you know of someone who might be interested in contributing to this successful program, please let us know.   We are remodeling to create a Yoga space and exercise rooms with bikes and other equipment.  We are also in need of industry grade exercise equipment (treadmills, spinner bikes, etc.). 

Essay Contest Winner!

Senior Haja Koroma won the essay contest at the International Youth Leadership Conference held earlier this month at the Marshall Campus.  Haja’s essay highlighted the challenges she experienced when she left her family in Sierra Leone and came to the United States when she was 10 years old.  She is a Health Occupations major and intends to continue in the medical field with the hope of helping US immigrants and possibly returning to Sierra Leone to provide health care.

$5000 award

Communications teachers Cathy Skach and Jeanette Pelster won a trophy and a $5000 award from US Education TV.  They have been using a platform on the internet ( to create online tutorials for their communications classes.  The award was for “Best Use of the Educational Platform.” 

The award was presented at a national conference held in Los Angeles last week.  Cathy Skach accompanied two students, senior McKenzie Haynes and junior, Kristine Hayes who participated in a film competition at the event. 

Site Council

The next site council meeting will be April 9th at 4:00 p.m. in the library classroom.  The site council is composed of teachers, administrators, classified, students, parents, alumni and community members.  The council is currently working on a five-year plan for Benson.  If you are interested in joining in this work, please attend our next meeting.

Teaching and Learning

This week during the late starts on Wednesday and Thursday teachers will be participating in professional development.  On Wednesday, the equity workshop will include an introduction and discussion focused on culturally relevant instruction.  During Thursday’s session focused on instructional practice, teachers will discuss common expectations and strategies to build literacy skills across content areas. 


Part of our equity training this month will include examining our discipline data through a racial lens.  We will look at types of referrals and frequency of referrals and incidents across racial groups. 

We will also begin to discuss culturally responsive teaching.

Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.

PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.


Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is March 19th at 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom. 


All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.

Counseling/Career Center News

Career Days

  • Portland Parks and Recreation is looking to hire people for summer employment.  See Ms. Ryan in the Career Center for more information.


  • The Eagle Program is a paid Internship program.  Only sophomores are eligible to apply for this two year program.  Find applications in the career center.


  • OHSU Cure is an 8-10 week paid internship.  Applications are due April 5, 2013.



See the Career Coordinator for more information on scholarships.

Scholarships due in  March:

· Jiffy Lube –Teen Driver Scholarship for 2,500.  Due- 3/25

· Future Connect Scholarship  Due- 3/31

Scholarships in April

  • Oregon Jaycee Foundation scholarship award of $500 due-4/1
  • Tiffany Wang Scholarships $500 award due-4/1
  • The Reed college young scholars Program  at least one  $500 scholarship awarded due-4/1
  • Dr. Ethel Simon Mc Williams scholarship fund  $10,000 scholarship due-4/1
  • OASSA youth scholarship two 1,000 awards due-4/4
  • Zman scholarship foundation “The talent within”  due-4/5
  • Neil Kelly Memorial Scholarship, $1,000 award due- 4/19
  • 2013 Student-view  scholarship program  $10,500 worth of scholarships due- 4/21
  • Zeta Phi sorority, incorporated, Oregon Dove scholarship for $500 awarded to an individual due- 4/29
  • Humanist of greater Portland offering $2,000 scholarship due-4/30


All visits will be held in the Career Center. You must sign up in the Counseling Center for these visits.

3/22     Fashion Institute of Design/March   10:00




Mar 112013

March 11th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Letter from the Principal:

Hello Benson Community:

There are two weeks remaining before spring break.  Please check progress reports for third quarter and contact teachers if you have any questions.


This spring we will have our annual diversity assembly and we will also have an anti-bullying presentation in April.  Benson is a very diverse school and the annual diversity assembly is an opportunity to celebrate the many cultures that are represented in our school community.  The anti-bullying program is a follow-up to an assembly we had last year and reminds us of the many ways that students are impacted by bullying and harassment.  There will be more information to follow about these two events.


Hopefully the weather will continue to improve.




Upcoming Dates


March 15         Student Talent Assembly (regular assembly schedule)

March 19         Portland Career Expo at the Convention Center-field trip for all Benson students

March 20         Late Start-Classes start at 10:15 a.m.   (staff equity PD)

March 21         Late Start-Classes start at 10:15 a.m.  (staff teaching and learning PD)

March 23-31    Spring Break (no school)




Matt Pellico (physics/chemistry teacher) is working with two groups of students who are part of a challenge activity sponsored by the PSU School of Engineering.  The activity is a problem solving exercise entitled “Schools of 2025.”  The students who are participating include:


Orange team:  Bronson Kim, Devon Straub, Edgard Banuelos, Theo Nguyen, and Rose Adrian


Blue team:  Keighley Overbay, Kien Tran, Johnny Trieu, Quinn McCurdy, Indigo Way, Keala Cottrell, Zachary Bright


In an e-mail from one of the PSU professors, she stated that “Mr.  Pellico and the Benson students left a great impression on me.  My son is only in 1st grade this year, but perhaps one day he can attend Benson!”


