Jun 052022

BHS Parents/Guardians,

Here is the final newsletter of the school year.  The Parent/Guardian newsletter will be resuming in late August.
C. Wilson
May 302022

Please click on the links below to access this week’s newsletter.


Principal Wilson


Parent Guardian Newsletter May 31st 2022.pdf

BPHSAA_AlumniText_May2022.pdf (Benson Tech Alumni Newsletter)

Benson Tech Enterprises Merchandise (1) (1) (1).docx

0494_001-2.pdf (Seniors Joining the Benson Tech Alumni Association for Free)

6BEE1658-567D-4061-A346-B9D862750B02.jpg (Escalera Students Photo at Portland State)

B4BAF024-4718-410F-B961-D6975402D0BD.jpg (Escalera Students Photo at Portland State)

PXL_20220527_171144040.PORTRAIT.jpg (Escalera Students Photo at Simon Benson Exhibit House)

Free Internet for Qulaified Households.docx

TutoringSchedule_Master (3) (1) (1).docx

Apr 242022


Please click on the links below to access this week’s newsletter.


Principal Wilson

Parent Guardian Newsletter April 25th 2022

SENIOR Awards Assembly (2)

TutoringSchedule_Master (1)

Benson C G delivery 2022 (1) (2)

April flier- Free Urgen Dental Clinics (1) (1) (1)

2022 Resource Fair- English (2) (1)

2022 Resource Fair- Spanish

2022 Resource Fair- Vietnamese

2022 Resource Fair- Russian

2022 Resource Fair- Somali



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