Susan Pfohman (math teacher) has been accepted to participate in the Library of Congress 2013 Summer Teacher Institute.  There were an unprecedented number of applicants and only 1 in 4 was accepted.    The institute is 5 days and is in Washington, D.C.   It is training for teachers on how to access primary sources from the Library of Congress, how to analyze primary sources of different formats, to learn various teaching strategies for using primary sources in the classroom and an opportunity to interact with teachers from around the country to exchange ideas.


PYAP (Portland Youth Apprenticeship Program) held interviews Friday at Benson for apprenticeship positions in electric and manufacturing at various industry partners.  There were 26 Benson juniors and seniors who participated in the interviews.  Benson is the only high school in Portland offering these types of apprenticeship opportunities. 


At the end of the day,   When Tyson (one of the employers) was asked  how many of the 26 students that they interviewed he would hire, he thought for a moment & said ” 25″

The students were terrific!     Participating companies included PCC Structurals, Blount, Vigor and Tice Industries.    We will follow up with Chris King and Columbia Steel – both of which have expressed strong interest in the program.

Thanks to Tim Hryciw & Barth Clooten who did a great job preparing students.  Benson Career Coordinator, Miranda Ryan also helped organize and coordinate the event.   

Special recognition goes to Kevin Jeans-Gail and the staff at Portland Workforce Alliance.   PWA is a strong supporter and organizer of events and opportunities that help link career to school.  Without Kevin and his staff, these types of opportunities would not be available for our students.  Kevin has also been instrumental in helping to forge new partnerships for Benson that have resulted in an increased number of  apprenticeship positions.     

Site Council

The next site council meeting will be March 12th at 4:00 p.m. in the library classroom.

Teaching and Learning

Teachers meet twice a month in collaborative groups called professional learning communities.  These groups are working on topics they selected.  Following is a summary of the work these groups are engaged in:

CTE Integration

  • Geometry and electric project
  • English and technical writing in electric
  • Reading an article on CTE and academic integration (Pathways to Prosperity)

Proficiency Grading

  • Recently read three articles on proficiency
  • Planning presentation to staff on proficiency grading

Action Research (Fit to Live and Learn)

  • Working on interview process-seniors will interview freshmen on how the Nike fit bands are working
  • Data will be available by the middle of May, should have analysis complete by June 1st

Freshmen Academy Team

  • Assessment of first semester failing grades
  • Interventions with own homerooms
  • April testing activity (class meeting)


  • Literacy
  • Standardized testing
  • Credit recovery

Technology in the Classroom

  • Technology tools to share with staff
  • Creating a film

Peer Observation

  • Scheduling final observations
  • Preliminary ideas/agenda for presentation to staff

Math Alignment

  • When and where to insert SBAC (smarter-balanced) practice questions in algebra 1-2, geometry and algebra 3-4


Part of our equity training this month will include examining our discipline data through a racial lens.  We will look at types of referrals and frequency of referrals and incidents across racial groups. 

We will also begin to discuss culturally responsive teaching.

Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.

PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.


Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is March 19th at 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom. 


All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.

Counseling/Career Center News

Career Days

  • Western Oregon University Criminal Justice Career Day is March 6th.  Applications are in the Career Center .


  • Portland Parks and Recreation is looking to hire people for summer employment.  See Ms. Ryan in the Career Center for more information.


  • The Eagle Program is a paid Internship program.  Only sophomores are eligible to apply for this two year program.  Find applications in the career center.


  • OHSU Cure is an 8-10 week paid internship.  Applications are due April 5, 2013.



See the Career Coordinator for more information on scholarships.

Scholarships due in  March:

· Young Women in Public Affairs for 1,000.  Due- 3/5

· Albert Lee Wright, Jr.  Memorial Migrant Scholarship for 3,000. Due-3/15

· Jiffy Lube –Teen Driver Scholarship for 2,500.  Due- 3/25

· Future Connect Scholarship  Due- 3/31

Mar 042013

March 4th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Letter from the Principal:

Hello Benson Community:

The second semester always seems to go by fast.  We are already at 3rd quarter progress report time.  Please be sure to keep in touch with teachers regarding student attendance, behavior and academic concerns.  Counselors are also great resources.


Benson has been in the spotlight several times during the past month and I appreciate the hard work of staff and students.  Being a Benson student comes with high expectations and our students have done a great job this year showing Tech Pride.  


I also want to thank Benson parents for volunteering to help with our activities and events.  We couldn’t do what we do without you.




3rd Quarter Progress Reports


Progress reports are due at the end of the day on Tuesday, March 5th and should be mailed by the end of the week. 


Winter Sports


Congratulations to our winter sports teams.  All teams represented Benson well.   The girls basketball team won more games this year and the wrestling coach is excited about the improvements in his team and is confident that next year will be even better.  Our boys basketball team ended their season on Friday at Sandy High School.  The game was close and our fans, coaches and team definitely displayed Tech Pride. 


Rose Festival Princess


Congratulations to junior Erica Baldwin for being selected as the 2013 Benson High School Rose Festival Princess.  A link to the article in the Oregonian is below.  Also congratulations to the Benson Rose Festival court members:  Tiffany Assenberg, Jasmin Ma and Elaine Vu-Phan.




Site Council

The next site council meeting will be March 12th at 4:00 p.m. in the library classroom.

Teaching and Learning

All teachers should be incorporating reading strategies throughout the year and at least two writing tasks each quarter.  At one of our first PD sessions this year the expectations for literacy included a focus on three areas: 

  • Criteria sheets
  • Feedback on writing
  • Providing evidence for claims




Part of our equity training this month will include examining our discipline data through a racial lens.  We will look at types of referrals and frequency of referrals and incidents across racial groups. 

Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.

PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.


Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is March 19th at 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom. 


All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.

Counseling/Career Center News

Career Days

  • Western Oregon University Criminal Justice Career Day is March 6th.  Applications are in the Career Center .


  • Portland Parks and Recreation is looking to hire people for summer employment.  See Ms. Ryan in the Career Center for more information.


  • The Eagle Program is a paid Internship program.  Only sophomores are eligible to apply for this two year program.  Find applications in the career center.


  • OHSU Cure is an 8-10 week paid internship.  Applications are due April 5, 2013.



See the Career Coordinator for more information on scholarships.

Scholarships due in  March:

· Young Women in Public Affairs for 1,000.  Due- 3/5

· Albert Lee Wright, Jr.  Memorial Migrant Scholarship for 3,000. Due-3/15

· Jiffy Lube –Teen Driver Scholarship for 2,500.  Due- 3/25

· Future Connect Scholarship  Due- 3/31


Feb 252013

February 25th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Letter from the Principal:

Hello Benson Community:

The 93rd Tech Show was a huge success!  It was definitely a combined effort between staff, students, alumni and parents.  The students represented Benson well and many commented on the “Tech Pride” that was evident throughout the building.  Thanks to parents for bring students to school early on Thursday morning for the Drew Carney segments. The students were amazing and made me very proud to be part of Benson High School.


As you know we recently entered into a partnership with Oregon Institute of Technology.  This month we will be meeting with administrators from OIT to discuss offering college level courses at Benson.  We are hoping to add Writing 121 and Writing 122 as well as other college classes.  More information will be coming as students choose their courses for next year.




Site Council

The next site council meeting will be March 12th at 4:00 p.m. in the library classroom.

Teaching and Learning

Teachers in all content areas are creating opportunities for students to improve reading, writing and math skills.  This year’s sophomores and freshmen have to pass essential skills tests in these areas in order to graduate.   The tests are administered during the junior year.  There are also work sample opportunities for students to demonstrate proficiency.  Teachers are working on creating activities and assignments that include expectations for application of writing and math skills.   All classes include reading strategies and practice reading various types of text.

Writers in the Schools (WITS)-This program provides professional writers to teach semester-long residencies that support the existing curriculum, get students excited about reading and writing, and reinforce the real world importance of reading and writing in all professions.

WITS also provides professional development for teachers, visits with world-famous authors, and books, tickets, and transportation for high school groups to attend Portland Arts & Lectures. WITS serves 2,800 students each year.

At Benson High School, fiction writer Ramiza Koya and slam poet Desmond Spann are teaching in Elisa Wong’s Pre-AP English and Steve Naganuma’s radio classes.


Part of our equity training this month will include examining our discipline data through a racial lens.  We will look at types of referrals and frequency of referrals and incidents across racial groups. 

Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.

PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.


Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is March 19th at 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom. 


All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.

Counseling/Career Center News

Career Days


  • Western Oregon University Criminal Justice Career Day is March 6th.  Applications are in the Career Center .


  • Portland Parks and Recreation is looking to hire people for summer employment.  See Ms. Ryan in the Career Center for more information.


  • The Eagle Program is a paid Internship program.  Only sophomores are eligible to apply for this two year program.  Find applications in the career center.


  • OHSU Cure is an 8-10 week paid internship.  Applications are due April 5, 2013.



See the Career Coordinator for more information on scholarships.

Scholarships due in  March:

· Schweiger Memorial Scholarship Due-3/1

· Young Women in Public Affairs for 1,000.  Due- 3/5

· Albert Lee Wright, Jr.  Memorial Migrant Scholarship for 3,000. Due-3/15

· Jiffy Lube –Teen Driver Scholarship for 2,500.  Due- 3/25

· Future Connect Scholarship  Due- 3/31

Feb 192013

                                                         February 19th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Staff Newsletter

Hi Everyone,


This is a busy week and an opportunity to highlight Benson.  I appreciate all the work staff have done to prepare for the Tech Show and am looking forward to another great event this Thursday and Friday. 


We also have two professional development sessions this week with PLC-B on Tuesday after school and Equity during the Wednesday morning late start.  On Tuesday, PLC’s will meet for the first 45 minutes, followed by Tech Show last minute planning and details.


Hope you enjoyed the three-day weekend and found time to rest.




Staff Meeting


Tuesday, February 19             PLC B                                     3:30                 Rm.  125


Wednesday, February 20        Late Start-Equity                    8:15                 Rm.  125


Thursday, February 21            Half Day – AM for students                          Tech Show  6-9 p.m.

                                                Drew Carney at Benson 5-7 a.m.

                                                Teachers work in rooms PM


Friday, February 22                No School                                                       Tech Show  6-9 p.m.


Benson  featured on Drew Carney Morning Show

This Thursday morning, Drew Carney will be at Benson to feature the 93rd Tech Show on his “Out and About” morning show.  The show begins to air on KGW-Channel 8 at approximately 5:15 a.m.  Drew will talk about the Tech Show and demonstrate some of the things to see at Tech Show such as the electric chair, ejector seat, Model T and  Cobra and the working foundry.  We would like to have as many students there as possible.  Students who come will be treated to a pancake breakfast served by Benson staff.    I have included links to examples of Drew’s morning show.  As you are reading the bulletin, it would be great if you could show one of these clips to students and encourage them to come Thursday morning at 5:00 a.m.

Teaching and Learning

Please be sure to check in with students who have incomplete grades for first semester.  I included an explanation of incompletes in the parent newsletter this week.   When the students complete the required work or proficiency, submit a grade change form to Shana.


This month we will continue to examine racial equity by looking at data on student achievement, in particular grading practices.

Last year during the ACT testing, we provided a workshop/presentation for students and staff on the effects of bullying.  We are planning a similar opportunity in April for this year’s ACT testing day.   If you know a student is being bullied, please let a counselor or administrator know.  I am including a link to a recent article about a teen suicide in La Grande, Oregon that has been linked to bullying.  It is very important that we address and stop all bullying and harassment in our schools.

Our next equity workshop will be Wednesday, February 20th

Here is the district website link to information about Pacific Educational Group and resources.



Feb 112013

February 11th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Letter from the Principal:

Hello Benson Community:

The enrollment window opened on Friday, February 1st and closes on February 22nd.  If you or someone you know is intending to apply for the lottery to attend Benson, please pay attention to the enrollment window dates.   We are having an information night this Thursday, February 14th at 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.


Please plan on attending the 93rd Annual Tech Show on February 21 and 22 from 6-9 p.m. at Benson High School.  Students will be showcasing their work as well as giving tours of the shop areas.  The freshmen PE/Health students will host a carnival in the gym with games and prizes.  Alumni will have exhibits and information in the small gym.  There will be food and drinks available for purchase.  Admission to the Tech Show is free and I hope to see you there.



New Library Policy

There are students who have open periods in their schedule.  We tried to have these occur at the beginning or end of the day so students who preferred could arrive to school for their first class at 9:45 or leave school at 1:45.  This scheduling allows students who have jobs to get there earlier and for those who are traveling an hour or more in the morning to not have to get up so early.  There are students who have open periods who are at school during those periods.  We encourage them to sign up for a TA or tutorial.  We have allowed the library to be open for any students with an open period to provide access to computers and a quiet place to study.  Many students are going to the library and not using the space appropriately which is problematic for students who are there to study.  Some students are coming and going from the library which is also disruptive.   We want the library to be available for all students with the expectation that students will use the space for study and research.  Beginning this Monday, we will put in place the following policy:

Students who have an open period and wish to be in the library, must arrive within the first 10 minutes of the period.  This will discourage students from roaming around the building unsupervised.

If  a student enters the library and leaves during the period, they will not be allowed back in during that period. 

We ask that you share this information with your students and encourage him or her to use the library for a quiet place to study and/or do research.  

Deferred Action –New Immigration Opportunity


Benson High School will host an information session for Latino families on the new immigration guidelines called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).  The workshop, hosted by Immigrant Law Group, will provide information on eligibility and the process.  Those who are eligible and complete the process could receive work authorization, a social security number and access to an Oregon driver’s license. 

This program applies to people:

  • who arrived in the U.S. before they turned 16
  • who were born after June 15, 1981
  • who have lived in the U.S. continuously for the last five years.


The session will be held in the Benson cafeteria on Monday, February 11th  from 6-7:30 p.m.  Food and drink will be served.


Teaching and Learning

Here is a link to an article in the Friday Tribune about the radio station at Benson. Thanks to Steve Naganuma and Kevin Flink for their hard work and thank to alumni and KBPS fans for their support.


This month staff will continue to examine racial equity by looking at data on student achievement, in particular grading practices.

Last year during the ACT testing, we provided a workshop/presentation for students and staff on the effects of bullying.  We are planning a similar opportunity in April for this year’s ACT testing day.   If you know your child is being bullied, please let a teacher, counselor or administrator know.  I am including a link to a recent article about a teen suicide in La Grande, Oregon that has been linked to bullying.  It is very important that we address and stop all bullying and harassment in our schools.

Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.

PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.


Get ready for Benson winter sports season! Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is February 19th at 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom. 


All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.

Counseling/Career Center News

Career Days

  • National Engineer Week Event for Sophomores and Juniors is Wednesday, February 20th.  Applications are in the Career Center.


  • Western Oregon University Criminal Justice Career Day is March 6th.  Applications are in the Career Center


  • OHSU Annual Multicultural Health Science & Engineering Career Center on February 22nd.  Register at by February 8th.


  • Abby’s Closet, in conjunction with TJ Maxx, is again sponsoring a $1,000.00 scholarship for one well-deserving, college bound girl, graduating in 2013.  All applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5; intend to attend a trade school, community college, university, etc. and plan to attend the Abby’s Closet Prom Dress Giveaway to get a free gown to wear to their prom or senior formal event. 

Complete details about the scholarship are available at, which includes a link to the actual application as well.  The application deadline is February 18, 2013. 


  • Portland Parks and Recreation is looking to hire people for summer employment.  See Ms. Ryan in the Career Center for more information.


  • The Eagle Program is a paid Internship program.  Only sophomores are eligible to apply for this two year program.  Find applications in the career center.


  • OHSU Cure is an 8-10 week paid internship.  Applications are due April 5, 2013.



See the Career Coordinator for more information on scholarships.

Scholarships due in  February:

· Al Forthan Memorial Recovery Scholarship for 4,000.  Due-2/11

· Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship for 24,000.  Due-2/15

· Confederation of Oregon School Administrators for 1,000. Due- 2/21

· Links Incorporated Academic Scholarship.  Due- 2/22

· Links Incorporated Arts Scholarship.  Due- 2/22

Scholarships due in  March:

· Schweiger Memorial Scholarship Due-3/1

· Young Women in Public Affairs for 1,000.  Due- 3/5

· Albert Lee Wright, Jr.  Memorial Migrant Scholarship for 3,000. Due-3/15

· Jiffy Lube –Teen Driver Scholarship for 2,500.  Due- 3/25

· Future Connect Scholarship  Due- 3/31


Feb 042013

February 4th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Letter from the Principal:

Hello Benson Community:

The enrollment window opened on Friday, February 1st and closes on February 22nd.  If you or someone you know is intending to apply for the lottery to attend Benson, please pay attention to the enrollment window dates. 


The first semester has ended and grade reports will be mailed at the end of this week.  If your student failed a class first semester, please contact the counselor to strategize on ways to recover the credit.  Teachers will be working with some students and you should be made aware that they have an opportunity to finish work and/or projects to have the grade changed. 


I look forward to working with you the rest of the school year.  Please share any questions and/or concerns.



1st Semester Exams and Grades


The semester grades are permanent and are recorded on the transcript.  Students who fail a class will have to make up the credit in evening school, summer school or online.  In some cases, teachers will work with students to complete work and will issue a grade change.  This is usually only an option for students who are close to passing.


Year of the Snake


Oregon’s Vietnamese Community celebrated the New Year on Saturday, February 2nd.  Here is a link to an article in the Oregonian about the event.


Teaching and Learning

The article below speaks to the importance of having hands-on learning opportunities for students.  Thanks to Cathy Skach for sharing.

A Huffington Post article says that, in a kind of backlash against the test-driven curricula that have prevailed in many schools over the past decade, there’s a growing interest among educators and parents in giving kids more hands-on, experiential learning projects.  Read the article at


Monday is National Day of Courage in honor of Rosa Parks 100th birthday.  Here is a link to the article in the Huffington Post.  This topic could be used as a writing prompt for students to share their own stories of courage, to write about people they think are courageous and/or to make commitments to acting courageously.  If you have ideas on how to use this in your curriculum, please share at our Tuesday staff meeting.

Rosa Parks is considered the first lady of the civil rights movement.  She showed tremendous courage by refusing to give up her bus seat to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama on December 1, 1955.

Here is a link to Leonard Pitts, Jr.’s commentary this past Sunday.  He speaks to the courage of Rosa Parks as well as commentary on untruths about guns and civil rights.

During future equity sessions, teachers will continue to examine and reflect on the ways grading practices impact students of color and ways we can implement grading practices that are equitable. 

Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.

PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.


Get ready for Benson winter sports season! Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is February 19th at 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom. 


All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.

Counseling/Career Center News

Career Days

  • National Engineer Week Event for Sophomores and Juniors is Wednesday, February 20th.  Applications are in the Career Center.


  • Western Oregon University Criminal Justice Career Day is March 6th.  Applications are in the Career Center


  • OHSU Annual Multicultural Health Science & Engineering Career Center on February 22nd.  Register at by February 8th.


  • Abby’s Closet, in conjunction with TJ Maxx, is again sponsoring a $1,000.00 scholarship for one well-deserving, college bound girl, graduating in 2013.  All applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5; intend to attend a trade school, community college, university, etc. and plan to attend the Abby’s Closet Prom Dress Giveaway to get a free gown to wear to their prom or senior formal event. 

Complete details about the scholarship are available at, which includes a link to the actual application as well.  The application deadline is February 18, 2013. 

  • Sign up for Spring Term Evening Scholars begins on Monday, January 14. If you need to make up classes, please see your counselor to register for night school. Space is limited.


  • Portland Parks and Recreation is looking to hire people for summer employment.  See Ms. Ryan in the Career Center for more information.


  • The Eagle Program is a paid Internship program.  Only sophomores are eligible to apply for this two year program.  Find applications in the career center.


  • OHSU Cure is an 8-10 week paid internship.  Applications are due April 5, 2013.



See the Career Coordinator for more information on scholarships.

Scholarships due in  February:

· Al Forthan Memorial Recovery Scholarship for 4,000.  Due-2/11

· Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship for 24,000.  Due-2/15

· Confederation of Oregon School Administrators for 1,000. Due- 2/21

· Links Incorporated Academic Scholarship.  Due- 2/22

· Links Incorporated Arts Scholarship.  Due- 2/22

Scholarships due in  March:

· Schweiger Memorial Scholarship Due-3/1

· Young Women in Public Affairs for 1,000.  Due- 3/5

· Albert Lee Wright, Jr.  Memorial Migrant Scholarship for 3,000. Due-3/15

· Jiffy Lube –Teen Driver Scholarship for 2,500.  Due- 3/25

· Future Connect Scholarship  Due- 3/31


All visits will be held in the Counseling Center. You must sign up in the Counseling Center for these visits.

  • If you are planning to go to Portland Community College Next Fall, come and meet PCC’s Representative, Roberto Suarez.  He will go over scholarships, programs, help you plan a day to take the student placement test, and help register for classes.  Thursday February 7, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. in the Career Center.


  • Want to go to a Community College?  Sydney Eustrom will be visiting from Mt. Hood Community College on February 5th at 10: 00.  See you in the Career Center.
  • 2/6  Clackamas Community College               10:00
  • 2/8  Linfield                                                    8:15





Jan 282013

January 28th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Letter from the Principal:

Hello Benson Community:

Last Thursday, I attended a presentation by Sig Unander, Jr. (great grandson of Simon Benson).  It was very interesting and I saw many connections between aspects of Simon Benson’s life and Benson High School.  Simon Benson had a significant impact on the timber industry through innovative inventions and processes to harvest and transport logs.  He was a creative engineer that was not deterred by obstacles or hardships.  After amassing quite a fortune, he became well known in the Portland area as a philanthropist, donating money to causes that helped people better their lives.  He played a significant role in the preservation of the Columbia Gorge, Multnomah Falls and constructed the Columbia Gorge Hotel.  He donated $100,000 to help build Benson Polytechnic High School, which was completed in 1917 to provide opportunities for young men to learn skills that would help them achieve good jobs.  Benson is currently a co-ed high school but we are still carrying on his vision and belief in strong work ethics.  Simon Benson was emigrated here from Norway and arrived in the United States with very little money or resources.  He saw the United States as an opportunity to prosper.  I think he would approve of the diversity at Benson High School and the programs that give students skills that are transferable to the world of work as well as postsecondary education.


Benson High School will be 100 years old in 2017 and I am looking forward to helping to plan a centennial celebration.


I have visited many of the middle and K-8 schools this month as we deliver information about Benson High School to PPS eighth graders.   The enrollment window is one week shorter this year, February 1st thru February 22nd.  If you have an eighth grader who is applying to Benson please be sure to complete the PPS application and Benson application by February 22nd.  You can access the applications on the PPS website and at beginning this Friday.



1st Semester Exams and Grades


This semester we did not incorporate an exam schedule.  Teachers have been giving exams last week and will continue this week.  Check with your student and EdBox about individual classes and exams.  


The first semester ends on Thursday, January 31st and teachers must submit final grades by February 4th


The semester grades are permanent and are recorded on the transcript.  Students who fail a class will have to make up the credit in evening school, summer school or online.  In some cases, teachers will work with students to complete work and will issue a grade change.  This is usually only an option for students who are close to passing.

February 1st Planning Day


Friday, February 1st is a teacher planning day.  There is no school for students.


Partnership with OIT


On Friday, February 1st at 10:00 a.m., I will be signing an agreement with OIT.  As a Benson partner, OIT will work with us to provide opportunities for teachers to collaborate with university professors and students, assist with funding for Benson students to visit the OIT campuses in Klamath Falls and Wilsonville, assist with articulation of  courses with OIT so students can earn college credit and work with us to continue to grow our Career Technical Education programs.  The President of OIT will be there as well as some of our industry partners.  The PTA officers, alumni board, superintendent and school board members have also been invited.


Benson Website

Benson has a website which is maintained by students in the communications major. Students, Jorge Salazar and Derek Wong have recently updated the website.  They have worked hard to add some features and ensure the information is current.  Please visit

Teaching and Learning

Teachers are working on incorporating the new common core standards in lesson and unit planning.  We are using one of the monthly late starts for teachers to examine current lessons and incorporate new standards.  The standards include the expectation that teachers in all content areas incorporate reading and writing strategies in the curriculum.   


Get ready for Benson winter sports season! Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is February 19th at 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom. 


All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.




During future equity sessions, teachers will continue to examine and reflect on the ways grading practices impact students of color and ways we can implement grading practices that are equitable. 

Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.

PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.

Counseling/Career Center News

Career Days

  • National Engineer Week Event for Sophomores and Juniors is Wednesday, February 20th.  Applications are in the Career Center.


  • Western Oregon University Criminal Justice Career Day is March 6th.  Applications are in the Career Center


  • OHSU Annual Multicultural Health Science & Engineering Career Center on February 22nd.  Register at by February 8th.


  • Abby’s Closet, in conjunction with TJ Maxx, is again sponsoring a $1,000.00 scholarship for one well-deserving, college bound girl, graduating in 2013.  All applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5; intend to attend a trade school, community college, university, etc. and plan to attend the Abby’s Closet Prom Dress Giveaway to get a free gown to wear to their prom or senior formal event. 

Complete details about the scholarship are available at, which includes a link to the actual application as well.  The application deadline is February 18, 2013. 

  • Sign up for Spring Term Evening Scholars begins on Monday, January 14. If you need to make up classes, please see your counselor to register for night school. Space is limited.


  • Portland Parks and Recreation is looking to hire people for summer employment.  See Ms. Ryan in the Career Center for more information.


  • The Eagle Program is a paid Internship program.  Only sophomores are eligible to apply for this two year program.  Find applications in the career center.


  • OHSU Cure is an 8-10 week paid internship.  Applications are due April 5, 2013.



See the Career Coordinator for more information on scholarships.

Scholarships due in  February:

· ESA Foundation Scholarship for 500-7,500.  Due-2/1

· PSU Diversity Scholarship  Due- 2/1

· Al Forthan Memorial Recovery Scholarship for 4,000.  Due-2/11

· Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship for 24,000.  Due-2/15

· Confederation of Oregon School Administrators for 1,000. Due- 2/21

· Links Incorporated Academic Scholarship.  Due- 2/22

· Links Incorporated Arts Scholarship.  Due- 2/22

Scholarships due in  March:

· Schweiger Memorial Scholarship Due-3/1

· Young Women in Public Affairs for 1,000.  Due- 3/5

· Albert Lee Wright, Jr.  Memorial Migrant Scholarship for 3,000. Due-3/15

· Jiffy Lube –Teen Driver Scholarship for 2,500.  Due- 3/25

· Future Connect Scholarship  Due- 3/31


All visits will be held in the Counseling Center. You must sign up in the Counseling Center for these visits.

  • If you are planning to go to Portland Community College Next Fall, come and meet PCC’s Representative, Roberto Suarez.  He will go over scholarships, programs, help you plan a day to take the student placement test, and help register for classes.  Thursday February 7, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. in the Career Center.


  • Want to go to a Community College?  Sydney Eustrom will be visiting from Mt. Hood Community College on February 5th at 10: 00.  See you in the Career Center.


  • 2/6  Clackamas Community College               10:00
  • 2/8  Linfield                                                    8:15





Jan 142013

January 14th, 2013

Benson Polytechnic High School

Parent Newsletter

Letter from the Principal:

Hello Benson Community:

I would like to remind you that we have a PTSA meeting this week:  Tuesday @ 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom.  Parents, staff, community members and students are invited to attend.  If you are interested in organizing a booster club I encourage you to come to the PTSA meeting as we are discussing the possibility of having a booster club as a subcommittee of the PTSA.

Our monthly late starts are this week:  Wednesday, January 16 and Thursday, January 17.  Classes start at 10:15 both days.  Students can meet with teachers during our advisory time on Thursday 9:15-10:00 a.m.  This is a good time for students to get individual help and/or check on work that needs to be completed before the end of the semester.

Monday, January 21st is a holiday and schools are closed in honor of Dr.  Martin Luther King. 


Bilingual Community Agent Hired

We have hired a community agent who is a native Spanish speaker.  Her name is Norma Hendershott and she will be located in the main office at Benson.  She is here from approximately 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday.  She is also available at other times by arrangement if families need translation for meetings.  Ms.  Hendershott will be able to assist our Spanish speaking students and families as well as help with translation of documents.  We welcome her to the Benson community.  Her number is 503-916-5100  ext. 77103.   

Benson Website

Benson has a website which is maintained by students in the communications major. Students, Jorge Salazar and Derek Wong have recently updated the website.  They have worked hard to add some features and ensure the information is current.  Please visit

Teaching and Learning

Most states across the nation will be transitioning from current state standards and testing to Common Core Standards and a testing program called Smarter Balance.  The standards, which Oregon adopted in 2010, are informed by national and international research including the study of standards adopted in countries such as Singapore, Denmark and Finland known for their high-performing schools. States are now implementing the standards so that students can move anywhere in Oregon or in the country and expect the same content, rigor and preparation.

Portland Public Schools began phasing in the new standards in 2011-12. The transition will continue through 2014-15. Families will increasingly notice significant changes in what students are taught and the expectations for mastery.

Tutoring Available

We have a tutor available Monday thru Thursday from 1:45-3:15 in the library classroom. 


The volunteer tutor is a biochemist and is able to help students with the following subjects:  chemistry, biology, anatomy, physics, geometry, algebra 1-2, algebra 3-4, pre-calculus and language arts.



Get ready for Benson winter sports season! Go to to order your Season 2013 Spirit Scarfs and Seat Cushions – order on line or get them at the games!

You will also find the PTSA meetings information, minutes, agenda and general good news about Benson.

Next PTSA meeting is January 15th at 7:00 p.m. in the library classroom. 


All students can get breakfast free of charge.  Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:30.  Those students who have late arrival can get breakfast in the cafeteria from 9:30-9:45.

Free and reduced lunch applications have to be filled out every year.   The forms are available in the main office.


Our next equity workshop will include another racial autobiography and an examination of grade data.  We use the latest grade reports and disaggregate the data by race.

Here is the website for the Pacific Education Group.

PEG provides equity training for all PPS staff.

Counseling/Career Center News

Scholarships due in January and February  

· Sae Engineering Scholarship for up to 10,000, or full tuition . Due– 1/15

· Dell Scholarship Due-1/16

· Gates Millennium Scholars Due-1/16

· ESA Foundation Scholarship for 500-7,500 Due- 2/1

College Visits (located in the Career Center)

Career Information (located in the career center)


See Miranda Ryan in the Career Center for more information.



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